Sleep over (1)

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Shawn's POV

Billy took her heels off and we walked back to the house. We got there and the girls went up stairs. I followed close behind. We got to Rae's room and Billy took a shower. It was funny to me that they just wore each others clothes. Billy literally looked through Rae's clothes and took out clothes she took a shower in Rae's bathroom and Rae went in the other bathroom I just waited and I looked around Rae's room at all her art and all her books and she was really into paintings and sketches she had her paintings on the wall the were initialed "RM" one was a painting of the ocean with a little girl sitting near the water. Another was a girl and a dog sitting in the grass and there was one that stood out to me the most it was a guitar in the waves of an ocean the all had a meaning that I still wait to know. Rae came back into the room and saw me looking at the paintings. I looked over at her and she looked so cute. She was wearing:

Rae was now hugging me from behind and then I turned around and hugged her she was so tiny her head was right below my heart

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Rae was now hugging me from behind and then I turned around and hugged her she was so tiny her head was right below my heart. I sat down on her bed with out letting go. She was still standing then she pulled away and looked me in my eyes she whispered to me and said "I would kiss you right now but there's a Billy right there" she pointed to the cracked bathroom door and the camera. She said " and she has her camera on so unless you want that I mean sure we" I stopped her talking by kissing her passionately and and slowly pulling away while I looked at her. Her eyes where closed and she smiled and whispered "That works too." Bill came out and said "get a room" Rae looked at her and said " I have one and your in it" Rae got off my lap and stood up. I just sat there and said "I'm gonna go take a shower now I'll be back in a minute. Oh and babe where are the shorts I left here?" She pointed in her closet and they were folded next to her bra and panties I grabbed them and one of her huge shirts that had the Canada flag on it and I went in the bathroom.

He made it right SMWhere stories live. Discover now