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From Dallon’s perspective, sort of.
Something about that Brendon really interested Dallon. He couldn’t figure out what it was, though. Sure, Dallon liked how ‘edgy’ he was. Though, he really couldn’t put his finger on why he liked this kid so much.

Maybe he just really wanted to help him. It couldn’t have been anything else. Dallon has felt this way about students he’s had in the past. He really really wanted to help them, and of course he succeeded. The man enjoyed helping other people. Even the most stubborn or stupidest person could be help by Dallon. He just has this sort of charm.

He’s excited to tutor Brendon.
Next day (back to brendon)
Brendon was embarrassed to look Dallon in the eyes. After that little activity last night, he feels like he should never be allowed to see Dallon again. Sure, his teacher is never going to know about, it but he still feels guilty. Ashamed is a better term. He can’t take back what he did.

You're blowing this way out of proportion, Brendon. It's not that big of a deal.

Trying to push the thoughts to the back of his head, he decided to suck it up and go on with his day. Apparently he was so focused on it that he missed an entire history lesson. Not that he cared, he just couldn’t believe that he had the ability to space out for an entire hour.

“Brendon, come on. We’re going to be late to math.”

“Oh, yeah...sorry Sarah.” Turns out he had missed when the bell went off too.

“Are you okay? You seem more out of it that usual today.” The girl asked. Sarah was a good friend. Not like any other. She was there for Brendon no matter what. Brendon could have killed a man, been like ‘oops, sorry’, and Sarah would still forgive him.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just really tired. Didn’t sleep well last night.” He lied. Well, almost. He really didn’t sleep that well, but then again he never does. Like any “normal” teenager, he chooses to stay up later than necessary mindlessly scrolling through the internet to the point where he falls asleep with his phone in his hand.

“I can stay up late tonight and stay up all day tomorrow so I get so tired that I finally go to bed early.” But that’s never the case of course. He’ll usually end up sleeping first and second hour.

“Well okay, let’s go then. Last class. You can handle one more hour!” She said cheerfully.

Oh if only you knew.

The walk to the class felt like an eternity, then again it was on the other side of the building. Of course with Brendon’s luck, the bell rang when they were halfway there.

“Shit, they really need to make the passing period a lot longer. This is bull.” Sarah huffed.

The two took their sweet time walking the rest of the way. They thought there was really no point in rushing because they’d still be late, whether it be 2 minutes after the bell or 10 minutes after.

Naturally being the the last two to arrive, and the latest, the entire class focused their attention on them.

“Mind explaining why you two are late?” Dallon smiled and crossed his arms.

Brendon thought Dallon seemed mad, even though he’s smiling. There was just something off about him at that moment.

“Need longer passing periods.” Brendon mumbled and shrugged.

“That is true. Well I hate to say this, but even if it technically isn’t your fault that you’re late, you still need to see me after class.” the taller sighed.

Casual Affair//Brallon&Ryden (Bryllon)Where stories live. Discover now