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I think our plan of reveng eis rather genius. We are going to take this prank, or whatever people like to call it, right out of a book called Looking for Alaska by John Green. It was a novel Casey had read a few years back, and had a strong passion for it as well. 

Casey already had contacted her mean boss and has set up for this "phenominal singer" to be giving a performance. The boss was ecstatic that someone was wiling to perform at his Bo Peep Diner. He thought it would be fantastic publicity for his restaurant. As soon as Casey spoke the word singer he said yes. The idiot thought the singer was going to be some celebrity singer among the public. Little does he know that this guy is a dancer...if you know what I mean. The exotic kind. We're paying him about a hundred bucks, all the staff at the diner pitched in money for this catastrophe to occur. 

The bell dinged which signalled that the singer (not quite) has arrived. Casey's boss greets him and the man shakes his hand, meanwhile winking at Casey and I. 

"Please," Casey's boss says with admiration, "take a seat up on that stool. We set up a stage for you to perform. Where is your instrument?" I panic for a second, but this guy we hired doesn't, he's good.

"I'm all vocals. It sounds more...provocative, if you ask me. And provocative is my style." He replies. Casey's boss nods in aw. 

"Well, please. Take a seat, and you can start your show!" Her boss repeats himself, but this time with slightly a more aggressive tone. 

"Okay." The other responds.He walks up to the stage and hops on and takes a seat on the stool. 

"Hello everyone," he speaks into the microphone tapping it while the packed restaurant disengages from speaking with one another. "Today I will be singing you guys an original song of mine. Oh, and my name is Jack. Jack Mehoff." He winks at the audience then begin his song. 

 "Once upon a time,

a girl came to your door,

she didn’t wanna work here anymore.

You threw a knife at her and said no,

even when she wanted to go.

And this is her message to you - 

 or, anyone, really.” 

 Jack Mehoff then stops singing and rips off his shirt and pants, wearing a pair of shorts underneath. He starts dancing around to this techno songt that Casey plays on her phone. He dances and prances around like it's nothing, he does the job he has to do normally. He dances and dances and doesn't stop. 

 Some people are outraged and disgusted. But that's okay, because either way it was sweet revenge. 

Others cried and shrieked in laughter, which was also okay because either way it pissed off Casey's boss and gave him a bad rep. Jack skipped along the tables dodging the stampede whcih was coming from Casey's boss. His face was as red as a tomato, it must have worked becaue he looks so pissed. 

 "CASEY!" Her boss shouts in between desperate tries to stop Jack. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS." 

 "This is my lesson to you," Casey says with loads of happiness and confidence. "this is my revenge for the hell you have put us through working here. Now you hear me loud and clear. Because I honestly don't give a crap if you are going to try and make me stay. What you were doing was balckmail, and I'm not afraid of you anymore. I QUIT!" 

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