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Gavin's POV

I was sitting in the office alone, waiting for Michael to show up. I hummed and spun around in my chair a bit. 30 minutes had passed, and Michael walked in.

"Hey, sorry about that Gav." Michael gave me a small smile. I nodded and smiled back.

"Want to film the video now?" I asked and he nodded, we both got up and walked over to the streaming room. Andy, Gabi, Mica and Matt were all editing away at videos. I kissed Gabi on the head as I walked by and she gave me a small smile.

We sat down and Michael started up the Xbox. He put the disc in and let it download.

"Are you ever gonna marry her?" Michael asked, scaring me out of my own head.

"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Are you gonna fucking ask her to marry you? Youre the only one out of the six not married." Michael groaned.

"Marriage doesn't interest me. My parents got divorced when I was little and I know what it's like to have to go between homes. Sure I got Gabi pregnant, but that seems enough commitment. I promised I'd never leave, and I tend to keep that promise. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me who I legally have to love." I glared at my friend.

"Not all marriages end up in divorces, Gavin." Michael started.

"I don't care, Michael. What if one day, Gabrielle wakes up and she doesn't love me anymore? Why would we want to torture ourselves and our kids with a divorce, and custody issues and child support. I love Gabi will all my heart, but I don't need a damn piece of paper to tell me that it's true. End of discussion." I stared at Michael, a fire burning in my stomach. I was tired of constantly being asked if Gabi and I were going to get married.

Gabi is a firm believer that marriage is a scam, and we both admitted we don't need a piece of paper to tell us we love each other.

I turned my chair to the screen and stared at the downloading screen. Michael didn't say anything back and we sat in silence.

"I just- I think you should give it a shot." Michael mumbled. I stood up and grabbed the door handle.

"I don't want to give it a shot, Michael. She's already left me once." I spat at him, opening the door and storming out of the office. I saw the staff watch as I passed by huffing and puffing.

When I was down the hallway, I heard soft footsteps fall behind me. I didn't want to look who it was, just in case it was Michael so I kept walking.

"Gavin?" I heard my girlfriends soft voice. I spun around on my heel and looked at her. I huffed and my body loosened up, at the sight of her. "What's wrong, love?" She asked, walking up to me and grabbing my hand. I sighed and intertwined my fingers with hers.

"I'm just annoyed." I said, kissing her forehead.

"About?" She asked, looking up at me. I looked down at her and shrugged. "Oh come on. I know it's not at a game either." She smiled her famous smile at me.

"Michael and the boys just keep pestering me about marrying you." I shrugged, squeezing her hand. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to kill them." She groaned.

"I know." I agreed.

"I feel like I've put it out there enough that marriage is not something I feel the need to do. Even if I do love you." She shrugged, taking her hand from mine. I pouted when she pulled away but she didn't see.

"I agree. I don't need a paper to tell me I love you." I shrugged, looking down at her fast growing belly. "How are the boys?" I asked, resting a hand on her belly.

"Asleep, I think." She smiled, looking down at my hand. "They haven't moved around a lot today. I think they're night time babies." I chuckled and looked back at her. She met my gaze and I quickly kissed her.

"I have to record a video with Michael." I grumbled.

"Want me to walk you back?" She asked, and I nodded. She grabbed my hand and we intertwined our fingers together.

"Why weren't you in the office?" I asked her, as we began walking back.

"I got back from filming The Know with Jon since Ashley is out of town." She said, I looked down at her and saw she was looking down. She looked back up at me and squeezed my hand. "I feel fat." She pouted and I frowned.

"You're perfect." I stated, stopping in my tracks. She stopped with me and stared at me.

"But, I feel fat. I've gained a lot of weight since we found out." She frowned. She wasn't wrong, but it just meant she was healthy. And she still looked perfect to me. She'd always look perfect to me.

"You look like a million bucks, my love. Nothing less. You're perfect." I said, kissing her forehead and walking back to the office with her. She groaned as we passed her desk. I chuckled and helped her sit down, and kissed her head before walking into the streaming room.

"Sorry boy." Michael said, looking at me. I shrugged and sat down.

"Just stop brining it up. It's not happening." I spat, as I pulled on the headphones. Michael sighed and put on his headphones. I started capture and audio, as he started up the game.


sorry for the short chapter, just a lil filler. i hope u all are enjoying this story :-) i have a lot of plans for this story but my brain SUCKS and finding where to start some chapters is really hard.

i wrote this on my other story, but a couple weeks ago, i lost my best friend to suicide. he was 17. i currently am still grieving, and i just want to say updates on this story will be slower than normal. i don't really have the motivation to do anything. i hate getting out of bed, i hate writing, i hate working. and it's even harder for me to write this story because tyler got me into Rooster Teeth. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him showing me the 6 idiots who played video games for a career.

i just want to let everyone know that no matter what youre going through, i can GUARANTEE YOU you are NOT ALONE! please reach out for help!!!! it's okay to not be okay, but please do not do this alone. you ARE loved, and you ARE worth it. your life is PRECIOUS. i am always here to listen if you need it. please do not do this alone. i'll link all my information at the end of this chapter so you can get ahold of me. it doesn't seem much, because i don't know any of you, but i love you, and you're fucking worth it. it gets better! i fucking PROMISE YOU IT GETS BETTER!!!!!! suicide is not the answer and i wish i could take everyones pain away and throw it away, but all i can do is be there
for you when you need it. i love you all SO MUCH -meg

twitter: tiredhabit
insta: tiiredhabit
snap: jettatvra
(spam insta's aka the best way to get ahold of me): gavlnofree & guckmegg

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