Chapter 6: Complaining

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Love you all

Celena POV

"I hate him! asshole" I entered my office with anger, my whole face was red, I threw my stilettoes somewhere I don't know, I hate wearing them I can't walk and they are painful.

"Ma'am you got call from Mr. Mike" Sia entered my office

"Just tell him we can meet tomorrow and discuss the design and the requirements" with that I pick my phone and dialed Ray while sitting on the couch "hey Ray" we angry tone

"hey, Kal baby is everything okay, you sound so angry and pissed" worried tone "guess what... I saw the asshole" sitting on my couch while getting the laptop and trying to type "who? Oh no shit and how was your meeting" sighs "it was okay I got the deal but that asshole Corey played dirty so that I couldn't get the deal, BASTARD I HATE HIM" I WAS SCREAMING NOW "Kal calm down that's good that you got the deal and bad that he played dirty" "wait what do you mean by dirty, spill the beans will you" sounding so worried

"he convinced the clients that I shouldn't get the deal but I rubbed that shit on his hot face" hahaha laughing "Hot huh" sarcastic laugh

"babe he think he's some GQ model ha hah hah But you should have seen his face after I told him "you should learn how to accept the defeat" hahaha "Kal you should be careful he looks some intense guy and he can do anything to get revenge" sounding like mom

"Okay Mom I will be careful" laughing my ass off "okay I will see you at dinner Love you" "love you too babe"

after talking to Ray I felt little better actually much better since I got the project I better start work on it,  you never know what the asshole plans next, Picking up phone "Sia call the designers related to pacific hotel project, tell them we having a meet in 5mins" 

I was thinking how am I going to work with the asshole, but work is work sighs. why can't he be nice and act all grumpy and so arrogant? I got my laptop and moved out of my office to the meeting room, " morning Ma,am" I saw my designer ready.

"morning everyone, please have a seat" after settling down, I was briefing them about the project which we will start in a week "okay, guys there is a problem, the construction will be done by Stratekis Inc and we have to do our best, they might try to create problems or bring us down, we have to work as family within yourself like we always do" after telling them how hard and challenging it's going to be "any questions or confusion" everyone seem to understood "I think we should get be back to work" as saying I left the room toward my room to check if I have any meeting. "Sia, do I have any meeting for next hours, I will be going out" raising my eyebrows, she's one of best sectary anyone can get, I think I am lucky because she knows my flaws too well. "No Ma'am" "that's nice, but make sure Tell Eric and his team to be ready after lunch we need to work on the design before we submit the final design" "sure will be done, Ma'am" I enter my office and try to find my shoes, guess what they were under my table, I bent down to get my shoes but only one was there one was near the bookshelf, I walked towards the bookshelf with one shoe on,  "Ma'am you got something" giving me flowers with a card

 "No Ma'am" "that's nice, but make sure Tell Eric and his team to be ready after lunch we need to work on the design before we submit the final design" "sure will be done, Ma'am" I enter my office and try to find my shoes, guess what they were und...

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From Corey, "congratulation partner welcome to the deal, let's catch the details on dinner, I will pick you up from your office at 6 pm tonight" are you real dude after playing dirty you will send me flowers and ask me for dinner,  I called Sia, "Sia trash these flowers and don't receive such things from Mr. Stratekis next time" giving her the flowers and trashing the card to the dustbin, I passed her and reached my private lift, I went to the parking lot With that I went to my car, got in and drive towards my secret place where I sit alone and relax my brain, the place is near lake where no one goes it's so quiet and peaceful, I enjoy the breeze and the sun, I always keep my camera in my car and I got my camera and start taking pictures of birds and nature.

Photography helps me to calm down and helps me release stress. To be honest I wanted to be photographer but fate wasn't written like that, but still I am so happy what I am today, sometimes it's stress to run business but my parents my brothers and Cyrena are really supporting, I don't know why I miss family today all of sudden, I do miss them a lot and I want to see them and hug dad, they are all in Austria. I can video call them, I reached out my pocket but I didn't bring my phone with me.

After having a good relaxing time I came to my office, I have 2 unfinished projects which have to be done this week, the client wants to start building it as soon as possible. I met architects regarding the hotel and showed them the changes, got back and start doing the unfinished projects I didn't realize it's 5:30 and I skipped lunch I decided to eat instant Ramen, I got up went to me kitchen and made noddles I was eating them suddenly my phone rang it was Ray "hey Kal baby when will be going home, we need to buy grocery" oh yeah our fridge is almost empty "I will be out soon babe meet you at the Wal-Mart" with that I hang up and finish my Ramen and start packing my thing and said bye to Sia, I was about to start my car my phone rang again,

I didn't check the phone "babe I will be there in 10mins"

"take it slow beautiful, I know you want me so bad" with happy tone "who are you?" with confusing face

"you said babe, so it's your babe beautiful" argh looking at my phone, thinking how he got my number "seriously asshole it's you, I thought it's my boyfriend jerk" sarcastically, with that I hang up my phone, I start my car my phone was ringing, it's him again I decided to ignore him. "Jerk, you want me so bad" mocking him, it's ringing again why is this asshole calling me I decided to pick up "what" "did you like the flowers I sent you" "NO" I blocked him I hate him.

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