♡They've Loved

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Welcome to part... what part is this?... 5?
I personally don't like this argh, kinda like a filler chapter - sorry :/
But, on a brighter note, (name) is about to ma-... wait no, you'll have to read ahead - my sincere apologies😂
Ahaa enjoyyy
🥀they've loved

1. A relationship between friends
"She formed close friendships with women"
Synonyms: mutual, close friendship, attachment

My parents weren't too shocked with the reaction that I had graced them with having seen them for the first time since the last school holidays, six months ago... A sigh. Nothing more, nothing less. Let's just say they should have been expecting I wasn't exactly going to be overjoyed to see them after what they had put me through, even though they hadn't the slightest idea of what 'put me through' meant. No. They didn't truly know that they'd torn me from the person that I admire the most and how they had made me feel for doing so. And the warm and welcoming smiles patterned onto their faces perfectly explained that they didn't care to know either.

"Hello honey! Welcome home" my mother cheerily greeted, taking my suitcase before gesturing that I take a step into the entrance of the house. Nothing had changed about it, but then again nothing ever changed about my home. It still wore the hideous striped wallpaper and dark oak floorboards. It still smelt of sweet flowers which were enough to make you sneeze at every given opportunity and it held everything the exact same as when I'd left. In fact, the only thing that was different was myself. You see, when I'd usually return home I'd be overjoyed and excited, something that felt wrong to express now that I was without Newt. And so naturally my parents grew quite curious when I had sighed rather than giggled as they'd obviously expected.

"How are you feeling?" My father chipped in, already assuming that I was feeling below average.

"Ok" I left it at that. I hadn't the energy to speak too much and desired nothing but sleep to take my mind from the days events. Or in more description, to try and forget the agony that Newt held in his eyes as I had left him and the guilt that I had held ever since seeing him in such state. A state caused by me, as I liked to constantly remind myself.

"Listen... your mother and I, we- we truly are sorry we just-" My fathers lies became muted as I blankly walked past them and up the creaky stairs and in the direction of my room. I traced my fingers across the stair rails as I lifted myself up each step, no effort running though my body whatsoever, and felt the dusty surface against my smooth skin. I flicked it through the air and glared as the tiny particles diffused into the air and out of my sight, wishing that I too could do the same.

My foot slammed onto the floor as I had miscalculated how many steps there were, thinking there was one more. I then brought my other foot to the top although this one less aggressively and made my way to my room. My eyes widened in shock as I had noticed a tiny 'welcome home' banner on the front of my wooden door which, may I add, made me cringe a little. I'd usually be thankful for such kind gesture, but If technically thinking I hadn't been 'welcomed home', I had been 'taken away from previous and true home'... Hogwarts. And so I tore it off and folded it into a tiny and worthless block ready to be exposed at a later date. My parents were bound to pick up on my ignorance to what was supposed to be their thoughtful offer, I knew that. And the last thing I had wanted was for the start of any unnecessary drama and so I shouted a little 'thank you' down the hallway, just loud enough to be heard over the conversation of my parents. They paused and the silence between them after having heard me clearly implied that they were happy I had thought of it 'well and kind'.

I'd spent the entirety of the day travelling, my tiredness now catching up to me and so I decided to change into something more comfortable. I opened my drawer, making them yelp as they hadn't been used properly in a matter of months. Inside lied a small pile of early folded night gowns and I carefully picked out a dark purple one. I threw it over my body and automatically felt at more ease. There was just two things missing: Newt and books. Of course the first one of the said things was impossible to have, but the books? Simple. Most of my things were packed and so I had to make do with the one that sat on my shelf: the lost boy. I'd already read it a thousand times and it seemed to get more boring within each page. Perhaps that was only because I had read it many times, as mentioned. What can one more time hurt? I thought, Maybe it'll be better.

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now