Uh oh

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Three days passed since my due date, and I was about ready to just rip these kids out of me. I groaned in pain as I sat at Jeremy's desk, loading up a golf with friends. Trevor was at Geoff's desk, Alfredo at Jack's desk, Ryan at his, Lindsay's at Michael's. Gavin texted me, telling me he was coming back from the RT podcast and asked if I could load up his too.

I got up and walked over to Gavin's computer, turning on his Xbox and monitor. I logged into his account, started his capture and audio and loaded the game. I got back up and waddled over to Jeremy's desk.

I was in so much pain and I knew Lindsay could see how much pain I was in.

"Why don't you pace the room while we're waiting, Gabi?" Ryan said, as Lindsay opened her mouth.

"Why would I do that?" I asked, looking over at him.

"It helps induce labor." Lindsay spoke and Ryan nodded.

"I don't want to go into labor at work!" I giggled, spinning in the chair slightly.

"You dumb ass, it doesn't make you immediately go into labor!" Lindsay chuckled, causing me to smile at her. "It just helps make it easier for you to go into labor. It's what I did with Iris." She said, looking over at me.

"Yeah, I guess I could do some laps." I said, getting out of the chair slowly. Lindsay helped me out of my chair. Trevor and Alfredo were watching Lindsay and I as we both paced the room. I sighed when I heard the door open, and I saw Gavin. He looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"What're you doin, love?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"Pacing." I stated.

"Why's that?" He asked, again.

"It helps induce labor I guess." I chuckled and he nodded, sitting at his desk.

"Thanks for setting my stuff up, bird." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Alright, let's get it!" Trevor said, as we all synced as soon as I sat back down.

During the video, while Gavin was screaming about something stupid, I felt a weird popping noise. I furrowed my brows and looked at Lindsay and it hit me. Lindsay looked over at me as my eyes went wide.

"Are you okay?" Lindsay asked, taking off her headphones. Ryan took his headphones off, and stood up. Gavin shot out of his chair, ripping his off his head and ran over to me.

"I- uh- I'm- FUCK!" I felt a horrible pain in my lower abdomen and I gripped onto Gavin's arms.

"What's going on?!" Gavin cried out, looking between me, and Lindsay like a panicking dog.

"Did your water break?" Ryan asked, making his way around the desks and towards me. I looked up at him and nodded slowly. "Gavin she's fucking going into labor!" Ryan looked down at Gavin and he shrieked. He stood up, and ran for his desk. Trevor and Alfredo stared at each other before running over to me, to help me get up.

"Guys you're stressing her out!" Lindsay pushed their hands off me as she led me towards the door. Gavin fumbled with the keys and Ryan grabbed his as well. I groaned in pain as I felt contractions come and go.

"I need you to call Geoff!" Ryan said, looking at Trevor and he nodded.

"Ryan what are you doing?!" Gavin called out as he chased us down the hallway.

"Getting your fucking girlfriend to the hospital because I'm afraid you might kill her!" Ryan said, holding the door open for me and Lindsay. Gavin sprinted towards us, and grabbed my waist and threw my arm around his shoulders so Lindsay wasn't carrying all my weight. Ryan unlocked his car and opened the doors for us. Lindsay and Gavin helped me in and Ryan sped off for the hospital.

"Hello?" Gavin answered my phone, seeing as I was being called my Geoff. I groaned loudly as I felt more pain. I squeezed Gavin's hand as hard as I could and he winced under the pressure. "We're almost at the hospital and I'm definitely about to lose my hand." Gavin whined and I squeezed his hand harder. "OW! Gabi!"

"Really?! That hurt, you cunt?!" I growled at him and his eye widened. He mumbled something to Geoff and hung up.

"Gavin, you need to go and get a nurse!" Ryan said, as we pulled into the parking spot. Gavin nodded and sprinted off to the entrance of the maternity ward. Ryan and Lindsay pulled me out of his car as I moaned in pain. As we neared the door, a very panicked Gavin emerged and a nurse with a wheelchair followed.

The nurse took me from my friends and sat me down in the wheelchair. She quickly told Lindsay and Ryan to wait in the waiting room. Gavin took my hand as we raced towards the delivery room.

Gavin helped the nurses undress me and they put me in the hospital gown, and stuck a bunch of IV's and needles and bullshit in my arms. I was so tired from all these god damn needles.

My doctor burst through the door and waved at us. Gavin waved back and I screamed out in pain. Dr Macias talked to the nurses so calmly, and I knew they were talking about my contractions, and how dilated I was, but I couldn't hear properly.

Gavin's POV

I watched Gabi as she squirmed and writhed. I wanted to cry for her, I wanted to hold her, I wanted to just be there for her. I wanted to do much more than just hold her hand. She squeezed my hand so often, I was pretty sure it was going to be bruised or something.

After a while, Gabi stopped screaming out and I looked up. My head was pounding and I was terrified something had gone horribly wrong. I looked at Dr Macias, worry clouded my eyes.

"Don't worry, we gave her an epidural and she's just passed out from the pain right now." She said, looking at me.

"I-I'm going to go out into the waiting room." I told her and she nodded. She told me how close she was and I nodded, quickly leaving the room. I walked towards the waiting room and saw half of Achievement Hunter staring at me. Michael was passed out with Iris in his arms. Geoff, Griffon and Millie were huddled up on the couch. I saw Ryan sitting with Jeremy and Kat.

Barbara and Miles were the first ones to say anything to me.

"Are you okay?" Miles asked.

"Is she okay?"

"What's going on?"

"How is she doing?"

"Is everything going well?"

My head raced with their questions and I felt absolutely overwhelmed. I felt hands on my back and I turned around to see Ray. My heart welled up and I threw my arms around him. He chuckled and hugged me back. I felt my eyes begin to water and I pulled away.

Miles and Barbara bombarding me with questions must have woken Michael and Geoff up because they started walking towards me. I let the tears spill and I wiped my eyes quickly.

"Is everything okay?" Geoff's face was riddled with worry. I nodded and sniffled.

"I'm just.." My voice cracked, and I looked down at my feet, and up at Michael, then back to Geoff. "So worried." I felt more tears spill down my cheeks and I felt two sets of arms around me. This was supposed to be a happy moment for me, but I was so riddled with doubt and worry for so long, and now I was terrified that something would go absolutely wrong, and I wouldn't just lose Gabi, I'd lose Dexter and Spencer too.

I'd been having reoccurring nightmares about this and it's basically what has been haunting me since day one. I don't know what I would do without her.

"I'm so fucking scared." I sobbed into Michael's shirt. No one said anything they just held me.

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