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A couple minutes later Valary came back in with the 5 guys following, looking at me sympathetically.

"We came to a decision." Jimmy announced but Zacky interrupted.

"You can't go back to Washington. You have no possessions but the clothes you were wearing when we found you..." (It was then I realised I was in hospital clothes.) "So given the current living situations of us all..."

Then Brian spoke over him. "At the minute Matt, Valary and Michelle live in a house while Zacky, Jimmy and I live in another house and Johnny lives with his girlfriend. Matt's house isn't as big and is where we record so if you want to, you can stay with us." He had been staring at the floor but when he finished he looked up at me hopefully. Also, 'record'? I'd have to ask Val about that later. I didn't know what to say.

"You know it's best for you. There's no room at mine but you can borrow some of my clothes and then eventually we can go out shopping and I'll buy everything you need." Valary explained.

"We just want you to be safe." Matt muttered. I thought about it for a second, surveying my options but it only took me a minute to figure out, it was practically my only option.

"Yeah ok." I nodded, determined to not go back on it.

"Plus maybe spending time with us will help bring your memory back. We can go around Huntington to where we used to hang out, we'll all tell you things we used to do or whatever and hopefully you'll get something back." Jimmy said, making me smile. The more I thought about it, the more it sounded like a good idea, maybe I could be happy again? I guess only time could tell.

"I'll go back to mine now and get you some clothes." Valary announced and I nodded. "See you soon." She quickly hugged me then pecked Matt's lips and left.

"I'll go get a nurse. See when you can be discharged from here." Johnny announced before quickly following Valary.

There were a few seconds pause before Matt spoke up. "So you really can't remember us?" He came and sat on the edge of the bed near my feet. I sighed and shook my head.

"Come on, there's gotta be something! Anything?" Jimmy asked hopefully.

"I was talking to Valary about how I vaguely remember ranting about you getting kicked out of school and some dude threatened to call the cops." I smiled and he immediately did to along with everyone else in the room.

"Yeah we all had to literally drag you down from the top of that climbing frame or whatever it was." Jimmy laughed in nostalgia and so did everyone else.

"What about that time you and Brian thought it would be a good idea to see who could climb this tree the highest then when you both got to the very top, refused to get down until the other did first?" Matt recalled, nudging me slightly, Jimmy started laughing again and Brian smirked before putting his face in his hands which I thought was strange.

"No not really. Why what happened?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows at Brian's reaction.

"Well you see..." Jimmy started but Brian quickly interrupted.

"This doesn't really need to be told does it guys?" He complained.

"Of course, I'm not the one who's gonna have to live with the awkwardness after." Matt chuckled.

"Jimmy will!" Brian exclaimed quickly but Jimmy just shrugged making me giggle at Brian's clear distress.

"Basically when you and Bri were..." Matt began again but all of a sudden the door swung open with nurse and Johnny entering swiftly after, making Matt sigh. "Well you're lucky for now but I guess we'll have to tell it another time." Matt winked at me as a promise he would tell me later which made me smile.

"Well you definitely seem a lot better." The nurse smiled at me and I nodded. "Well I've booked for you to have weekly appointments with a therapist here in Huntington every Saturday morning. If there's any problems just let me know and I can change it around."

"Yep that's sounds fine," I informed her.

"I just need you to fill out this forum then just drop it off at reception and you can go home." She smiled, handing me a clipboard with the form on it and a pen.

"Thankyou." I smiled taking from her before she left. On there was a bunch of information to fill in like your name and birth and phone number, postcode, the usual stuff. There was also an extra piece of paper with extra information on about my therapist. I grabbed the pen and started to try write 'Anastasia' but I quickly realised my hands were shaking violently and I could barely even hold the pen.

I took a deep breath in and tried to steady my hand but it wasn't working and no matter how hard I tried, I just ended up making lines all over the page. I began to get frustrated with myself but before I could snap, Brian noticed.

"Here let me." He offered out his hands to take the pen and clipboard and I quickly handed them over. I watched as his long, bony-ish fingers gripped and handled the pen swiftly and accurately much unlike I had just done. I slumped down in the bed, letting myself drift off slightly. "What's your number?" He asked, looking up after a few minutes but I had sort of zoned out as it was so quiet apart from the sound of the biro scratching on the paper.

"I'm in a fucking hospital bed this isn't the time to be tryna hook up." I mumbled turning away from him but then the over guys started to laugh while Brian smirked and furrowed his eyebrows, making me realise what I said. "No! Sorry I... Sorry I'm a little out of it..." I sat up straight quickly, trying to cover up what I'd said. "Anyway I don't really have a phone at the minute, could you just put down one of yours?"

"Sure, I'll just put mine." Brian shrugged and proceeded to do so. I assumed he had put down his address to if that's where I was going to be staying but god knows how he had remembered my birthday.

Soon enough, everything was filled in. I saw Brian put the paper with the therapist information in his pocket before he stood up. "I'll go hand this into reception." He said quickly and left before anyone could oppose. As soon as the door closed, Matt took a seat where Brian had been with Johnny quickly sitting next to him and Jimmy took the place where Matt had been.

"So the tree thing was basically... Well first we're not tryna point fingers or whatever..." Matt started but Jimmy interrupted.

"Yeah, course we are!" Jimmy exclaimed, hitting Matt's knee, Johnny seemingly confused by what they were even on about. "What happened was we think Brian had this crazy crush on you or something..."

"Like no kidding, drooling over you with fucking heart eyes when you walked past, it was pretty hilarious." Matt smirked.

"Oh I know what you're on about." Johnny muttered, mostly to himself.

"Yeah anyway, and he said he would get down first if you kissed him which you did because..." Jimmy continued but this time I stopped him.

"'Cause I always have and always will be a sore loser who hates not winning no matter the situation. Guess I'm a competitive bitch like that." I laughed and both guys sort of shrugged and nodded in agreement.

"So yeah but then after he never ever mentioned it and gets super embarrassed so we get to take the piss because we're honestly great friends like that." Matt finish, slapping his hand onto Jimmy's shoulder. I was laughing along just as much and in that moment, all I could do was imagine the scene and wish I could remember it.

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