Kiawe x Reader (Pokèmon Sun and Moon)

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You ran up the front steps and burst through the front door of Kiawe's home, skidding across the hardwood floor and whacking into the wall.

His parents looked over, shocked, but when they saw it was you they just shook their heads and smiled. You were a common sight around the house nowadays.

"Hello!" You stood up and hugged his mom. "Is my little burnt marshmallow here?"

She hugged you back and said, "You mean Kiawe? He's upstairs in his room."

"Thank ya, ma'am."

You took off, racing up the staircase and crashing into Kiawe's bedroom. "Hi Kiawe!"

He yelped and fell over, his unlit fire sticks clattering on the floor as they fell out of his grip. You rushed over to him and kneeled down, putting a hand on the back of his head. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! Are you okay, Kiawe?"

He groaned and went to rub the back of his head but just ended up laying his hand over yours. "Uh, I'm f-fine, (Y/N)."

"Thank goodness!" You crushed him to your chest, half-smothering him in your breasts.

When you finally let him go, he gasped for air for a moment before getting to his feet and pulling you up with him. "So (Y/N). What're you doing here?"

You hugged him again before answering. "I just wanted to see you, Kiawe! Do I need a reason to see you now?"

He sighed and ran a hand through your hair. "Guess not. Hey, I know you just got here, but I gotta go. If you wanna talk, you'll have to go to that Thrifty Mart, okay?"

You huffed and let him go. "Alright alright. I'll see you there, I wanna talk with your parents first."

He gave you a tired smile and gently placed his hand on your cheek. Then he walked past you and left.

You grabbed the hands of Kiawe's mother and said, "CAN I HAVE YOUR BLESSING?!?"

She smiled. "I already told you, (Y/N), it's Kiawe's choice if he wants to marry you. But for what it's worth, I think you'd make my son very happy."

"YEEEESSSS! GOOD ENOUGH!" You danced through the house and out the front door, leaving Kiawe's parents to wonder what their son had gotten himself into.

Kiawe was standing outside the store, talking to a man. You walked closer, curiosity getting the best of you.

"... gunna have to let you go."

You stopped, head tipped. Kiawe's shoulders drooped and he gave a quiet sigh. "It's alright... I understand."

The man put a hand on Kiawe's shoulder. "I really am sorry. Take care of yourself, Kiawe."

"You too."

The man left and you slowly walked forward. Kiawe turned his head and looked at you, sadness in his dark eyes. "I'm guessing you heard that?"

Lying seemed like a cruel thing to do at the moment, so you just nodded. He sighed. "Of course you did..."

"Kiawe..." You stepped forward and uncertainly wrapped your arms around him. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Kiawe hugged you back, pushing one hand into your (H/C) hair. "But... I just wanna dance, ya know? I've been saving my money so I can go study abroad and just dance for a living, but now I've lost my job and I..."

He was shaking in your arms and you looked up at his face. Unshed tears glimmered in his eyes, and he was biting his lip in an effort to hold them back. "Oh baby!" You reached up and touched his cheek. "Don't cry! I can help!"

He shook his head. "I can't ask you to help me, (Y/N). I'll be fine, don't worry about me."


He pulled away and turned, running across the parking lot.


A Charizard swooped down from the sky with a roar. Kiawe swung into its back and it took off, taking Kiawe with it.

With a muffled curse, you turned and ran, heading back to his home.

"KIAWEEEEEEE!!!" You exploded into the house, roaring Kiawe's name. His parents jumped with shock, and then without a word his mother pointed towards the staircase.

You took the stairs two at a time and kicked Kiawe's door open. "KIAWE!"

He screamed and covered himself, despite the fact that he walked around half-naked all the time. You marched in and stood in front of him, arms crossed.

He tried to meet your gaze but ended up looking away, his blush barely noticeable against his dark skin.



You reached up and turned his head back toward you, forcing him to look you in the eyes. "Please don't run away from me."

Kiawe gently placed his hand over yours. "Sorry, (Y/N)."

"It's okay, just... Don't worry too much alright? I'm sure everything will turn out okay."

This time he was the one that hugged you. "Thanks for always checking up on me, (Y/N)..."

You gently kissed his cheek. "Of course, sweetheart."

You pulled away, intending to leave him to practice his dance, but he grabbed hold of your wrist.

"(Y/N)? Will you stay? Please? I just... I just don't feel like dancing alone right now."

You looked at him in surprise and he gave you a pleading look. You smiled at him. "Of course, Kiawe."

Kiawe's mother was cleaning up and getting ready for bed when she realized you'd never left her house.

She walked up the stairs and opened the door to Kiawe's room a crack, peering in. The light of the moon that shone through the window was just enough to see two forms sleeping soundly.

You mumbled something in your sleep and Kiawe's arms tightened around you, pulling you closer.

With a small smile, his mother closed the door and walked back downstairs.

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