She Loves You

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Roman's POV


"I need to talk to you.. please don't hang up."

"What do you want Roman?"

"Look whatever we had on the road. I'm done with this shit! You were only a pawn and now you're in the way. So don't call me or talk to me again. When you see me on Raw don't speak to me."

"What has gotten into you? What are you afraid of  your little wife?"

"It's not about her. What we're doing isn't right."

"You're being a little boy. Call me when you're ready to be a man again." She hung up on me. Galina telling me about the twins not being mine hurt me.

Naomi's POV

"So Trinity.. Jonathan tells me you are from Orlando." Ms. Junie said, pouring me a glass of lemonade. . I quickly took a sip.

"Yes, born and raise. I really love your house." I said, looking around.

"Jonathan.. wanted to make sure I had somewhere nice to stay. Its a bit too much, but whenever he comes to Miami he has a place to stay."

Dean went into the fridge and grabbed a beer. "Ma you know you love this place." He finally sat next to me.

"So, how is everything is going with you two both being on both brands. Jonathan called me a few weeks ago freaking out. I am assuming things are better?" She looked at us.

I couldn't believe he was playing so cool around me, but he told his aunt he was worried about it. I've never seen that side of him. "Dean.. I mean Jonathan he made it seem like it didn't bother him."

Ms. Junie laughed. "Sweetheart.. that whole Jon Moxley/ Dean Ambrose thing is only a character. He tries to act like nothing freaks him out, but he was worried about it. Especially, with your ex on the same brand as you."

"Ma...that's enough." Dean turned red, he was clearly embarrassed. "Don't tell her everything.." He whined.

"Still a poor communicator I see.. don't be like that with Trinity. She seems like a nice girl to put up with you and all your bullshit." Ms. Junie sipped her tea, and took a bite of her sandwich.

When I looked at Dean he tried to force a smile. "Ms. Junie, Jonathan talks about you all the time. He loves you too death."

"Yes, he's definitely my favorite nephew, and the son I never had. I don't know what I'd do without my Jonny." Ms. Junie replied.

"I am sure everyone has asked, but how long do you plan on wrestling before you start a family, Trinity."

"Maybe in the next five years. I wouldn't be too old to have a child or two."

"I can wait five years..." Ms. Junie smiled.

I knew that Dean wanted children, but I am not sure if he wants them with me. We talked about it briefly. I just wanted to make sure everything was happening organically, and we didn't feel any pressure from anyone.

"Trinity.. let's go on the porch. I would like to talk to you alone."

"Sure." I smiled.

I followed Ms. Junie out to her front porch. This conversation could go many ways, but I am prepared for whatever she will tell me.

I sat next to her with my lemonade in my hand. "So, what do you want to talk about with me?"

"Jonny, really loves you. I've never met any of his other girlfriends. He's told me all about your ex husband and the previous drama with that. I am sure you are very much over him, since you are with my baby. But, Jonny is fragile."

"What do you mean?"

"He's a horrible communicator. Like most men, but he was in foster care for some time, and I've raised him as well. He doesn't talk to his parents at all. In his eyes I am his mother, that's why he calls me Ma. I just want you to be aware of what you are getting yourself into, but this gets any further. He is an amazing guy, but his childhood cripples him sometimes."

I knew there was something off about him, but he hasn't told me to this extend. It didn't matter to me though. I'm already in love with him. "Thank you for telling me, but I am in this for the long haul. There isn't anyone else."

"Not even Roman?" She narrowed her eyes.

Ugh, he tells her everything. "Not even."

"Good.." She reached out and hugged me. Dean walked out to the porch, and said "Alright ladies that's enough alone time. I sure she is telling you all about my childhood etc. I am fine Aunt Junie. Trust me I am."

"Sure you are Jonny." Ms. Junie joked.

Later that night ...

Dean's POV

I knew that my Aunt really liked Noami, and I am glad she gave me her blessing and approval of my love. No woman has been worthy of meeting my only family member.

Tomorrow, I would drop Naomi off at the airport to go to her live event. I am not sure if I could really do this brand split thing. I love my princess, but already I was missing her.

Naomi turned on her side. "What are you up thinking about?"

"Do you like my "new" feud with Miz?"

"Maybe.. it honestly was kinda boring the first time. Hopefully, this time will be different."

Way to go Naomi to boost my confidence. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Thank you so much for coming to spend time with me and my Aunt Junie. She loves you."

She looked up at me, and stroked my beard. "Why, didn't you tell me about foster care?"

"It was a dark time in my life that I didn't want to bring up again. In my teens and early adulthood I numbed out the pain with drugs. You know that I am clean now, and I have been for a while."

"Why did you tell her about Roman...and Jimmy?"

"I tell her everything.. she wasn't supposed to tell you that."

"But.. I don't want her to think that I am interested in those fools."

"Clearly you're not.. don't worry about it. My aunt just wants what's best for me since no one seems to treat me right."

"But I do.. I've never done you wrong and never will."

"Babe.. I know that. Just get some sleep.."

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