Chapter 2: The New World

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     The hobbits stood together under the trees and blinked in confusion. What just happened? Frodo wondered. "We're not in Bag-End anymore, Mr. Frodo." Sam said, surveying the landscape. "Indeed," said Frodo. "I don't think we're even in the Shire anymore." "How do you suppose we got here?" Asked Merry. Everyone looked at each other, each thinking the same thing, but none wanting to voice their thoughts. "Perhaps it was the storm." Pippin said at last, breaking the silence. "Perhaps." Said Frodo quietly. "How are we going to get home?" Sam asked, trying to remain calm. "I've got Rosie and little Elanor to think about. I can't just leave them." Sam's eyes began to well up with tears of worry. Frodo put a comforting hand on Sam's shoulder and said, "I know we'll get back home some how. We just have to stay together. I think the best thing to do is to try to find someone to direct us."
     Everyone agreed on this idea and wandered out from under the small cluster of trees. Sam dried his tears and crept out behind the others. When they had walked only a few paces, they realised they were in a sort of park. Even though it was a fine day, hardly anyone was about, and the people who were around wore strange clothes and stared at small, rectangular devises, some were making strange sounds. The person nearest to them, a pudgy man in a bright red shirt and matching shorts, looked up from his strange devise and stared at them a while before jogging up to them, a large grin on his scruffy face. "Dudes! You guys have the best cosplay costumes I've ever seen! Lemme guess... You're Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin from the Lord of the Rings trilogy." He said, pointing to each one as he said their names.
     The hobbits stared at this strange man, and his even stranger way of speaking, before erupting in grins. "Our fame goes before us, I see." Said Pippin proudly. "Can you help us?" Frodo asked. "You see, we're quite lost." Merry added. The man looked at them for a while, before saying, "Dudes, if you're looking for the comicon building, I don't think its even in this town. By the way, I don't think there's even a comicon going on at all. Anywhere. But can I take a selfie with you? Your costumes are so authentic and you guys look like the actual characters! You're even the same height as actual hobbits!" As he said this last part, he began fiddling with the devise in his hands.
     Before the hobbits even knew what was going on, the man leaned towards them, held out his devise, and they were all suddenly blinded by a bright flash. They rubbed their eyes but the man looked at his strange, flat box and smiled. "Thanks guys! This picture is awesome! I'm going to get, like, so many likes on Instagram with this. Great acting by the way!" With that, the man dashed off with a wave directed towards the hobbits. "Well, that was odd and no mistake." Said Sam, staring after the man, who was looking at the thing in his hands while he ran. "What do you suppose he meant by 'cosplay' and 'comicon?'" Asked Pippin. "And isn't it strange that he referred to our clothes as costumes?" Said Merry. "I should have thought his was a costume, it was so ridiculous!" He added indignantly. "I wonder what that brick-like thing he held was." Frodo said quietly, almost to himself.
     "Whatever it was, Mr. Frodo, it's left me seeing stars." Sam said, still rubbing his eyes. "What shall we do now?" Asked Merry. "Find some food, I hope." Mumbled Pippin, clutching at his stomach. "I suppose we should. Has anyone got some coin about them?" Frodo said, looking around at each of the others. "I've got some, its not much, I thought we could go to the Green Dragon for supper and get some of that good ale they have there." Said Pippin, holding up a small pouch that he had dug out of his pocket. "Of course you would, Pip." Merry said with a smirk.
     "Alright," Frodo said, determinedly. "Only a small bag of gold to feed four hungry hobbits. I'm sure we can make it work some how." They all gazed around, suddenly unsure where to go. "Even if this some how does pay for us all, how are we going to find a tavern to get decent victuals?" Asked Pippin. The thought had been on all their minds but Pippin was the first to voice it. "I suppose we just keep walking until we get to someone who knows where a good tavern is." Said Merry. "And even then, we'll have to go without beer." Voiced Sam. "Follow me." Said Frodo, tramping forward a little uncertainly. They followed him for a few minutes before they reached what appeared to be a road made of black stone that had no crack or fissure to be seen. Little white lines marked the road in the middle and strange horseless carriages were buisily dashing to and fro.
     "What strange magic is this?" Asked Sam, staring, amazed at these strange, brightly colored machines that sped down the road with nothing to pull them. "Those are cars." They heard a voice behind them say. They turned to see a woman in a flowered dress, holding a brown leather purse, standing a little ways behind them. She was pretty, had long auburn hair, and smiled sweetly. Her hazel eyes sparkled. Her skin was fair, her cheeks were rosy, and she had delicate freckles on her small nose. "Where are your parents, little children?" She asked. "We don't know. We're lost, you see." Pippin said. "They're probably somewhere back in the Shire. At least, I should hope so. It wouldn't do to have my gaffer in a similar sort of pickle." Sam said.
     "Well, I will help you find your parents. Where is the Shire? I've never heard of it before." The woman said sweetly. The hobbits just glanced at each other, then shrugged, turning back towards the woman. The woman looked worried for a second but quickly concealed the expression. "My name is Danielle, what are you're names?" "I'm Merry, and this is Frodo, Sam, and Pippin." Merry said, gesturing to each one of them as he said their names. The woman blinked at them, wondering at the strange names. "What funny names for children." She muttered under her breath, not unkindly. The hobbits took no notice. "What is your parent's phone number?" Danielle asked, trying to remain hopeful. "What's a 'phone number?'" The hobbits asked together. Frodo could see that Danielle was getting anxious.
     "Parent's names?" She asked, shrugging, trying to maintain her smile. The hobbits each named their parents in turn, hoping that they were being helpful to this kind woman. Danielle looked perplexed for a moment. "I've never heard those names before." She said. "Are you American citizens?" She asked. The hobbits shook their heads. "What is America?" They asked. "We come from the Shire. In Middle-Earth." Pippin said. Danielle squinted her eyes and pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. "We're in America. In San Diego, in California to be exact. Tell you what," she said. "I'll take you home and you can stay with me until we find your parents. I'm sure my husband won't mind." "Do you have any food? We're quite hungry. Being lost sure works up one's appetite, you know." Said Pippin hopefully. "You're hungry? Well, we can stop by a resturaunt on the way to my apartment. What's your favorite place to go out to eat?" Danielle said as she led them towards a large space, paved with that same black stone. "The Green Dragon, if you don't mind, ma'am." Merry said politely. "I'm sorry, but there's no 'Green Dragon' resturaunt in San Diego that I know of." She said, walking up to a forest green car.
     Danielle pulled something out of her purse, and pressed it with her thumb. Immediately, the car flashed and made a loud sound that that caused the hobbits to jump. "What was that?!" Asked Frodo, startled, clutching at his chest and breathing hard. He felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest. "I'm sorry, I forgot you don't know what cars are. It honks whenever I unlock the doors by pushing this button on the key." She said, bending down to show them the key. She opened one of the doors in the back and helped the hobbits in, buckling them safely in the back seat. "There you go." She said, closing the door and walking towards the front of the car, where she opened another door and slid in, closing the door behind her with a slam. She buckled herself in and inserted the key in the key hole, starting the car to life. "I hope McDonald's will do for you?" She asked, maneuvering the car out of the large space and onto the road. "As long as it has good food." Pippin shrugged.


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