April Glory

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At last, blue skies, an April glory day;the crowding suns of dandelions raceto metamorphosis; the first globes swayreluctant breezes, voyagers in place

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At last, blue skies, an April glory day;
the crowding suns of dandelions race
to metamorphosis; the first globes sway
reluctant breezes, voyagers in place.

Now pears are swellings on the flower stem,
tan sepals left; white petals fell from show,
scattered on the green goose-grass below.
Bumps, stamen-crowned - we thank the bees for them.

Cream apple-blossom takes a stately time;
though May will whiten may and June will bloom
sweet privet and the elder flower too soon,
of all in garden apple is the prime.

And blackbird sings, just-so, of everything:
bright summer from his brighter mind must spring. ;)

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'May' is another name for the hawthorn flower - because it flowers in May prolifically,  I presume.

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