» five • ian «

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I walk into algebra and sit in my usual spot, one back and two to the left of Mickey. Was I thinking about yesterday? Yeah! It's been on my mind since the moment his erection brushed up against mine.
"Good morning, class! Ready for your quiz?"
The class groans and I look over at Mickey to find that he's spacing out. I chuckle to myself and look back up at the teacher as he began to call out names.
"I'll begin naming the groups of partners who will pair up for the test. Send one partner to get the quiz for the both of you. Amanda and John, Robert and Kyle, Paulina and Rose, Kristy and Gale,"
I'm getting nervous because neither Mickey or I have been called...
"Ian and Mickey,"
Shit... I jinxed it..
I gulp and get up to get the two sheets from Mr. McCormick. I then go back to my seat. I'm sweating like crazy as I wait for Mickey to respond or something. He was looking back at me now with his eyebrow raised.
"Mickey, can you please go sit next to Ian to take the quiz?" I hear the teacher say.
Mickey is glaring at him with his arms crossed.
I clear my throat, "I'll move, sir..."
I pack my bag, leaving a pencil and calculator out, before coming up to where Mickey sat.
"Move the desk to get closer to me, I'll knock your teeth out..." He threatens.
I just smile simply and sit down in the desk next to him. I leave it at the distance it's already at. I give him the test before looking down at my copy to see what problems are on here.
"Hey, to be fuckin' honest with you,"
I look up instantly into Mickey's eyes. Is he going to admit something? Is he going to tell me that he's secretly gay? It's fine if he's going to be closeted to the rest of the world...
He gives me a weird look before finishing his sentence,
"I don't know shit about this quiz..."
My face fell. I'm slightly disappointed. Should I really have expected him to say that?
"It's fine... Just copy down what I write."
He nods and watches as I begin to solve the problem.
x^2 - 11x + 30
I stick my tongue out as I concentrate on the problem more...
Multiples of thirty are one and thirty, two and fifteen, three and ten... None of these would add up to negative eleve-
Negative five and negative six!
I'm about to write that down when a sudden loud snapping sound is made. I jump slightly and look over at Mickey to see that he broke his pencil. With one hand... God damn, I find that hot...
"Shit..." He swears under his breath and drops the broken pencil. His swearing turns me on even more... I bite my lip and cross my legs.
He turns to me, "You have a pencil I can borrow?"
"Uh... Yeah, sure..." I uncross my legs so I can bend down to get my pencil bag. I hope he doesn't notice the fact that I have an aching erection growing. I soon come back up with a pencil for him to use,
Wait... What is he looking at? I see that his eyes quickly dart up to the pencil then to my eyes. I give him a weird look. Was he staring at my crotch?
"What?" He asks as he grabs the pencil.
I smirk slightly. I'm going to test him... I slowly spread my legs, my right leg relaxing and my left leg still bent, and lean back in my seat. As I do this I notice that he's raising an eyebrow and biting his lip... He has to be gay. My eyes flicker towards his crotch, and I notice a small bulge. I lick my lips.
He couldn't have a boner... Can he?
I decide to "drop" my pencil so I can get a better look. I lean down to get my pencil and see the bulge that confirms my suspicions. I'm close enough to Mickey to where I can smell the saltiness of his sweat with a hint of cheap cologne... I actually kind of like it...
My smirk deepens as I come back up. I bite my lip. I hear Mickey's breathing quicken and look up to see his blue eyes staring back at me. My eyes flicker towards his crotch, but he sits up abruptly,
"The fuck was that look for?!" He says aloud.
I feel the class' eyes look at us and I'm blushing crazy. I clear my throat,
"Uh... Nothing... I was just.. It's nothing..." I cross my legs again and go back to working on the quiz.

The rest of the quiz felt awkward as fuck. I uncrossed my legs eventually cause I was more embarrassed than turned on after that point.
I set my pencil down and wait for Mickey to finish copying my work down. He soon hands me his paper to turn in. Our hands touch slightly before I pull mine away to go up to Mr. McCormick.
"Here you go, sir.."
He looks up from the papers he's currently grading,
"You two finished your quiz?"
I nod as the bell rings. I set the papers down on his desk and try to get back to my desk so I can pack up.
Mickey flicks the pencil he borrowed at me,
"Thanks for letting me borrow and copy, pervert."
I flinch as the pencil hits my chest and falls to the ground. I watch as Mickey sniggers and leaves the classroom. A sigh escapes from my nose as I sling my backpack over my right shoulder and hurry out to get to my next class, Biology.
I sit at my stool as the last period plays in the back of my head. I'm still confused honestly. He had a boner! I saw it with my own eyes!
"Hey, you're Ian Gallagher, right?"
I look up to find Mandy Milkovich on the other side of the table, leaning against it to try to show off her cleavage. Funny thing is, whatever she's trying to ask me, whether it's to make a quickie with her in the girls bathroom or something, it ain't gonna happen.
I nod, "Yeah, why?"
She leans in closer. God, I hope this isn't what I th-
"I've heard you have a problem with my brother, Mickey.."
I furrow my eyebrows and open my mouth to reply, but she cuts me off,
"If I were you, I wouldn't mess with him..."
"What do you mean? I wasn't trying to mess with him."
She scoffs, "He seemed off yesterday, told me it was about you."
I bite my lip. Did he tell her? Does she know?
"What happened yesterday? Why was he upset when he came home?"
The thing about Mandy Milkovich is if she wants something, whether it's an answer or something in her favour, she knows how to get it. No matter how hard the person tried, she always gets them to crack.
"Come on, you can tell me. Mickey was vague about it."
She makes me want to tell her how gay her brother is. I don't have a right to... Do I? Though, it does seem like it would be nice to let someone in on a secret, right?
"Please, Ian?" She whines.
I sigh, "Fine... Don't tell anyone though."
She smiles and pulls a stool over to sit on, "I wouldn't tell a soul."
I bite my lip and look around just in case someone is listening in, but everyone is minding their own business at the moment. I lean in against the counter, and Mandy does the same,
"I think your brother is gay..."
Her mouth hangs open as she stares at me in disbelief, "No fucking way! How?!"
I look around, "Fuck, Mandy, lower your voice..." I sigh before leaning in closer, "Can you keep another secret?"
She nods eagerly.
My eyes look back and forth between her own, deciding whether or not I should come out and say it...
"I'm gay.." I breathe out.
Mandy appears to be shocked as she sits back down in her seat, "Y-You're gay?!" She whisper shouts.
My face heats up because I'm afraid that someone could have over heard, "Keep your voice down!" I remind her once more.
She giggles and leans in again, "Sorry! It's just... How?! You're so..." She quickly checks me out, "...Hot...."
I look at her dully, "Just because I'm hot, doesn't mean I'm straight. Gay guys are hot too, okay?"
She chews the inside of her cheek, "So how is Mickey gay?"
I open my mouth to respond.
"Ian, Mandy? Are you two working together for the lab?"
Our teacher, Mrs. Olsen, is standing at our station with the packet that has the details for this lab we're doing.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, we're working together."
She raises her eyebrows and gives us two packets before moving on to the next group of partners.
After she leaves, Mandy looks back at me, waiting for me to answer. I take a deep breath and lean in again,
"Yesterday after gym, he slammed me against the lockers and when he got closer, he had an erection..."
Her eyes widen and she begins to laugh, "Wh-What happened next?"
My cheeks turn red, "He was confused about it and ran off."
She laughs again, "Oh my god! I thought he was only gay in the slammer!"
The redness turns bright and spreads even more as my eyes grow wide, "Wait what?!"
"Yeah! He made people his bitch!"
I laugh out of shock and sit up in my seat with my hands on the surface of the counter, "Holy shit... I never knew that..."
Mandy finally collects herself from her laughter and sighs, "Yeah..." She bites her lip and fiddles with her paper, "Anything else happen to prove further more that he's gay?"
I bite my lips and drum my fingers as I lean back before leaning forward against the table, "Yeah, a weird thing happened in Algebra."
She raises an eyebrow, "What happened in Algebra? Did you two get assigned as partners for the quiz? Cause my teacher did that too."
I nod, "Yeah. While we- Well, while I was taking the test,"
She snorts, "Yeah, sorry you had to get my half-wit brother as a partner."
I chuckle before continuing, "Yeah... But yeah, while I was taking the test, he broke his pencil for some reason and it kind of turned me on..."
"Especially how he swore under his breath..." I bite my lip thinking about how he swore, "Anyways, he asked me for a pencil so I went to get a pencil. The thing is, I had a boner."
She raises her eyebrows in amusement.
"Yeah. So I go to hand him the pencil and what is he staring at? My crotch."
She's covering her mouth to hold in her laughter, but now she's laughing out loud,
"Holy fuck... Was he biting his lip and shit?!"
I chuckle and nod slowly.
"Oh. My. God!!! He's fucking gay!" She bursts out laughing again. I laugh with her,
"He was staring too!"
"At your boner?!"
"Yeah! He had one too!"
Her eyes are so wide they look like they're gonna pop out of her head.
"Oh my fucking god!"
We begin to calm down again and I'll admit, Mandy Milkovich is actually a cool person to talk to. It feels nice sharing this secret about Mickey with her.
"Alright, alright. This may be a dumbass question but, do you like him?" She asks, her voice lowered again.
I scoff, "What do you think?"
She looks up in thought, "I'm guessing... You want to fuck him."
My mouth hangs open. I can't believe she said that. I don't know how to respond.
She gasps and mouths, "You want to fuck him?!"
My face is turning red again, "I-I don't know!"
She cackles now and covers her mouth even though it doesn't do anything.
"You... You want to fuck my brother!" She says as quietly as possible.
"Please don't tell him!" I beg.
"I won't, I won't. Your secret is safe with me."
I sigh and roll my eyes, "Alright. Let's start this lab..."

((UNDER CONSTRUCTION)) Freshman Year (Gallavich fanfic/kinda AU)Where stories live. Discover now