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no one's pov

The first night after Gavin and Gabi's first big fight was entirely awkward for everyone in the house. Gavin's parents had gone to bed to avoid the fight and poor George was stuck listening to it. George thought the fight was senseless but unfortunately he understood that pregnancy jacks up your hormones.

The first week after the fight went by fast. Gabi and Gavin were still at a distance. Gavin tried winning Gabi over multiple times over and over but she was scared of her brothers thoughts on it. It was a little late to do anything drastic, especially since she was beginning to grow attached to the little ones growing inside her.

She had never felt remorse when she had gotten her first abortions done. She could hardly feel any emotions at all. She was more scared of herself than of anyone else. Right now, those familiar feelings were coming back. She was terrified of never being there for her children. When they tripped and scraped their knees for the first time, or when a kid pushes them down on the playground, or for their first heartbreak. She was so scared because of the years she lost, she would be a horrible mother to her children.

Gavin was terrified for the same reasons. He was scared of his kids not liking him, he was so used to every kid loving him, but what if his kids were different? What if they grew up hating him because he was hardly around. He was scared of them never getting to meet his best friend in England. He was scared of so many things, his mind constantly raced with doubts.

That's one of the most common things than ran through their heads. Doubt. Not being enough for their kids. Never being able to be there when they needed them most. They would lose sleep over it some nights. They were too scared to voice their doubts to each other.


sorry for the short chapter. if i continue to do these non pov's they won't be long. they'll be just about as short as these. hope you enjoyed them!

much love,


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