Chapter 4: The Apartment

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     When they finnished eating, Danielle threw away the paper bags and helped them buckle back into her green car. "Where to now?" Asked Frodo. "We're going back to my house. Jim should be home by now. I'm sure you'll like him, he's a great man." Danielle said as she pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street once more. "Cars sure are mighty fast." Said Sam, looking out the window as the sun began to set. The other cars on the road rolled on without a care.
     Soon they pulled into another parking lot behind a row of massive buildings. "Well, here we are. Home sweet home." Said Danielle tiredly. "You live here?" Pippin asked, slightly intimidated by the towering buildings, darkened by the growing shadows of dusk. "Yep. Follow me, its right this way." Danielle said, leading them towards a series of steps.
     They climbed a couple flights of steps and were soon in an outdoor hallway-like area. "Jim and I live in apartment number twenty two." Danielle said as she pulled out another key from her leather purse. She led them to a door that had the number 22 engraved in a plaque on the top of the door. The one window beside the door was shuttered by the blinds but the hobbits could see that lights were on inside. She set the key in the lock and turned it, silently unlocking the apartment door.
     She swung the door open and a cozy warmth flowed towards them with the sent of meatloaf dancing through the air. "Honey, I'm home!" Danielle said loudly. "I'm in the kitchen." A deep voice replied. Suddenly, from out of the kitchen doorway, the ruffled head of a man appeared. "Howdy stranger!" He said, seeming to take no notice of the hobbits at first. He had messy brown hair and quick brown eyes. He seemed like the kind of person who's always ready to share a smile. He walked out to Danielle and kissed her.
     "And who are these fine guests?" He asked as he pulled away from her, suddenly noticing the hobbits. "These are Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. They say they're hobbits from the Shire in Middle-Earth." She said, gesturing towards them. "They are most deffinately not children." She added hastily. "Hmm.. I've never heard of hobbits, or the Shire, or Middle-Earth." Jim said, scratching at some stubble on his chin. "Don't look at me. I don't know either. But they say they're lost. I thought we should help them get back to wherever they came from." Said Danielle, holding her husband's hands in her own.
     Jim stood and thought for a moment. Suddenly he said, "Its a good thing I made extra meatloaf! You guys hungry?" Danielle was about to explain that the hobbits had just eaten at McDonald's but was surprised when they nodded their heads in answer. Jim led them to the kitchen where they had a delicious meal. The dining room was quaint, like the rest of the apartment. Old paintings and photographs lined the walls. When they were finnished eating, the hobbits assisted with the cleaning up, much to the surprise of Jim and Danielle.
     When everything was done, the hobbits began to yawn. "I hope you don't mind, but you'll have to sleep in the living room. We don't have any spare bedrooms." Jim said apologeticly. "Its alright, sir, we've slept in worse places before, if you follow me. A cozy living room is much more agreeable than the hard ground." Said Sam, his eyes half open. "Alright then." Said Jim, walking off to gather an array of bedding suplies.
     Once Jim returned, nearly drowning in blankets and pillows, he made sure the hobbits were all situated to their liking. He was very gentle as he helped them kick back the foot rests on the couch so they could all sleep comfortably. "Goodnight guys." He said once they were all tucked in. Danielle looked at them lovingly before turning out the lights. Despite the shock of the day, the hobbits soon fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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