» nine • ian «

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"So you kept getting close on purpose?" Mandy asks, interested in the topic of her brother being a repressed homosexual.
"Yeah, and I swear I felt sexual tension with him..."
I grin and bite my lip, "Yeah... Oh! And we're sitting together during lunch!"
She laughs, "That's good! Let me know if he does anything gay." She winks.
I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah... It's just that... I don't even know if he's gay, Mands... Or if he's even into me.."
We copy down the next set of notes that the teacher shows us on the smart board.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you."
I raise an eyebrow, "Tell me what?"
"A few days ago he told me that he wasn't sure if he's gay."
"Mhm.. I don't buy it though."
I think about Sunday and frown slightly. I remember the look in his eyes: wanting yet hesitant...
"What's wrong?"
I look at Mandy again, "Nothing.."
"You sure it's nothing?"
I nod and keep jotting notes down. My mind goes back to Mickey and his mixed signals once I've caught up.
"You know? With all these mixed signals..."
"What?" Mandy looks over at me with a confused expression on her face. I look back at her,
"How can I not flirt with him?"
She smirks and sits back a bit to look at me better, "So it was something..."
"Yeah. Come on, Mandy. This is your brother! I need help.."
She chuckles softly, "Fuck, Ian... You falling in love?" She asks in a sing song voice.
My cheeks burn red and I set my pencil down, "Shut. Up!" I say through gritted teeth.
"Awe, lil Ian's in love!"
I shake my head in amusement and let out a chuckle. Mandy laughs as well.
"Mandy, please, I need advice!"
She collects herself finally and sighs, "Alright, alright..." She's now thinking, tapping her pencil on the table as she does so.
"How about... You try to just be friends with him?"
"Really, Mandy?! That's what I'm trying right now!"
"I know, but try harder on the friends part. Don't think of him as your boyfriend yet."
I pout slightly. Maybe she's right..
"Okay, yeah, I'll try it I guess..."
She smiles and we go back to writing down our notes.

The bell rings and I wait for Mandy to pack up her stuff.
"Oh, I almost forgot, Mickey told me to ask you if you need him to walk with you again today."
She slings her bag over her shoulder and we make our way out of the classroom, "Yeah, I do."
I nod and we walk towards the lockers since I have to get my lunch.
"Would you like to walk home with us? You can tell Mickey about it during lunch."
I open my locker and turn to her, "Really? You think I could?"
She shrugs, "I don't see why not..."
"Hmm..." I grab the brown sack Fiona prepared for me, "Alright, I'll talk to him about it."
"Yay! Okay, your hot date's comin'.." She smirks and closes my locker for me before walking off. I look in the direction she's walking to find Mickey coming my way. My face flushes, but then I remember: Only friends...
"Aye, is it cool if we stop by the lunch line? Got some money from this wank..." Mickey says as we begin to walk to the cafeteria.
"Yeah, I don't mind."
I look over at Mickey as we walk, tempted to bite my lip, but I remind myself: Only friends...
I shrug and face forward, "Nothing, I was about to ask if it's cool that I walk with you and Mandy today."
"Oh... Uh... I don't see why not.."
I mentally cheer as we walk into the lunch line.
"Alright, Imma get some bosco stick or somethin'."
I nod and follow Mickey to where they handed out the cheese sticks.
"Excuse me, sir? Can you get some fruit or vegetables?" A lunch lady asks him. He turns to face her,
"The fuck you say to me?"
"I want you to get something healthy, get this banana." She offers the yellow fruit.
"Uh, no.."
"You can't buy your food if you don't take it."
"Bitch, what the fuck?! I said no!"
My eyes widen as I see the scene unraveling before me, "He'll take the banana, I'm sorry..."
He shoots me a glare before looking back at the pissed off lunch lady, snatching the banana from her hand,
"Fine... Fuck..."
I sigh in relief and we go up to one of the registers.
"Next time, Gallagher, keep your mouth shut..." He grumbles before handing the money to the cafeteria worker.
"Okay, I'm sorry..."
We walk out to the seating area and went up to a table where his Russian and Ukrainian thugs were.
"Who the fuck is this?" Ryker, the guy from gym class, asks.
"Ian Gallagher, he's in our last period." Mickey answers.
"Ah, I see.."
The guys at the table eye me weirdly. Yes, I know, I stand out. Maybe sitting with Mickey isn't a great idea...
"Fucked Angie this weekend." Some guy with blond hair and blue eyes announces.
Mickey scoffs, "Haven't fucked her in a while.."
A wave of sadness washes over me. I knew it, he has to be straight...
"You fag, why haven't ya?"
I look over at this other guy who has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He called Mickey a fag?
"I dunno... Don't really feel like it." Mickey then looks over at me as he begins to peel the banana, "You ever fuck Angie before?"
"Me?" I raise an eyebrow as I open my brown bag to pull out my ham sandwich.
"Yeah you, who the fuck you think I'm talkin' to?" He chuckles.
"No.. I don't even know who Angie is.."
The table bursts out laughing.
"Where'd you find this dude, Mick?!"
"He gay or something?"
I keep my eyes on Mickey as... His lips are wrapping themselves around the tip of the banana... I focus on his mouth and watch as a slight bulge appears on the side of his cheek. It's the chewed up banana, I know, but at the moment it's looking like something else too.
"-huh, Ian?" That same mouth asks .
I snap out of whatever I'm in and my eyes meet his, "What?"
"I said, ain't you tryin' to get with my sister?"
I bite my lip and nod, "Yeah.." That's a lie. I'm trying to get with you... I watch another bulge come to his cheek as he now laughs,
"Ah, man, you're goofy..." Mickey goes back to conversing with his friends while I'm beginning to feel a bulge of my own being made...
Eventually, Mickey finishes his banana and is now eating the bosco stick... This is way worse than a banana. Awe, Mick, what the hell are you doing to me?
"-Oh! Ian kicked Mandy's ass in Mortal Kombat!" I soon hear him say. He kicks me under the table, "But then I beat you when you went against me."
I chuckle nervously and nod, "Yeah, you play well."
I now watch as he set down his bosco stick. He has cheese on his fingers... Please don't lick it, please don't lick it....
He's licking it off his fingers. Slowly... Why is he sucking it off like it's...
"Jesus fucking Christ..." I mutter under my breath and stand up, trying to hide my erection. I can't take the "only friends" shit no more...
"I'm gonna use the bathroom." I announce before turning to leave.
"Alright..?" I hear Mickey say before scoffing in amusement.
Awe, come on, Ian... Why did you-
Never mind. I need to get to the bathroom, I can't keep this boner and not do anything to it...
Once I get there, I hide out in one of the stalls and lock it as fast as possible before undoing my pants quickly and pulling them down. I hesitantly spit in my hand and begin to jerk off...
Fuck, Ian... Why are you so fucking weird?
I furrow my eyebrows and close my eyes. My mind can't stop thinking about Mickey. His food choices today were fucking terrible... How he ate the banana made me wish... Fuck, no, Ian... But then again... Does he even know what he did to me when he wrapped those full, chapped lips around the tip? He's so unaware... My eyes squeeze shut as I have my free hand rest against the wall. My fingers grip the tile and I lean closer to the wall to support my weight. My forearm is against the wall now. Fuck... I can already imagine Mickey kneeling in front of me.... I want him so badly.... I want to see those baby blue eyes look up at me as he wipes his lip when we finish... My breathing becomes heavier.. I think about how the cheese on his fingers was cleaned off by which I'm guessing to be a very skilled tongue...
Ah yes... I can already imagine him calling my name when I finally get to fuck him... I let a small moan escape my slightly parted lips as I hear it again...
I feel my abdomen churn. I'm close...
Suddenly, I hear banging on the door and quickly remove my hand. I groan because I just gave myself blue balls.
"Yo, the fuck's goin' on, Gallagher?!"
Fucking shit...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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((UNDER CONSTRUCTION)) Freshman Year (Gallavich fanfic/kinda AU)Where stories live. Discover now