Do you love me?

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Shawn's POV

Rae was getting dressed as I sat on the bed admiring my view.

She turned around just wearing her bra and panties, she blushed as I gave her a once over.

I smiled back at her and said "Ms. Mercy your stunning." She smiled and blushed harder then she said "Mr. Mendes your handsome." I laughed as she slowly walked towards me.

As she got closer I thought more and more of how beautiful she was.

She came to me and sat on my lap. Rae slowly brushed her lips on mine then said "We should do that again sometime." I nodded.

Rae then got up and put on a sweatshirt and shorts, then walked out of her room down to the kitchen. I noticed she left her phone.

She got a text, then another one, and another one all from the same number.

From someone named Tim.

Rae's POV

I went downstairs to find Billy going through her photos on her phone. I stood by her looking at them. She looked at me and said "Some of these are actually kinda cute. Like this one, or this one, nope never mind your nipples in that one. Oh look this ones cute."

I laughed at her commentary and said "Can you send me that? And delete the rest please?" She sighed and then replied "Anything for my favorite sister."

I smiled and said "Thanks boo." Then started a pot of coffee. As I walked upstairs I saw Shawn he was just siting in thought.

He had joggers on but still shirtless deep in thought. I walked to him lifting his chin. "What's wrong baby?"

He then said "Do you love me?" I looked at him confused then saw that Tim was texting me. I picked my phone up and looked at the things he was sending me.

T= Tim
R= Rae

T- Hey Rae, I want you to know that I'm going to be in town so if you want to meet up I could make a time.

T- Wanna hang out?

T- Rae?

R- Hey Tim um, I would actually like you to meet someone.

T- Who?

R- Um, my boyfriend.

T- Oh, um ok. Cool you wanna meet at a Starbucks near me?

R- Sure where is it?

T-  Next to Pine Ridge.

R- Yep we can meet there. I'll see you at around 2ish maybe?

T- Sure, see you then.

He made it right SMWhere stories live. Discover now