Kiba x Reader (Naruto)

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"Bark! Bark!"

Akamaru got up on his back paws and placed his front ones on your shoulders, covering your face in welcome licks.

"AAAAAHHHRRRG!! AKAMARU!" You twisted your head away, laughing. "Don't drown me, boy!"

"Come on, down Akamaru." The big dog went back to all fours at Kiba's words, the brown-haired Inuzuka grinning at your slobber-covered face.

"What?" You crossed your arms over your chest. "You're not gunna lick me too, are you?"

He laughed as you wiped the slobber from your face, walking forward to drape an arm across your shoulders. "Hey, I'm glad we ran into ya. I kinda need your help with something..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

He looked around suspiciously before leaning forward to put his mouth right next to your ear. "Akamaru needs a bath, but he hates them. Like, a lot. Help me out?"

You considered it. On one hand, you'd probably end up soaked and smelling like wet dog. But on the other hand, you'd get to spend time with Kiba, and the handsome boy was always welcomed company.

"All right. Why not?"

He wrapped his arms around you and spun you once, grinning. "Thanks, (Y/N)! I knew I could count on you!"

"Of course, Kiba."

He pranced off, you and a clueless Akamaru following behind.

Akamaru gave a low growl of displeasure as you and Kiba scrubbed his thick fur. He turned his head to glare at Kiba, flicking his tail and showering his owner with water.

"Gah! Dang it Akamaru, just keep still!"

In response, the giant dog grabbed Kiba's sleeve in his jaws and tugged him into the tub of water. Kiba yowled in shock, flailing.

You jumped back from the resulting spray of water, holding back laughter. Kiba glared at you, spitting dog-fouled water out of his mouth. "Think it's funny, huh?" He lunged forward and grabbed your shirt in his hands, dragging you down with him.

You fought hard, but Kiba still managed to drag you into the tub. Akamaru panted happily, giving a single bark and wiggling.

"You said it, boy!" Kiba rubbed Akamaru's head affectionately.

"What did he say?"

Kiba grinned at you. "He said it's a lot better when we're all in here together."

You laughed and gave Kiba a sly glance. Grabbing him by the shoulders, you shoved him down into the water and he flailed, hopping away from you and shaking soap bubbles from his hair.

He narrowed his eyes, a wolfish grin crossing his face. "It. Is. On."

He jumped you and you wrestled each other on the warm water, not noticing when Akamaru reared up above you on his hind legs. And then he came crashing down.

Both of you flailed under his hot fur and the resulting ruckus ended up tipping the whole tub over onto its side. A dog, two people, and a whole lot of water were dumped unceremoniously on the now-muddy earth.

Akamaru dragged himself forward on his belly, effectively nullifying any and all cleanliness you and Kiba may have managed to depart to him. The white hound dropped his head on your gut and you wheezed.

Kiba laughed and grinned at you. "I think Akamaru likes you."

"Is that so?" Akamaru's tail slapped against the wet ground at the sound of your voice and he woofed! Kiba blushed.

"Really, Akamaru? You dumb dog." He shoved Akamaru off of you and the dog, thinking it was a game, jumped on Kiba and bowled him over, covering his human parter in happy face licks.

You stood up and attempted to wipe off some of the mud, but it was pointless. Akamaru trotted proudly over to you and nuzzled your hand. You rubbed him around the ears as Kiba stood alongside you. "So," you said, one hand on your hip. "What did he say that got you all red in the face."

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Your ears are still red."

"Oh..." Kiba rubbed the back of his neck. "It's nothing, really. Just dumb dog stuff."

Akamaru butted his head into Kiba's stomach.

"Ouch! Dang it, Akamaru!" The dog chuffed and Kiba shook his head. "No." Akamaru head butted him again. "Ouch! The answer is no, dog, now stop it."

Akamaru was not to be told off so lightly. He walked behind you and placed his head on the small of your back, walking forward slowly.

"Woah! Akamaru! What are you doing buddy?" Akamaru pushed you forward until you bumped against Kiba, then planted his paws so that you stayed there. When Kiba tried to move back Akamaru started to push you again.

"I think he's trying to tell us something." You looked back at the determined white dog.

"Oh, I'm hearing him loud and clear."

You looked at Kiba, becoming fully aware of the closeness of him. Akamaru have another small nudge, pressing you firmly against the brunet. "Oh my."

Kiba cast a withering glance at his dog before looking back to you. His expression turned softer and he reached up to cup your face in his hand. "You wanna know what Akamaru's been saying?"

Something in his voice and the fact that he was steadily leaning closer made it so your voice came out as a whisper. "What...?"

Kiba brought his other hand up to the back of your neck. "He's wondering when I'll make you my mate." His lips touched yours, soft at first and then more demanding, his hand fisting in your hair, pulling you closer.

Akamaru pranced around the two of you as you wrapped your arms around Kiba's neck and kissed him back. The white dog gave a happy bark. His packmate finally had an Alpha-Female. Took him long enough.

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