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Brendon couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at dinner with him and Dallon. He was mostly worried about how Sarah would react. His prediction was that she was either going to be way too excited about it, or shame him. Either way, he wasn't looking forward to it.

He came to the conclusion that he did like Dallon, and although this was moving a lot quicker than he had ever anticipated, he wasn't mad about it. The only other thing he was worrying about was what he was going to do with Ryan. Which is why Ryan is currently at his house.

"What do you want to do? We've been sitting here for like 10 minutes while you've been spacing out." Ryan was lying next to Brendon, both the boys staring at the purple ceiling.

"Sorry, just thinking a lot."

"Tell me what on your mind." Ryan was a good listener. Brendon would always vent to him whenever he could. But this time, he couldn't. Brendon knew that Ryan still loved him, it was obvious. And if he told Ryan about his new thing with Dallon, it would break him. Which is why he wouldn't tell him. He was going to keep it to himself. At least tell Sarah, but he might not even do that considering she'd probably be pissed at him. Or way too excited about the whole thing.

"Nah...just over thinking stuff ya know? What if... I don't graduate?" Brendon quickly came up with something to rant to Ryan about, and it was fairly believable since Brendon was genuinely concerned about whether he would graduate or not. He always acted like he didn't care, but secretly he really did.

"Oh, Bren of course you will. Trust me, you don't have to worry about a thing. However if that ends up being the case you can still get your GED. It will be okay dude." Ryan turned over on his side and looked at his crush. "I promise you'll be okay."

Brendon turned over to face Ryan and gave him a small smile. "Thanks man." Brendon moved himself closer to Ryan and pulled him into a hug. Ryan's face went red, and he didn't know what to do.

Ryan cleared his throat and muttered a "you're welcome".

"I mean it, dude you always know how to say the right things." Brendon buried his head into Ryan"s neck, and he felt the same feeling he felt when he was in Dallon's arms. Safe. He felt so safe and natural there.

Ryan looked down at the other in awe, he didn't know what to do. He laid there, admiring the boy snuggled into him. It was like a dream for him. He never thought he would be able to lay this close to the the other ever again. Slowly, he began to run his fingers through Brendon's hair. Brendon tangled his legs with Ryan"s,moving even closer. He felt Ryan's heart against his chest, beating faster than ever. Brendon thought it was cute. Neither of them thought this was erotic, It wasn't supposed to be sensual. It was affectionate. Brendon knew Ryan loved him, and the feelings were mutual. This was his way of telling Ryan that he was still in love with him. With his best friend. He didn't want to say it, he wasn't ready, So this was his way of telling Ryan instead, he was showing his love through his actions...and Ryan understood.

The two stayed like that for a good while. They didn't want to be anywhere else but there. They knew they both belonged in each other's arms like that.

But Brendon wanted to be in both Ryan's and Dallon's.

"Brendon, what about Dallon?" and it's almost like Ryan had read his mind.

What about Dallon.

"What about him?" Brendon mumbled nervously.

"Well...don't you like Dallon?" Ryan questioned. As amazing as this situation was to Ryan, he was still confused because Brendon made it very clear that he liked Dallon.

Casual Affair//Brallon&Ryden (Bryllon)Where stories live. Discover now