♡No One

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-if you didn't read that in the voice of Count Olaf, who even are you?
Aha hello, again, and welcome to the dark world that is known as fanfic. Especially dark if you're the kind of reader that stays up until 1.00am+ reading this kind of thing #JoinTheClubFam.
Little insight ( I'll try not to delay your reading/sleep - if you are one of those 1.00am+ readers so I'll make it quick, promise ) - I've already written the entire series. Yep, start to finish... plot to plot. That means no writers blocks and no long gaps in between uploads... wow, I can almost hear your excitement *cough cough*. So feel free to check back here every day or so for the next part!
Insight over, enjoy...
🥀No one

1. A relationship between friends
"She formed close friendships with women"
Synonyms: mutual, close friendship, attachment

I turned the crisp page of my old book, ready to unleash a new adventure within the next chapter. Chapter 11. The one where He takes her by the hand and leads her to a candlelit room, nervously ready to confess his feelings for her. He watches her as she glares curiously around the room, using those moments to create a million theories of the outcome. 'Good or bad?' He thinks, asking himself over and over. He stands there shaking nervously, too little for her to notice, and takes a deep breath as he leans in to lock his soft lips with hers. That was his way of telling her that she was the one. The one that he loved. She accepted the kiss and it lasted for what felt like an eternity to both parties, as she wrapped her hands around his neck and ruffled his hair with her delicate fing-

"Earth to (name)!" Newt almost yelled, waving a hand back and forth around my face and snapping me completely from the contents of the book. I slammed it shut and dived out of the world of fiction and back into the one of reality. Oh how I wish that it was humanly impossible to exit the world and life of a decent book. Sighing, I grabbed my bookmark and slid it down the page before averting my eyes into those of Newt's.

"Sorry... got a little caught up" I smiled as I went to place it back on the table.

We were studying together and the desks of my common room were covered completely in revision guides; Nothing else could be seen underneath. As usual though, I'd managed to pick up a book of more interest and procrastinate putting it back down again. This is something I commonly do when I have a deadlines or upcoming exams. Delay it until the last millisecond and then finally rush, and I mean rush, to do what I could have two weeks ago. It always frustrated me and I'd never fail to lecture myself on the way to the exam hall whilst Newt listened as I blabbed on and on about how I wouldn't be surprised if I failed. This seemed to make Newt amused though and his laughter grew louder the more I shamed my actions. Or, better fitting, lack of them.

"Are you reading muggle fantasies again?" He questioned whilst holding a little smile on his freckled face.

He'd always considered me a 'sucker for muggle stories'. What can I say? Perhaps he's right. I mean, I have easy access to any Magical book at any moment, of course I'm going to want the muggle ones that aren't as easy to find. It almost made me feel unique. Like a girl wearing black in a room full of those wearing white, or an ugly weed in the middle of a beautiful garden of roses.

I watched him, confused as a teasing grin wiped onto his freckled face. Before i could protest, he quickly grabbed the book from my hands and analysed it. I fanatically waved my arms and stood on my tip toes trying to grab it back as he lifted it way above my reach. My shortness was now becoming very noticeable as I struggled to snatch it from his hands. I groaned when he managed to get a full look at the soppy Romance that was now laying directly in the path of his eyesight. Great, I thought, now he gets to tease me for reading romantic books. Romantic Muggle books.

"Be mine', huh? What's it about?"

Having heard his question I instantly knew it'd be best to lie. Well, not exactly lie, just swerve the truth a little bit. After all, I didn't really want him thinking I'd skip revision for a romantic book. No. That'd make me look desperate.

"Well..." I paused.

The story follows a boy and his childhood best friend as they grew together from being young infants. They were inseparable right from the first "hello". I consider it less about their friendship and more about the realisation though. You know, that point when he noticed he wanted a little more. He wanted to erase the 'friend' from 'ship' and much rather turn it into 'relationship'. Only rather than telling her he spent 9 and 3/4 of the entire book hiding it. So in summary there was a lot of emotion building up to the previously described moment where he decided to take the plunge and kiss her. And another summary, I too have a lot in common with the boy of 'Be mine'. In that I have also reached the same point of realisation with my own best friend. So you can imagine telling him the real plot line of the story could act as a small giveaway, even though he's been none the wiser for the past year and a half so he'd probably not catch on to that small detail so easily.

"Be mine is a translation of 'the crisis in the park' in another language" I couldn't think of anything more convincing on the spot, evidently proven "so it's just a park thing. Anyway it's... well it's- I don't know" I mumbled

He looked at me with a cutely curious expression, one that very clearly didn't believe me and could see straight through me. One that also decided not to press because it means he'd get to see me lecture myself having chosen a book over revision in later events.

I sighed as I noticed the hour, 10pm, and that Newt should have left two hours ago. That's one of the many things I love about Newt, though. Disregard-less of the strict Hogwarts 'in dorm time' rules, he'd always managed to sneakily stay up with me. We stayed up a whole night once just talking. About his creatures, my procrastination and tons of other useless things that'd land us in a mental hospital if listened to by the average human or wizard. I remember it very well, curling into a ball with laughter as he imitated an Erumpent, rolling all over the place. And when we woke the next morning, still in each other's company and still surrounded by the pebbles of the outside Earth, we groaned and attempted to tidy ourselves up to get to lessons. That groan was similar to the one I gave him when realising that we'd have to do more tidying up, only this time with a very overly messy common room.

"You stack the revision guides and I'll clear the loose papers" he says, giving me a comforting smile And We did just that. It took us a total of one whole hour but the room had never looked clearer in the aftermath. I triumphantly smiled yet found that exact smile fading the second I heard the intercom ring around the entire of the Hogwarts castle, grabbing both mine and Newts attention.

"I request that a student please come to the headmasters office immediately"

My eyes widened in fear as I heard the name of said student introduced through the intercom...

Only now have I realised how short this is, but don't worry my friend they get longer I promise.
Anyway, who's name do you think it spoke? Hhhmmm.
Damn I feel like someone who's ahead of their friend on a series and is trying their v hardest to just not spill out all of the storyline. #IHaveThePowerWoah
Until my next upload goodbye and goodnight to the 1.00am'ers✌🏼

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now