♡Come Back

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*jumps down from the top of a rusty old jeep and falls face first onto the pave just to make a grand entrance that isn't too boring for you v lovely people* hello...

...it's me

-I'm sorry, that was disappointing and I'm ashamed in myself. Aside from my rather pointless intro, enjoy
🥀Come back

Newt POV

1. A relationship between friends
"She formed close friendships with women"
Synonyms: mutual, close friendship, attachment

It was another normal day. Another repetitive and normal day. With (name) gone, there was truly no variety to my time at Hogwarts. There was no sneaking up until late at night, meeting quickly and briefly in between lessons or secretly and subtly pranking other students in our spare time... that amongst other things. And the day was no different in that I reminded myself of all of those times, and more whilst I attempted to bare my work. My eyes felt heavy and sleep deprived and my breathing slowed, threatening to drive me into a deep sleep in the middle of the school.

I had just finished in Defence Against The Dark Arts, sighing as I replayed the important parts of the lesson through my mind. We were taught about the three unforgivable curses. Imperio, Crucio and Avarda Kedavra. I had never lived to see or hear of said spells being used. But then again I had never lived to see a pink haired professor until (name) showed me the correct spell. Therefore anything is possible, right? Though I certainly hope I never do have to witness or be the victim to such spell leaving the end of ones wand.

I'm sorry. I don't usually blabber on about my chances of hearing someone violently use unforgivable charms. I don't know what I usually do anymore actually, but it certainly isn't that. I also apologise for how boring I may be coming across as... As I've mentioned, there really is no variety in my life at Hogwarts anymore so I honestly don't have anything interesting to tell you about. Perhaps I should sneak to Hogsmede for the evening and pick up some Butterbeer or something that'll be different to my usual routine... You know, butterbeer always cheered (name) up whenev-

I'm sorry; I am going off of topic and back to (name) again.

So anyway, as I've said, it was a pretty normal day. I woke, participated in classes and then began to head for my common room. Although the glances I got down the hallway on the way there were beyond normal. Don't get me wrong, I am the last person to take interest in what others think of me or how they look at me... but it was different. They seemed to be giving me joyful glances. Not the sympathetic ones that screamed 'I am sorry about your loss' which I had been getting lots of. I even heard a few mumbles from the owners of these glances...

"Is it true? She's back?" One whispered

"Perhaps... we'll see though right? If she's in lessons?" The other replied quietly whilst nervously eying me.

This didn't have any value of significance to me whatsoever, though. A new girl, great. Someone who replaced the one girl that I truly liked. No, scrap that. The one girl that I truly loved. In summary, a reminder of how cold heartedly she was replaced and forgotten by what seemed to be everyone but me.

The mumbling continued but appeared to be getting louder and louder and I froze in place. My eyes frantically glared from face to face as I watched everyone talk of the girl in which was to replace (name). Inside I was screaming from the top of my lungs for it all just to stop, begging for my agony of (name)'s absence to be gone. My screams filled each fragment of my body with layers of oxygen which were threatening to break completely out of my respiratory system. And it left me feeling as if the entire 7 months alone and at deep loss had rolled into one moment... into one thing that a person may commonly identify as a panic attack.

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now