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One Month Later

Gavin and I sat in our living room, he was passed out in my lap. He had passed out trying to get our babies to kick, or to at least hear their heartbeats. The assholes were only active at night.

Gavin mumbled something and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning princess." I giggled, looking up at his ruffled hair. He groaned in response and looked at me tiredly. "Ready for bed?" I asked, watching his expression. He stayed up too late editing videos, I told him I could do it but he wouldn't let me lose any sleep, as if I don't already. I spent night and nights awake because of the boys. They wrestled each other or something at night. They punched and kicked, and head butted all night long. I was so sleep deprived. Gavin and I both were.

He felt horrible when he was able to sleep and I couldn't. He stayed up with me every night as much he could. It was nice to have him there for me, but there was no point in him losing sleep over me losing sleep.

I knew he was just worried about me. He always worried. It was cute, but honestly quite annoying at times. Maybe that was just my hormones fucking with me.

The AH guys got sent a grappling hook the other day and Gavin, Michael and Jeremy decided the wanted to attach it to shit in the AH office. Lindsay and I all told them how fucking stupid they were and of course they didn't listen to us. During the between the games video, Gavin nearly killed me. I walked into the office as soon as the grappling hook fell.

I'm pretty sure Geoff almost leaped out of his skin to strangle Gavin, if anything had happened to me and our boys. I mean, they are Geoff's nephew's.


"Hey Gabs?" I heard Geoff's voice behind me. I turned around in my chair, facing my brother.

"What's up?" I asked, giving him a small smile.

"How are you doing?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Still a little shaken from almost dying." I giggled,

"How are the boys?" He smiled at me.

"They're good! They're little shits though, they only move around at night. And when Gavin tries talking to them, they hide from him. It's kinda funny. I think one of their feet are ticklish too." I giggled, as I felt one of them kick my bladder, I groaned and watched Geoff's reaction quickly go from curious to concerned. "I'm okay. Theyre just dicks, like you guys. You can try and tickle them so you can feel them." I smiled, holding my hand out for my brother to take it.

Geoff held out his hand and I took it, gently placing his hand on my stomach. His hand was there for quite some time until his face lit up, and there was a sharp pain where his hand was. I winced and Geoff smiled.

"They like you more than they like Gavin!" I giggled, smiling at my brother. He took his hand away and kissed my head.

"Dexter and Spencer Ramsey, the boys who love their uncle more than they love their dad." Geoff laughed, causing me to chuckle. I knew if Gavin had heard that, he'd take it to heart. He was terrified of the boys not liking him. I was more afraid of them not liking me.

I turned back around to my computer when my phone lit up with a text from Jon.

From Jon,

On the spot?

To Jon,

Sure! Who's playing?

From Jon,

Maisey, Gus, and Andy. I originally had Chris but Chris bailed last minute.

To Jon,

Okie! I'll come save the day!!

I hadn't seen Maisey in what seemed like so long. We got lunch with each other occasionally but her and Jon have been inseparable. Just as Gavin and I have been. I was so happy to see Maisey happy, and Jon. My two best friends.

I made it onto the set and took my spot next to Gus. Jon introduced us as we quickly did a rehearsal and as soon as we went live. Andy was already plastered and I was already annoyed. I felt bad for Maisey. She had to deal with the toddler.

After the show, Maisey pulled me aside.

"Hey, do you and Gav want to go out to lunch with Jon and I?" She asked, smiling at me.

"I'd love to, but we both have a lot to work on. He has a play pals to film, he's got the podcast, a things to do with Matt, Mica, Geoff and I. And I need to catch up on editing. Plus, Jordan and Miles are having me go over Camp Camp editing." I pouted. She sighed and nodded.

"Are you doing okay?" She asked, smiling softly at me.

"Yeah, I'm doing pretty well. Just very sleep deprived. And I don't think it's ever gonna go away until the boys are like..." I chewed on my lip, thinking. "probably moved out." I chuckled, looking at my friend. Her hair had grown so much longer since the last time we hung out. She still sent me rent money, and like I said we occasionally got lunch. But we've both been too swamped.

RTX was just around the corner, this would be my first one I'd be attending. Gavin didn't think it was a good idea because he knew how I get in crowds and me stressing isn't good for the babies. That's why when we're home he does all my editing and it makes me angry.

"Oh, okay. Well, please don't hesitate to call us. Jon's going through a lot and really needs me." She smiled softly. I knew she was in pain too.

Recently, Jon's dog, Bella had lost her battle with cancer. Maisey called me that night, and I'd been observing Jon's behavior, they were both so heavily impacted by her passing. I had offered to let Jon take Ellie but he turned down my offers. I knew he just needed space for now.

"Maybe during RTX we can grab a coffee." I smiled and grabbed her hand, squeezing it.

"I'd like that." She gave me a weak smile back, and squeezed back. "I've got to get back to Miles." Her smile faded and she kissed the top of my head. I watched her as she walked off with Jon. He threw an arm around her and held her close.

I turned around and headed back to the Achievement Hunter office, where they were doing an AHWU.

"GABRIELLE!" Gavin screeched, throwing himself out of his chair and engulfing me in a bear hug.

"You just saw me 2 hours ago!!" I laughed, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I'VE MISSED YOU SO DAMN MUCH!" Gavin shrieked again.

"You're gonna upset the children by yelling like that!" I flicked his forehead and he set me down. We both chuckled and he quickly stole a kiss from me.

"You guys are fucking disgusting." Michael shook his head from behind the camera. I flipped him off and walked over to Geoff's computer to finish editing a GTA video.

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