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> "if every woman in the world woke up tomorrow and decided she loves herself as well as her body, how many industries will go out of business?"

> you will always see a beautiful stranger. You will look at them and complement at least one part of them. Sometimes you'll fall in love with the things they hate about themselves the most like their freckles, their smiles, or the way their skin wrinkles around their eyes when they laugh. To someone, that stranger is you.

> don't kill bees !! they're less likely to sting you since if they do they'll die. Plus they give us honey and pollinate flowers. we need bees 🐝

> people are allowed to break up with you, stop talking to you, put their happiness before yours, fall in love with someone else and vise versa. think of the POV of someone else and don't get mad at them for trying to be happy. ignore those who get mad at you for making yourself happy.

> i wonder if one of the reasons there aren't any female engineers is because "girl" toys are dolls and little girls sit there playing make believe while "boy" toys deal with construction/ building things and they have to exercise their brains in order to do so at an early age

> why are clothes that are made for girls revealing and short? I can't find even a sweater that isn't either cropped or has a low v neck

> the stories in books/ movies aren't the same as real life yet we expect it to be

> be your best friend. No one should have your back like you do

> why not experience different cultures? why not genuinely want to learn a new language or listen to music that's not in your native language? who knows you might enjoy it

> "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" meaning that relationships you form on your own are stronger than a family's bond. (i've always thought if your parents or anyone in your family mistreats you, you don't have to forgive them just because they're family). Yes family is important and some problems are normal however, please protect yourself.

> treat someone the way they want to be treated, not the way you want to be treated. everyone is different and sees things differently.

> you might be the person who turns someone's life around. you might be the person who someone stays up at night thinking about because they just can't seem to shake away the thoughts of your smile out of their head

> stop checking to see if they read your messages, if anyone watched your snap chat story, how many likes you got on the picture you just posted, etc because it all doesn't matter

> drink lemon water in the morning (it'll help you digest, lose weight, and clear up acne/ scars)

> you don't have to argue every for every disagreement, just agree to disagree

> learn to say these things to guys (not always of course, boys are precious too, but some let their ignorance get in the way): "you're not funny", "don't talk to me like I'm dumb", "I probably know about this more than you do", "I don't owe you anything", "you repeated exactly what i just said", "you're making me uncomfortable", "no".

> boys please please please don't be afraid to be "girly". Just because you like the color pink or find dresses and flowers pretty, you don't mean any less. You're magical.

> someone's effort is their reflection of their interest in you

> do things that inspire you !! who cares about what those background characters think

♥︎ also you're cute

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