Mini Gavins

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Gavin had told me that he was a little upset that Lindsay and Michael had made Maggie and Geoff their daughters Godparents, but I wasn't too bothered by it. I knew the little one would get spoiled by everyone. I think he was just surprised when Michael didn't pick him.

We'd spent the last couple weeks looking for nursery designs and clothes. My appointment was in a couple of hours and Gavin was more excited than I was. He was more excited about everything, more than I was.

"GABI ARE YOU READY?" He wailed from the front room. I groaned and rolled out of bed.

"SHUT UP GAVIN." I yelled. I heard his foot steps up the stairs and he barreled through our bedroom doors.

"LOVE WE HAVE TO GO!" He whined, throwing himself onto the bed, where I was previously laying.

"Gavin, I'm ready. I just wanted to lay down." I chuckled.

"You're going to be laying down!" He chuckled, and shook his head.

"I know, but in my own, comfortable bed before our child ruins my sleep." I smiled, and he laughed. He sat up and ran his hand through his hair, tousling his hair.

"Let's go then, bird." He smiled up at me, I nodded and grabbed my bag off the floor. I grabbed our car keys and followed Gavin out to our car. He got in the passenger side, and I got in the drivers seat.

When we got to our doctor's office, Gavin rushed out of his seat to open my door. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"You know, I'm completely capable of opening my own doors, right?" I smiled at him as he handed me my bag.

"I know! I just want this to be easy for you." He returned the smile. "I want to make it as easy on you as I possibly can." He chuckled, I chuckled back. He took my hand and we intertwined our fingers together as we walked into the office. I signed it and the front ladies smiled at me.

"Welcome back Gabi!" The first one smiled, her name was Lynn.

"Good afternoon." I smiled back. The other one waved, I didn't know her name. I sat down next to Gavin and watched as he scrolled through his twitter. I rested my head on his shoulder and watched him.

"I should've brought the switch." He mumbled, causing me to giggle. I kissed his shoulder and sat up correctly. I hummed and played with the hem of my shirt.

"Gabrielle Ramsey?" A nurse called my name, my head shot up and I met the gaze of a young woman. I didn't know her, she was new to the office. Dr Macias must've just hired her. I got up and started walking over towards her. "I'm Gabriella." She giggled, I smiled and nodded. We walked towards a room and she took my blood pressure and made sure my heart was at a normal rate. "Dr Macias will be right in to start your ultra sound!" She smiled widely at me, as she left the room. The door shut and Gavin looked over at me.

"Are you excited?" I asked him. His eyes went wide and he stared at me.

"I- I think so!" He stumbled over his words. I knew he was excited. We both were, we just couldn't believe it was happening when we didn't think it could. "Are you ready?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck and I nodded.

"I've been ready." I smiled at him, cause a small smile to escape his lips. There was a knock on the door and Gavin and I immediately shot up, looking at the doctor.

"Hey guys! How have you been?" She smiled at us. Gavin waved and I smiled back.

"We've been great!" I smiled, looking up at her. She was just my doctor, but it felt like I'd known her for years and that we have some type of chemistry. But I mean, she's also the only other person who has looked at my vagina, in my life for the past 5 years.

"How's the little one doing?" She asked, sitting in the stool next to Gavin. She set up the ultrasound machine as Gavin watched her.

"It's doing really well! I've been really good at being really healthy." I smiled, watching Gavin watch her. He seemed fascinated by the equipment. I watched as he played with the watch on his wrist. He was nervous, he was doing the foot bouncing thing.

"That's awesome! Ready to find the gender out?" She turned to Gavin who immediately shifted his eyes to me. I smiled widely, watching the nervousness drench out of his face, and he started glowing.

"Of course!" Gavin said, getting up and standing next to me. I laid back as Dr Macias lifted up my shirt, and put the ultrasound gel on. She turned on the monitor and started moving it around my stomach. It was freezing.

"Hm, I'm not seeing any activit- HA I see something!" I stared at the monitor, I didn't see anything until we heart a faint heartbeat. "There's a little heartbeat! It's all healthy!!" I immediately felt my heart well up. It felt like it was going to explode. This is really happening. This isn't some trick my body is playing on me. This is real.

"Wait, I hear something else." Gavin pointed out. "It sounds like another heartbeat?" He raised an eyebrow. My mind immediately went blank.


"I hear that too!" Dr Macias added. She turned to look at me and her expression fell.

"Gabi?" Gavin asked, looking down at me. I looked up at him and realized my jaw was open. I shut it and blushed.

"I'm gonna have another look around and see if I can find something." She smiled when I recovered from my thought process. My hands were clammy and I felt like I was going to vomit.

Two fucking mini Gavins??? Two mini mes???? Two kids that are mine and Gavin's that Geoff has no fucking idea about?!!?!?!?!!?!?! Oh my god, I'm DEAD.

My mind wandered off as our doctor and Gavin talked about the possibility of having twins. There was two heartbeats. Dr Macias pointed out two pairs of hands and two heads. Either I'm carrying twins or a weird timelord alien baby. Which, I wouldn't complain about if I had a timelord for a kid.

At the end of the appointment, we scheduled another one for next month to get the genders and hopefully a picture, so we can formally announce our pregnancy. Gavin was terrified to tell Geoff. I was afraid Geoff would push me down a flight of steps when he finds out. I was terrified of telling my parents and my real dad. Only the Achievement Hunter guys knew. And Barbara.

Maisey didn't even know. I was so fucking terrified for this to be real, and it is, and there's no going back. I need to stop running from my problems and face them instead.

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