12. yes, eighteen IS old! ✓

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"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls." (The Diary of Anaïs Nin Vol. 7)

Word Count: 2124


No, being angry was an understatement.

She, along with the other X-Men, had been forced to go to class while there was greater evils plotting to destroy the school they resided in. She had already fucking graduated, it was the middle of September of her fourteenth year of school, and she wanted out. While there was at least one, maybe two groups of mutants starting a major war against the X-Men, she had to be cooped up inside and work on algebra. She hadn't taken algebra for years. While there was amazing adventures and daring escapes to be made, she had to be sitting at a desk, in a classroom, in a dumb corridor in a dumb campus in a dumb corner of Rochester, New York. Lilli wanted to be somewhere off the coast of the Cayman Islands, tracking down mutant pirates. Or maybe in the heart of ancient Mayan city ruins, hiding from mutants with exceptionally terrifying abilities. She didn't want to be taking algebra for the millionth time. How many more letters could they add?

Overall, what. Was. The. Point. Why was she still in school?

Lilli was infuriated.

She glanced up at the clock. She had a whole hour left of class. It was just too much to handle when the teacher drawled out what page to turn to. Lilli huffed, slammed shut her book, stood up, and left the classroom. She needed out.

She stormed down the hallway and was turning a corner when she walked right into Kurt and Warren, seemingly in the middle of a heated argument.

"Oh, did I interrupt a love fest? My apologies," Lilli said sarcastically.

She left the hallway, and when she turned the next corner she actually walked into two people making out. "Get a room!" Lilli growled, before she decided there was nothing to do in her own room, where she had been headed. So, she turned around and stalked back to Kurt and Warren, who had resumed their yelling. It would provide some sort of entertainment.

"I am not the spy! I'm telling you, Cas is the spy, he should be kicked out—"

"I do not think you understand! Your secret is out, it's not hidden!"

"I don't have any secrets!" Warren shot back at Kurt, pulling at his blonde curls.

"You're lying!" Kurt screamed. "I will not let you hurt my friends!"

"Let's fight it out, then!" Warren hissed, his voice dripping with viciousness.

"You know how well that worked out for you last time!" Kurt snorted.

"Don't bring that hellhole into this conversation!" Warren yelled, pushing Kurt with much force. Lilli stood several feet away from the two males with a gobsmacked expression on her face. She didn't know that they were seriously fighting.

She hurried forward, planted her right hand firmly on Warren's chest and her left on Kurt's, and pushed them apart. "Why the hell are you two fighting again?" She asked, her head snapping back and forth between the two.

"Please get out of this, you don't know what lies he's been saying—" Warren started to say.

"Lies? I do not say lies such as what you have been saying!" Kurt growled, interrupting Warren. Lilli looked at him and was taken aback by how scary he could actually look when he was angry.

"Kurt, she's right. I don't want to fight you," Warren said, starting to step away.

"Yes, you do," Kurt taunted, starting towards Warren.

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