» two | mickey «

745 15 1

Ian fucking Gallagher is always staring at me... Like, the fuck? Do I have something on my face? You gay or something? I clench my jaw every time I feel his lil beady eyes on me. Fuckin' hate it. Makes me feel so uncomfortable.
"Mickey!" I hear my dad yell.
"What?!" I call out from my room.
Shit. I think I forgot to go get his six pack from that crappy convenience store Kash and Grab...
I go to the kitchen where he's bent over in front of the fridge. Yep. I forgot his beer.
"The fuck is my beer, son?!" He turns to me. I bite my lip and sigh,
"Sorry, I'll go get it.."
He stares at me in disappointment and goes over to the counter to get a cloth bag. He tosses it over to me,
"While you're at it, bring in your income to the family, yeah?"
I shake my head in annoyance and go over to one of the dressers in the living room to pull out a glock. I leave the house and make my way to the store. My thoughts are running wild like they usually do.
If Ian Gallagher looks at me ever again, I'll kill him..
Not worth going to juvie for...
But I will have a talk with him.. Tell him to stop staring at me like I'm a piece of meat... He can have my ass in juvie for all I care...
Wait.. What?... No.. Never mind... If he doesn't get it, I'll knock him out. There. Easy.
Now... That one girl Susanne.. Fuck. She had an old lady's name, but she was hot...
Wait. Is this mother fucker looking at me?!
Yeah... That's right, look away, you asswipe....
Nosy ass people...
I walk in silence for a moment with the comment of that punk ass bitch ringing in my head. I scoff to myself and my thoughts.
While I wait for the train, someone walks past me and bumps into me. He didn't even apologise, too busy on his god damn phone...
Fuck you too, bozo....
Stupid ass people I swear...
Some people be smug, thinking they're the shit...
Well guess what, princess.. You ain't anything but a piece of shit....
I laugh at that last thought and get off the train to get to the next train line that would take me to Kash and Grab.
I'm finally walking alone. If there's anyone else out here while I'm, I'm probably not paying attention anymore. I'm done with this bullshit world. Gets me pissed the fuck off.
Just like how Ian pissed me off.... I know that bitch was staring at me during gym today...
I should've decked him right there... I already have detention for a week.. Why not add another?
I shake my thoughts away as I make my way up to the store. I place my hand on my gun and pull it out as I walk in. I aim it at the owner, Kash. He's a coward so he's not gonna do shit to stop me.
He looks at me in slight panic and I look over at the person he was talking to, Ian....
I sneer, "Get out your money and put it in this bag," I toss the sack over to him and he quickly began to open the cash register. I look back at Ian who was getting his phone out. My glock is now pointing at him,
"Call the fuckin' cops and I'll shoot ya..."
He put his phone back.
As Kash stuffs my bag with the money he has, I grab an empty box and put some items in like beef jerky, Pringles, dip, Snickers bars, etc. I then go over to the liquor section and get my dad's six pack. Going back to the counter to get my money, I see the fear in the man's eyes, but Ian looks at me in bewilderment.
I snatch the bag and place it in the box while my other hand holds the handle of the six pack and the gun still.
"You're gonna get caught one day..."
I stop at the door. The redhead freak finally decides to dare speak to me... I turn to face him,
"The fuck you say to me?"
He gulps, his eyes wide still. He stays silent.
"Yeah.. That's what I thought..." I back up towards the door again and push it open with my back, "Cya in algebra, smartass..." With that I leave the crappy store and head back home.

"What took you long, huh? You didn't fucking pay for that shit did you?"
I raise my eyebrows and scoff, "Fuck no! When have I ever payed that bitch, dad?" I hand him a beer and get one for myself. We open them at the same time and take a swig.
"Just making sure you're still my son." He chuckles and takes another swig. He leans forward on the couch and props himself up by putting his elbows on his knees, "How much money did you get?"
My eyes avert towards the bag and I reach over to the coffee table to grab it. I look inside,
"Looks like he hasn't been getting much business... Maybe like a hundred or two..."
He turns the TV on, "Count it."
I sigh and set my beer down on the table to begin counting the money. I set it aside when it hit twenty.
"Two hundred and fifty-four."
"That's barely shit... Should've made him empty his wallet. Put it in the emergency stash..." He points at the old coffee ground jar that sat on a side table.
"I don't get any of it?"
"Fuck no. You got yourself some snacks right? Isn't that enough for your cut?"
I bite my lips and an irritated sigh is exhaled from my nose.
"And plus, you're drinking one of my beers! Now go on and put the damn money in the stash! For fucks sake Mikhalio..." When my dad uses my actual name and not Mickey, you wouldn't want to fuck with him.
I stand up with the money and go to the jar to put it in there.
"I better count two hundred fifty-four more dollars when I check that thing later on." He may not seem like it, but that man is good at keeping track of money.
I roll my eyes and grab my box along with my beer, "I didn't take any, fuck..." I go to my room and close the door behind me. I now sit on my bed with my stolen food and finish the rest of my beer. I then crush the empty can and toss it to the floor. I wipe my mouth and look through my box to remind myself what I got. Beef jerky, Pringles, dip, six Snickers bars, a bag of Ruffles sour cream and cheese chips, and two cans of Red Bull. Alright, I guess I don't have to worry about using the money I get from the kids at school for lunch tomorrow. Maybe save that for a new gun... Or a new magazine. Lost my extra during a robbery I had with my brothers. Wasn't my fault though, I dropped it when my dip shit brother Iggy shot someone on accident. Had a round of bullets in it too... Fuck. Oh well, that was two weeks ago anyways...
I stuff some Pringles in my mouth as I lean back against the wall. I soon remember how Ian chose to be smart with me... Oh, I'll show him when to be smart. Smart to stay the fuck out of my way and not stare at me tomorrow at school...

((UNDER CONSTRUCTION)) Freshman Year (Gallavich fanfic/kinda AU)Where stories live. Discover now