Chapter 5: New Experiences

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     Sam awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking on the stove. He looked around, confused, then, suddenly, the events of the previous day came flooding back to him in an overwhelming rush. Without knowing it, he let out a small whimper. Frodo, beside him, stirred and passed a hand over his face sleepily. Frodo opened his eyes and noticed the glum look on Sam's face. "What's wrong, Sam?" He asked. "I just miss Rosie and Elanor, is all." Sam replied.
     Frodo wanted to find words to comfort his best friend, but he didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell Sam that everything would be alright and that they would soon be home, but he didn't know that. At this point, no one knew what was going to happen. He put a comforting hand on Sam's shoulder and said nothing, hoping Sam would feel better soon. He looked out the window, it was a glorious Saturday, nonetheless. "Breakfast is ready." They heard Jim say from somewhere in the kitchen. Merry and Pippin nearly flew into the sky when they heard the word 'breakfast.'
     "Smells delicious!" Pippin exclaimed as he wrestled with Merry, trying to be the first one off the couch and into the kitchen. Frodo laughed at their antics, finding it rather comforting and familiar in such an unfamiliar place. Sam and Frodo watched as Merry and Pippin tumbled over each other to get to the kitchen, then followed, much more slowly than the younger hobbits. "Good morning!" Danielle said once they were all in the dining room. They could see her in the kitchen, preparing a jug of coffee in a sophisticated looking machine. She was wearing another dress, but this one was yellow as sunshine.
     "Good morning!" Merry and Pippin said loudly, drowning out Frodo and Sam's greeting. "I hope you guys like bacon and eggs." Jim said, standing over a sizzling pan on the stove. Jim's hair seemed even more shaggy than last night. "Eggs and bacon is my favorite breakfast!" Merry exclaimed, shoving Pippin playfully. "I love mushrooms in my eggs! Does it have mushrooms in it?" Asked Pippin, quickly recovering from the shove, and giving Merry a shove of his own. Danielle giggled at their energetic antics. "Sorry guys, we didn't know you liked mushrooms. We'll make mushroom eggs tomorrow, I promise." Danielle said, getting over her giggles. "Its quite alright." Frodo said, playfully shoving Merry and Pippin from behind at the same time.
     Merry and Pippin tumbled to the floor. Frodo struggled to maintain a straight face. "Alright, who did that?" Merry asked as he and Pippin got up off the tile floor. "I did." Said Frodo. "Why?" Asked Pippin. "Because I can." Frodo said with a mischievous grin. "After breakfast..." Merry said ominously, pointing a finger at Frodo. Everyone, including Sam, burst out laughing. Jim and Danielle's little home gave them all a sense of happiness that they were surprised to feel. After all, they were lost in a strange world and didn't know how they were going to get back home.
     After breakfast, once everything was cleaned, Jim retreated to a room somewhere down the hall and returned with a flat, grey square. He set it on the table and opened it like a box. "What's that?" Asked Pippin eagerly. "Its a laptop computer." Jim replied without looking up. The curious hobbits clambered off their chairs and gathered around Jim and his glowing computer. "Wow." Said the hobbits. "What does it do?" Asked Sam.
     "Well, it does lots of things, really." Said Jim, tapping at little square buttons neatly arranged on the base of the computer. Each button had a letter on it. "What are those things?" Asked Merry, pointing to the buttons. "These are the computer keys. They allow me to type, or write, on the computer." Answered Jim. "See?" He said as he typed the word hello on the computer screen. "Wow!" Exclaimed Sam. "Its like magic!" Said Frodo. Jim laughed. "I wouldn't call it magic," he said. "Its technology." "What's technology?" Asked Pippin, pronouncing the word with difficulty. "Well, I'm not exactly sure how to explain that one." Jim said apologetically.
     Jim turned his attention back to the computer. Danielle realised that Jim was trying to work on something and needed to focus. "How would you guys like to go shopping for clothes with me?" She asked the hobbits. "If you're going to be staying here for a while, you're going to want new clothes." She said. "What's wrong with our clothes?" Asked Pippin. "Nothing. Its just that they look different. People might ask weird questions." Danielle said. "Oh I see," said Merry. "You want us to go under cover." "Well, sort of." Danielle said with a shrug. The hobbits followed her as she led them out the door and into the car.
     Once they were all in the car, Danielle drove them to a huge building that had in large, red letters, 'K Mart.' "Ok, here we are!" Danielle said.

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