Guzma x Reader (Pokèmon Sun & Moon)

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It all started when Team Skull asked you to join their gang.

Now at first you were a little wary. Joining a gang? Who knows how that would end up. But you agreed.

The leader of the group, Guzma, hardly pain any attention to you when you first joined. You were just another recruit, after all.

But when you tripped down the stairs, crashed into him, and sent both of you to the ground, where you bumped another member who then dropped his tea on you, he kinda had to do more than ignore you.

He started paying more attention to you then, smitten by your pretty face and clumsy tendencies that he actually found kind of cute. You were strong too, stronger than him. And for once, that didn't really bother him all that much.

You yourself were quite taken with the eccentric man, even when he acted like an over-grown child. There was something admirable about the way he refused to stay down no matter how many times other Trainers beat him.

Neither of you knew how to express the feeling that were starting to grow, but one day, a day when you actually weren't doing anything wrong, the police jumped you.

You managed to take out over half of their Pokèmon before your own were brought down. But now you were surrounded, Pokèmon fainted, back to a wall, with no way out.

Or so you thought.

That's when Guzma showed up with what had to over half of Team Skull behind him. "It's ya boi Guzma!"

He stood in front of his crew, arms crossed over his chest. The police shifted their attention to him and the crowd behind him.

"Oi. I don't appreciate you rough housing my girl."

You blushed, shifting awkwardly. His girl?

Some of the police with fight-ready Pokèmon sent out their partners, and Team Skull met them, Pokèmon for Pokèmon.

"Come on now~ Is one girl really worth all this unpleasantness?" Guzma's voice took on a smoother quality and the police seemed confused at the gentle tone of the notoriously loud-spoken man. The ones with no Pokèmon left to fight with shifted awkwardly while the others relaxed marginally.

You saw Guzma's eyes take on a steely quality before he roared, "ATTACK!" His groupies surged around him, their Pokèmon at their side. The air swirled with the beat of Golbat wings, and the Raticate's squeaks filled the air. The occasionally Pidgeot added their squawks to the clamor, the resulting chaos more than enough to send most of the police force running.

And the ones that didn't flee were quickly overrun by a tide of fur and wings.

You laughed, the lower classmen of the gang shouting orders to their partners, the so-called elite of the police force sent running with their tails between their legs. The chaos was wonderful.

A hand grabbed yours and you found yourself looking into Guzma's grey eyes, bright with excitement. "Wanna get outa here?"


The two of you managed to weave through the mass of Trainers, breaking free of the crowd and running. Some of the grunts noticed your departure and started yelling for a retreat. The order rippled through them, Pokèmon put back in Pokèballs, and last insults hurled.

You glanced over your shoulder and laughed. "We've got company!"

"So it seems." He grinned at you. "Let's see how far they'll run."

Almost dragging you behind him, your small hand almost completely covered by his much larger one, you watched the way the wind pulled at Guzma's snow white hair and smiled.

He was most definitely a keeper.

"I've got a better idea." You grabbed for your Arcanine's Pokèball and managed to grab your last Full Revive as well. The two of you stopped long enough for you to bring your Pokèmon to and the fire type shook out its thick fur. "Think you can carry two, Arc?"

Arcanine gave a short bark of laughter, like he found your doubts funny, and crouched down so you could climb onto his back. He grabbed Guzma's shirt in his jaws and swung the man up, ignoring his shouts of protest.

Guzma thumped down behind you and you turned to him, grinning. "Better hold on, Buttercup."

Arcanine took off, leaving the rest of Team Skull, who'd almost caught up, once again trailing behind. Guzma clutched you from behind, unprepared for Arcanine's sudden acceleration.

You looked over your shoulder again, twisting to look at him. The wind blew his hair back and his eyes were squinted against it. But he was grinning, his arms wrapped around you.

He shielded his eyes from the wind with his hand, looking at you with something like love in his gaze. "You really are a fabulous woman, you know that?"

Arcanine turned, his paws thudding on the hard path that lead to Po Town.

And as you Pokèmon surged through the gates, leaping over the divider that kept unwanted people out, Guzma pushed his hand into your hair and kissed you.

Arcanine stopped, having reached his destination. Guzma took advantage of the fact that you were no longer moving and pulled you closer, turning you around so that you straddled him.

The members of Team Skull that had been left behind and the ones that pushed the gate out of the way and surged in, all gathered around the two of you in a wide circle.

Neither of you noticed.

Arcanine, a bit overprotective of you, didn't like the way Guzma was handling you and growled, twisting around to shove his muzzle between your bodies.

You laughed, blushing, and pushed on the Pokèmon. "It's okay Arcanine! Stop acting like you're my father!"

Well, I just about have to be with hooligans like this around.

You rolled your eyes and gave Guzma and exasperated glance. "This Pokèmon thinks he's my father. You don't meet his standards."

"Oh well!" The shout came from one of the grunts and that's when you noticed that you had an audience. More shouts came after the first.

"Guzma's the boss, so he can do what he wants, right?"

"Are you too gunna get married?"

"Are you already married?"

"Are you gunna have babies?!"

"Of course they're going to have babies."

"I was just askin'!"

Guzma looked around, desperately trying to find the actual person responsible for the shouts. Unable to find one, he finally just shouted for everyone to shut up.

"Jeez, is nothing in my life private...?" He muttered.

You chuckled. "What's wrong Guzma? Don't wanna have babies with me?"

He flushed bright red, all the way to the tips of his ears. "Well- I don't- I didn't- Do you- Did I- Wha-"

You covered his mouth to stop his spluttering. "Hush."

His blush deepened and he looked away, nervously tugging at the hem of his shirt.

"Arcanine?" Your Pokèmon's ears pricked. "Home, boy."

Arcanine bounded forward, leaping over the gathered people and heading towards the mansion where your room was.

Guzma squeaked and clung to you again, burying his face in your hair. You placed one hand over his and smiled.

Joining Team Skull was a pretty good idea after all.

(Why did I make this, I don't even like Guzma, he's amusing in an ugly-dog-running-into-wall kinda way, but that's about it, help.)

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