Ash x Reader (Pokémon)

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"(Y/NNNN)!" You sighed and turned to the person that had dramatically whined your name, crossing your arms and giving him a 'what do you want?' look. Ash Ketchum, currently sprawled on the ground, rolled onto his stomach and said, "I'm hungry."

Pikachu, after careful consideration of his partner's expression, copied it perfectly, ears down to help make its point.

You squatted down and poked Ash on the cheek. "Then get up already! You know we're not far from Goldenrod City! And I'm not carrying you this time!"

He whined and gave a dramatic gasp before going limp, letting tongue loll out of his mouth. Pikachu took his trainer's head into his tiny paws, looked towards the sky and yelled, "Pikaaaaaaaaaa!" which you assumed was his way of dramatically yelling 'why?'.

You shook your head and sighed.

"Thanks for carrying me again."

You sighed at Ash as the boy lounged on the back of your Arcanine, perfectly content to let your Pokémon do all the work. "Ya know, you're going to have to walk all the way to a town someday."

"And why's that?"

"Because Ash, I won't always be around to carry your weight! Geez, don't be so whiny!"

Ash sat up, brow furrowed, hat crooked. "You're going to leave too...?" You gulped and rubbed the back of your neck, unable to look into his dark eyes. Arcanine gave a low growl, unhappy that his passenger was making you uncomfortable.

You patted him on the head, murmuring quietly to silence him. "I mean, I can't just wander the world indefinitely Ash. I know you don't think about the future in much detail often, but I want to settle down. I want a family and a home and a life."

Ash huffed and crossed his arms. "I'm not a kid ya know! And I do think about those things sometimes. Occasionally." Pikachu looked between the two of you, ears twitching.

You sighed. "We're here. Let's just go eat, okay?"

The tension between the two of you had yet to break, and now the Pokémon were starting to pick up on it. Your Raichu chittered nervously, sparks shooting from its cheeks, Arcanine kept sniffing the air, like it was looking for danger, and Ninetails wouldn't finish its food. Ash's Pokémon weren't doing much better.

Pikachu gave a small "Pi." and nudged Ash's arm, trying to get him to talk, but Ash just absentmindedly shoved food in his mouth, his eyes glazed over with a faraway look. You wanted desperately to break the awkwardness, to go back to how you usually were, but the silence was so heavy... You didn't think you could lift it alone.

You glanced up at Ash right when the boy stood up and slammed his hands down on the table. A few people glanced over, but you were largely ignored. Ash's eyes were burning, a fierce fire that allowed for no argument. Grabbing you by the wrist, he dragged you out of your seat and out of the Pokémon Center, your Pokémon chasing after you. Clumsily, you managed to get Ninetails into its Pokéball before having to focus on where you were putting your feet.

Arcanine barked and Rapidash galloped circles around you two, whinnying. You sent both to their Pokéballs, giving the same treatment to Milotic when she caught up. Raichu and Pikachu dashed to their trainers and ran by your sides as Ash continued to pull you along, out of Goldenrod and back onto the open road.

"Ash, what are you doing? Where are we going? Just say something!"

He let you go and whirled around, his hair a dark halo around his head. He pulled his hat off and ran a hand through the unruly locks, giving a huff of breath and shaking himself. Re-hatting himself, Ash put his hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes. "You're not leaving."

"Ash, what-"

"I won't let you. You have to stay." He pulled you against him, crushing you to his chest. "You're so important to me, (Y/N), and if I have to give up being a Pokémon Master, then fine, I'll give up, we can go home to Pallet and make a family."

You could feel the heat rush to your face and you tried in vain to pull away. "Ash, no, you don't-"

He just held you tighter, pressing his face to your hair. "Please please please don't go! Losing you would be like losing Pikachu! Or my arm, or something! I just... I think I love you (Y/N), and I've never loved anyone like this, like you're the only thing that matters, and I don't want to lose that, I don't want to lose you!"

You gave up trying to speak and just hugged him back.

"I don't have to catch every Pokémon or visit every region. I think I'll be fine with you and the Pokémon I have now."

You gently pushed him away and this time he relaxed his death grip, though his arms were still loosely around your waist. "Ash." He looked up at you, worry in his eyes. You reached up and brushed his hair out of his face, a smile pulling at your lips. "You don't have to do that Ash. I'll travel the world with you if you just promise me one thing."

Ash gave a little bounce and nodded. "What is it? What is it?"

You kissed the tip of his nose and said, "Once you're the greatest, we'll find a place to stay and call home, 'kay?"

Ash grinned like a dork and laughed. "Of course!" His grip on your torso tightened and he spun you around before lifting you above his head. You squeaked in surprise, unprepared for the show of strength.

He set you on your feet and grabbed your hand, twining your fingers together and leaning forward to kiss your cheek. You shifted closer to him, smiling. "Oh, and Ash?"


"I love you too."

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