8. hot damn, that face has GOTTA be worth over a million bucks ✓

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"In the long dusks of summer we walked the suburban streets through scents of maple and cut grass, waiting for something to happen." (Dangerous Laughter by Steven Millhauser)

Word Count: 1951

"COME ON, JEAN! Just peek into his mind to see why we're here!" Peter moaned. "Please?"

"No, Peter, I don't do that," Jean said. There was an annoyed edge to her voice. "So, please, just be quiet."

"Fine," Peter grumbled, leaning back against the overstuffed chair he was sitting on. The X-Men had been assembled into Professor Xavier's office, but neither Hank nor Professor were in the room. The young mutants had been waiting over fifteen minutes, and their collective patience was rapidly waning.

"Jean, I really think you should—" Lilli started just as the door finally opened. In came Hank, Professor Xavier, and a young man about Lilli's age. Her eyes were immediately glued on the boy's face. He was... hot.

He had curly dark brown hair that appeared soft and fluffy. His striking green eyes resembled emeralds. He had a strong nose and full lips that seemed perfect for kissing. Forget Warren— this boy was just too damn attractive.

"Sorry to keep you for so long," Professor Xavier began, "but we have some news. Some news you most likely will not want to hear." He said this pointedly, glancing at Scott.

"Hold up—" Scott said bitterly, putting up his hands. "I don't need to be a telepath to know what you're gonna say. This stranger is going to be joining the X-Men. After you promised no one else would. I see how it is." He started to stand up and Jean grabbed his arm to pull him back down, but he just ripped his arm free and stormed out of the room.

"I should probably go get him..." Jean murmured, standing up. Lilli was amazed for the millionth time at how Jean could put up with Scott so well. Lilli knew that she would only have a man who treated her like a queen and nothing less. "Sorry, Cas. I'm Jean, by the way." She smiled once at the boy before breezing out of the room. The boy—Cas—looked a little confused but quickly shook it off.

"Well, that went well," Hank mumbled.

"Are the rest of you okay with this decision?" Professor X asked the small group, looking carefully at each one of the young mutants. He knew that any separation or rift between them would cause less teamwork and cooperation which could potentially be catastrophic.

"Uh, can we at least get to know who he is?" Peter asked, stating the obvious.

"Cas can understand any language. His position in the team will be the same as Lilli's." Professor Xavier explained.

"I object." Warren said, standing up and glaring at Cas. "We don't need you." And with that, he left the room, his feathers rustling in anger.

"I agree with Scott..." Kurt piped up from his corner on the couch. "We were told no one else would join, you are going back on your word. That is not very honorable... you should have asked us first." And with that, he stood and walked away.

"I agree with Kurt. We have a say in this too— it is not just you two controlling us. We are a team, and each one of us is just as important as you both." Ororo said, frowning at Hank and Professor Xavier. "Sorry." She left the room as well.

"I'm fine with it!" Peter said, smiling at Cas who returned it readily. "The bigger the team, the better the team! The more the merrier! The larger the... you guys know what I mean."

"Same, I'm fine with another person. More people is good," Lilli said, pushing her hair behind her ear. "We don't want to lose any wars and have the world taken over."

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