♡Worry My Dear

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Why hello derr, I'm back!
Sorry for the little delay, exams have been eating at my soul and left me wattpadless :(
How are you lil beans todayy? Good? - someone aught to be ;))
So, here's the next chapter *deepest sarcastic voice that is humanly possible* "nooooo"
🥀Worry My Dear

5 months

1. A relationship between friends
"She formed close friendships with women"
Synonyms: mutual, close friendship, attachment

All of the observant of you may have noticed a gap between the months in which I have written. You last read about my third month of leading a Muggle lifestyle, and now you are currently about to read the fifth. Why? Let's just say that the fourth month consisted of a never ending routine of boringness, bitterness and every other negative word of the human dictionary. So, here we skip ahead to a time of more 'action', as a reader such as yourself may consider...

The time where I would begin my route back to Newt, Hogwarts and the normality that I had missed with all of my aching heart.

I thought of my plan as if it were a step to step guide. Step one being the starting point and step a thousand being the ending point. And the steps between them, as I thought, symbolised one of two possible routes.

Number One: Think of this as the 'good' route. Everything goes to plan and whatnot, until you are eventually met with the conclusion in which you always hoped you would.

Number Two: Completely contradictory to the above number. In simple words, failure. You find that one step goes incorrectly, and the conclusion is worst than all of your nightmares combined... basically

Whether my plan took the route of number one or two, you are later to discover...

But for now all that is necessary to know is a single word: thinking. That's what I was doing. About where on Earth my wand had been locked away. Newt always told me that I was smart, and it was at this point that I had 0.5% began to agree with him. You see my parents may have been clever in trying to force away my magic, but they were also rather dumb in the fact that they only hid it. They didn't snap nor break it. Not that I'm complaining. It's just, if they truly wished for my magic to be completely suppressed then they would have taken more action than simply locking it away from a child who was very able when finding things... able enough to realise that they had kept it stashed in an old tin in my fathers dusty old shed. So apparently they were dumb for not breaking my wand and for where they hid it. And yeah, that did make me feel 0.5% more clever when finding out.

I made sure I was very secretive when collecting my wand. I knew that the chances of them checking that it remained in the tin were likely and so I cast a spell to create a fake replica of the same style, weight and length. The only thing it lacked was magic, but they'd never guess. They'd also be none the wiser, it was inevitable. So whilst my fake wand was left exactly as it appeared to my parents beforehand, my actual wand was slid down my sleeve and ready to be taken to my own hiding place. A very good hiding place. Perhaps my parents should have taken some tips from me when concerning hiding areas. Anyway, I had placed it under a floorboard that lived under my rug. As I said, a very good hiding place. I also slid a penny between the cracks of the boards for reassurance. If the penny was missing then someone will have had opened the floorboard, so I thought it best that I'd be aware If that were to have happened.

That was where it stayed as I was unwilling to let my family realise I had found it. In fact, the only time I ever took it from it's hiding spot was when I cast a very specific charm that, as you'll soon discover, was very important. The process of it, however, took well within a few days. Each of said days spent searching for some form of casual looking suitcase. One that was reliable and wouldn't be suspected by anyone. Also one that was not my school backpack, if you were thinking I could have saved a few days by grabbing that instead.

When I eventually found the case of my needs you can imagine how ecstatic I was. I mean, I had spent a matter of days on a mad hunt for a case that didn't require purchase and had finally found exactly what I was looking for. With the special help of Lillia who, without truly knowing why I needed it, gave me one that she had stolen from her grandfather's attic. As stupid as it may sound, I felt as though I owed her my entire life to her for just a worn, old and brown case.

It's latches we're dusty and overused, squealing a pain like moan whenever opened, and it leather had tiny scratches here and there. In all honesty, it looked as though it has lived through the war and decades beforehand too. Or like a drama prop used when portraying a scene of the 1700s by the young and stereotypical bloke with a moustache and a cigarette constantly in hand, who also happened to be flirting with a much more graceful lady outside of a speakeasy. ((Let's pretend this is contextually accurate aha))

I took the case, opened it wide, and stared at it blankly for at least half an hour. I was about to cast an enlargement charm on it and so I wanted to take a good look at it beforehand so I could be sure on how I'd do it. I was always a confident witch and would never prolong the needed time to cast a spell, but you see enlargement was never taught to me whilst I was in Hogwarts. Perhaps it was a topic in which they started when I left, typical huh? I finally took the plunge and did it, waving my wand back and forth until I noticed movement in the case. It was difficult, I'm not going to lie, as I'd suddenly used magic after living without it for a matter of five months. It took a lot of effort that I honestly didn't know was inside of me and managed to make me feel as though Every missing fraction of my body was filled to the point of burst. But nevertheless it was successful and got the job done, even if it did mean my head feeling slightly lightheaded from the sudden reform of my magic.

Whilst I was having a few moments the case, on the other hand, jolted from its current position on the bed and landed on its bottom once more with a loud thud. The handle swayed up afterward producing a sweet and quiet melody for only a witch or wizards ears. It hummed "Open me and you shall see, you're entering a new destiny" before shushing back into normality. Back into a case in which seemed average to the retina that could look no further than the Muggle reality. My eyes widened in shock having just heard a case sing to me. Magic had become rare in my life and so this moment was obviously a bizarre one. Anyway, I sighed and grasped the handle of the case with all of my might. Part of me expected that it would be abnormally heavy and near impossible to carry about, but I tried nonetheless...

It was weightless. Absolutely weightless.

Long story short, I magically produced some crooked steps into the case, created a little hut inside of it (again, using my magic) and sealed it with a lock which was able to switch from an average mode to a muggle worthy one. In the hut I intended to put all of my belongings... my bed, my clothes, my Muggle and magical books... everything. Take a mental note of this, I guarantee you'll find it important sooner or later. Then I hid the case, along with my wand, as I took my next step of the plan...

A big step.

A very big, tragic, life changing, 'oh no what have I done' kind of step. The very one that I was walking right into...
*loud and dramatic music followed by sudden head turn* dayummm...
You rebellious 'imma enlarge a case' teenager. Or toddler. Or adult. Or elder... let's not assume ages here.
I've nothing to say ahhh, I'm too boring for that life
So goodbye I guess ;))

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now