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"Hey guys, this is Gabi from Achievement Hunter!" I said, into Gavin's mic, grabbing it from him as we started another AHWU.

"We already know who you are!" Gavin laughed.

"No, no one knows who I am. I must tell them who I am." I smirked up at Gavin, he rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on my lips.

"GROSS! STOP!" Trevor shrieked from across the room, throwing that god awful fish pillow at us.

"Why the fuck do we still have that fucking pillow?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. Gavin picked it up and threw it back at Trevor.

"HEY ASSHOLES! I DIDN'T LEAVE JUST SO YOU GUYS COULD RUIN MY FUCKING OFFICE!" I heard my brother scream at us. I turned around, fast enough, to the point where if I had turned anymore, my neck would've popped off my head. I screamed and ran straight into my brothers arms. Geoff laughed and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Awe!" Jack cooed from behind the camera, causing all of us to laugh. Geoff was currently the only Achievement Hunter who didn't know about me being pregnant. We decided to keep it a secret, which was hard for Gavin and Michael, until I began showing, which was going to be just a couple weeks from now.

After we finished up our AHWU, I went back to my desk (finally, my OWN DESK) and started editing some GTA videos. It was quiet without Lindsay and Michael around. I knew Lindsay wouldn't be around a lot anymore, since the birth of the little Jones. But I knew it would be best for the family.

"Hey, Gabi." I heard Mica say my name, I popped my head over my monitor and saw my tiny friend hiding behind her monitor.

"Sup?" I nodded at her.

"Does Geoff know?" She whispered.

"Not yet. Sh! Keep it a secret, asshole." I squinted my eyes at her.

"Hey, does anyone want to play Overwatch?" Matt asked.

"I'M DOWN!" Mica and I both shouted. Matt laughed, and Trevor decided to join us as well. We played a couple rounds before we all had to film a things to do together, and then we were able to go home. Gavin gathered my things for me, before Matt, Trevor, Mica and I were halfway through our things to do.

When we had finished, Gavin helped me out of my chair, causing me to giggle.

"Gavin, you know I can gather my own things, and use my legs right?" I chuckled at my boyfriend.

"Well, I know, but I just want to make sure you're not going to get hurt!" He chirped at me, causing me to giggle more.

"Gavin, I'm definitely not going to hurt myself, getting out of my chair, my love." I smiled. He shrugged and waved bye to the rest of the Achievement Hunter. We walked out to my car and he kissed my head before I got into the drivers seat. Gavin kept forgetting to renew his visa so he wasn't able to get his license back.

"Hey, love." He spoke on our way back to our house.

"Yes?" I answered, intertwining our fingers together as he grabbed my hand.

"What should we name it?" He asked, referring to the child growing inside me. We didn't know the gender yet.

"I'm not sure." I shrugged, glancing down at our hands. "I was thinking Dylan?" I suggested.

"For a boy?" He asked.

"For both. It is unisex." I shrugged again, focusing my gaze on the road again.

"Hm, I dunno." He chewed on his lip.

"Well, we do have a couple months to figure it all out." I smiled, rubbing my thumb against the back of his hand, in reassurance. He nodded and smiled back, squeezing my hand. "I've made the appointment to see the doctor. It's on Tuesday at 12." I glanced over at my boyfriend. He was currently growing out his beard after having to shave it off for Lazer Team 2, and had gotten a hair cut. I was so glad he was growing his beard out, I was honestly sick of looking at his stache. It was the ugliest thing I think I'd ever seen on him. And he knew it.

"Oh! Can I come?" He asked, chuckling. I pulled my hand from his, to turn into our driveway.

"Of course you can, you goof. It's your child too." I laughed, pulling into our garage, after pushing the garage button. He got out of the car, once I turned it off and gathered our bags. He greeted our dogs and set our bags down in the kitchen.

"I miss Lindsay and my boy." He frowned, and turned around to look at me. I giggled and rested a hand on my stomach.

"We'll see them soon." I smiled, "It's only been a couple weeks since Lindsay popped the little one out. She's still vulnerable to sickness." I chuckled.

"You know so much, oh my god, you're going to be a great mother!" Gavin basically sprinted towards me, almost knocking me down, just to grab my face.

"It's not even me being a good mother." I laughed, shaking my head. "It's common sense, my love. Babies are extremely vulnerable to toxins in the first couple weeks. They're not "allowed" to technically be touched by anyone but their parents." I smiled, looking into Gavin's beautiful green eyes.

"I didn't know that!" He chuckled, pulling his hands from my face. He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Have you told your parents yet?" I asked him, pulling my hair into a messy bun.

"Not yet. I wanted to know the gender before I told them, and in person." He said, watching me.

"That's a good idea. When do you go back next?" I asked, walking up the stairs towards our room. He followed me and flopped on our bed.

"Not sure, I was going to ask if you wanted to come with, once we found out?" He rested his head on his hands behind his head. I sat down on our bed and kicked off my shoes.

"I'm fine with that." I nodded, getting up again. I grabbed one of Gavin's t-shirts from our dresser and tossed it on our bed. He sat up and watched me as I undressed. I turned around and blushed. "Take a picture, it lasts longer." I covered my body with my shirt I had just pulled off.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before." He pouted, and I rolled my eyes.

"Look away, perv." I giggled, throwing my shirt at him, and taking off my bra. He shrieked as the shirt hit him, and as the dogs all jumped on top of him, because of his shriek. I grabbed the shirt I had put on the bed and pulled it on, quickly. I grabbed my phone as Gavin continued to shriek at the dogs.

Monty had grown so much, he was about 75 pounds now, and just a beast. He was two years old and he was alpha now. I took a video as Gavin wrestled with the dogs. Suddenly, Smee came bolting into our room, meowing like a madman. The dogs all stopped "attacking" Gavin, their ears perked up. Gideon had jumped off the bed and was cowering under the bed.

"Oh my god, my dogs are terrified of your cat!" I laughed, Gavin sat up and watched as Smee flicked his tail angrily, while glaring at the dogs. Monty wagged his tail viciously, smacking Gavin in the face. He groaned and pushed his butt out of his face. Monty barked and jumped off the bed, towards Smee. Smee howled and ran away from him. "I swear to god, we have the dumbest animals." I laughed, sitting on the bed as Gavin grumbled.

He went into the bathroom, quickly brushing his teeth. He came back and took off his shirt and jeans. He laid on his stomach, next to me, resting his arm over my stomach and pulling me close.

"Stop making your dogs attack me. They have too much fur." He chuckled, sleepily into my side. I ran my hands through his hair and nodded.

"No promises." I smiled, as I watched his sides rise and fall, peacefully.

Hum {Gavin Free} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now