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Three Months Later

"Good god! You're huge!!!" Lindsay said, looking at my stomach. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"I know! I feel like a whale." I pouted, looking at Gavin. Gavin shrieked and ran towards me.

"NO YOURE PERFECT SHUT UP YOU DUMB IDIOT!" Gavin yelled at me, obviously joking. I flicked his nose and he whimpered.

"This is your fault." I stated, pouting more.

"You're perfect." Gavin repeated himself.

"You're just say that because you're my boyfriend." I stated and he shook his head.

"No, if he didn't mean it he wouldn't have just launched himself over his desk to tell you that you were wrong. Which is weird, cause normally Gavin's wrong." Michael laughed.

"You're carrying twins, Gabi. You're going to get bigger than that in about 4 weeks." Geoff chuckled at us, I groaned louder.

"Stop reminding me that I'm gonna get fatter." I whined and Geoff chuckled. Gavin huffed and hugged me from behind.

"You're not fat!" Gavin groaned.

"You look great for your pregnancy. You look healthy even." Lindsay said and Michael agreed. I groaned again, louder and a little bit more painfully. Gavin noticed and he turned me around.

"Are you okay, love?" He frowned. I furrowed my brows and nodded.

"I-I'm fine. They're just really active right now." I groaned again, as another sharp pain hit my bladder. I went wide eyed and pushed Gavin away from me. I ran to the bathroom, because I felt like I was about to piss myself. "Gabi?!" I heard Gavin call.

"Bathroom!" I called back and he knocked on the door. "I just had to pee, sorry." I said, washing my hands and drying them.

"Don't run off like that!" He pouted as I opened the door.

"I miss Barbara." I stated. Gavin raised an eyebrow and tilted his head.

"Where did that come from?" He asked and I shrugged.

"We should talk about Godparents soon." I stated, again and he nodded in agreement.

"Do they get the same ones, or should we do two for each one?" Gavin asked.

"Maybe just two. I have an idea of who I want, but we can talk about it when we get home?" I asked him. He nodded and we walked back to the AH office.

"You good?" Ryan asked and I nodded. Surprisingly we ran into a behind the games. And there was definitely a bouncy castle in the middle of the walkway.

"Okay. Before you kill me and my boys, I'll be fucking hiding from you psychos." I giggled and after kissing Gavin, I found my way to the kitchen. I sighed and watched Miles walk by.

"Gabi!" Miles basically shrieked the moment he saw me. I laughed and opened my arms as he ran to me. He engulfed me in a hug, but not tightly. "You're huge! You've got humans growing inside you!!! How fucking weird, dude." Miles laughed as he pulled away.

I never got to see our animation team, it made me really sad. I missed Miles, Kerry, Maggie, Cole and Jordan. We still even had our group chat. Maggie always pestered me about letting her be Dexter and Spencer's god mother, but I knew exactly who I wanted it to be.

After work, Gavin and I were editing away at some videos. I set my laptop down and looked over at him.

"We need to start looking into baby shower ideas too." I said, scaring him.

"You're right. You said we needed to talk about godparents too." Gavin looked over at me, removing his headphones. He set his laptop down on the coffee table and sat up.

"I want Barbara to be their Godmother, I think." I smiled slightly. Gavin didn't respond at once, but he thought about it for a while. He nodded and looked at me.

"She'd love that, I think." Gavin smiled widely, causing me to smile back. I nodded.

"Any ideas for Godfather?" I asked, sitting up, and resting a hand on my belly. I winced as one of them kicked my hand.

"Hm. I originally thought Michael, but he's going to be too busy with Iris. But with how close you are to Miles, love, I think Miles should be it." He thought for a moment. "Or Jon." He added.

"You're gonna make me choose between my two best friends?!" I groaned, hiding a giggle. "I love Jon, but I love Miles just a little more." I smiled widely.

"Should we wait til the baby shower?" He asked, and I nodded.

"That sounds like a good idea." I agreed, getting up. Gavin watched as I struggled to get up and he got up after me, grabbing our laptops.

"Do you want to stream tonight?" Gavin asked, and I shook my head as I made my way up the stairs.

"I'm not feeling great." I admitted, walking to our room.

"Alright." Gavin said, sitting our laptops down on the desk. I sat down on the bed and exhaled. "We've got two rooms, should we put Dexter in one and Spencer in the other?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah. Maybe we can get the guys over to help paint their nurseries." I said, looking at my boyfriend. He grabbed some clothes out of the dresser. He handed me one of his shirts, and he undressed down to his boxers. He sat down beside me on the bed.

"Geoff, Griffon and Millie would love to help out. I know Millie would be happy to see Olivia and Eli if Ryan brings them over." Gavin smiled softly. He kissed my shoulder as I sat on the bed. I got up, undressing and pulling on the shirt Gavin gave me.

From the incredible amount of pain I was in, I knew it was going to be a long night. And I knew Gavin wouldn't sleep until he knew I was asleep. At least, I have someone to talk to, besides our animals. And our kids. I hummed softly, seeing if that maybe would calm the boys down.

Around 2:30, I awoke from a stabbing pain in my stomach. I groaned and woke up, waddling to the bathroom to see if there was any blood. I had nightmares of losing the boys. I'd be fucking shattered if it came true. Luckily, there was no blood and I waked over to the bed. I winced as the pain grew sharper and more aggressive.

I hit Gavin on the arm, waking him up abruptly.

"Love? What's going on? Are you okay?!" Gavin started questioning.

"Shut up! Take me to the ER now.." I moaned between gritted teeth.

"Are you fucking going into Labor?!" Gavin flung himself off the bed, grabbing the nearest pair of shoes he had.

"I'm not due for another two months!" I groaned, rolling my eyes and slowly following behind Speedy Gonzalez. He grabbed our keys and opened the garage. I slipped on the nearest pair of shoes, which were pink fluffy slippers the dogs surprisingly didn't chew up. I got in the back seat and groaned as the pain got more intense when I sat down.

Gavin buckled me in, and got in the drivers seat. Gavin still didn't have a renewed visa so we were fucked if we ended up getting pulled over. He drove as fast as he could, legally, to the nearest hospital.

"My girlfriend. She's having really bad abdominal pain, and she's only 7 months pregnant so she can't be going into labor!" Gavin told the receptionist. She nodded and paged a nurse.

"Hi my names Katherine. What's going on?" A nurse walked out to us. I winced as I stood up from sitting in the chair. "Are you in labor?" She asked, and I shook my head. "Miscarriage?" She asked, and I saw the sadness cloud Gavin's eyes. I shook my head and she nodded.

"I- I think my appendix burst." I groaned and her eyes went wide.

"We need to do an Xray real quick, and if it is we need to doctor, asap." She told the lady, she nodded and Kathrine snatched me from Gavin's hands and Gavin ran after us.

After that, I blacked out. I didn't know what was happening.

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