Genos x Reader (One Punch Man)

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Genos was knocked away once again, his body coming to a halt just in front of you. He pushed himself up with his remaining arm, panting.

"Genos..." You reached out and gently touched the undamaged half of his face. He grabbed your hand and held it for a moment before standing, positioning himself between you and the huge, six-legged beast that ravaged the city.

You grabbed Genos' sleeve and tried to pull him away. "Leave it, Genos! We might get away!"

"Might isn't good enough." Genos turned towards you, one side of his face ravaged by claw marks. Sparks zapped out of the gashes and the place where his eye used to be. He put his hand on your shoulder. "(Y/N), I can fix this. I can fix everything done to my body. I've lost my family, I've lost my home, but I'll be damned if I'll lose you too."

He turned and went after the beast again, dodging its tusks and snapping jaws, filled with oversized incisors. You flinched when its tail made yet another building collapse.

The resulting dust blinded you for a moment, and you froze, covering your face with your arms. When you looked up, you saw that monster barreling straight towards you.

Fear rooted you to the spot. You heard Genos scream your name and then he was there, in front of that thing, and it's tusk was through his chest, but he was digging his heels into the ground, slowing it down, refusing to let it touch you.

He stopped it. Genos stopped it. You were close enough to reach out and touch Genos' face. He was shaking, his body misfiring. The light in his remaining eye flickered and he convulsed, garbled noises coming from his damaged throat.

You felt hot tears spill down your face. "Genos, no..."

Genos reached forward, towards you with a twitching hand. "(Y/...N)..."

"Am I late?" Saitama's voice came from beside you and you jerked away from him with a shriek. "Geez, I'm not that ugly, am I?" He grabbed Genos with one gloved hand and pulled him free.

"Alright, let's get this over with. I've got ramen heating up and I need to get back to it." Saitama grabbed the beast by the tusks and picked it up, slamming it into the ground hard enough to shatter the asphalt beneath. He dusted off his hands and sauntered over to where you knelt on the ground, Genos cradled against your chest.

"Is he dead?" Saitama tried to touch Genos, but you growled and shifted away, protectively bending over the cyborg. When the bald man kept trying, you snarled and bit him.

"Now that's not necessary." Saitama gently pulled his hand free and picked you both up. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Let's get him home."

System check:
Body: intact
Mind: connected
Optics: functional

Genos' felt his body jerk and convulse as his programs were restarted and his body's connections to itself remade. Flashes of code went through his mind and he was hyper aware of everything inside of himself.

There were a few places with the wrong screws in, the wires in his chest weren't ideal, one eye was gone, and he only had one arm.

His eyes flickered open, the one remaining adjusting to the light. He heard your voice, choked with tears, yelling Sensei's name.

You grabbed his hand and he turned his head to look at you. "Genos..." You brushed his hair out of his face. "I'm so glad you're awake, I thought I wasn't doing it right, I thought maybe..."

He looked at you, covered in dirt stains and oil. There were burns and blisters on your hands, and your hair was a mess. "Did you fix me...?"

"As best I could, I... I'm sorry..." You were shaking, tears spilling down your face. Genos pulled you close, wrapping his arm around you.

"Don't you dare apologize."

His one eye stared into yours. Its light was dull and his face was still ripped, but he was awake and alive. He leaned forward and you met him halfway, kissing him past the tears that still fell down your face.

"Not that this isn't touching..." Saitama rubbed both your heads. "But dinner's done and it's going to get cold."

Various x Reader    [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now