♡Knows The

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Hai everyone! How are you all?
I've been procrastinating all day, as per usual, and I have about a million things that I should have done. Yaaaaaay
Also, does anyone have any good band/song suggestions? I'm on a mad hunt for decent tuness!
Anyways, enjoy part 2! Woop woop
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡🥀Knows The

1. A relationship between friends
"She formed close friendships with women"
Synonyms: mutual, close friendship, attachment

"I request that a student come
To the headmasters office immediately" I paused, listening in. Newt did the same and the two of us were stuck in a 'I daren't move' position whilst glaring at each other cluelessly.

"miss (full name)"

My eyes widened in confusion and cluelessness, a smidge of fear mixed into the combination. I looked up at Newt who was wearing a similar expression. We both knew that no student was ever called to the office unless there was a matter of urgency. Ever. Especially not at 10pm when students were supposed to be asleep. No. That alone technically breaks about fifteen rules set by the professors themselves. Therefore it had to be something utterly important, to say the least. That thought spiralled around my mind as I tried to consider each of my actions, dating back to the beginning of the week, in search for a possible wrong doing in which I'd committed.

"(Name) have you done something? What is it?" Newts voice was at a whisper and consumed with worry. He slowly walked toward me in an almost tip toeing manor as to not stand on a creaky floorboard and disturb any sleeping student in the nearby dorms. It's seems the call made the two of us very conscious of our noise, having not been allowed up at such an 'ungodly' hour.

"No... I mean I don't think so. You know I'd tell you if I'd done anything" It was true, I would have told him. I trusted him with my life and would tell him everything no matter how big or small the situation. Just like I had done on many occasions. Said occasions being such as: the time I mentioned being on my time of the month and in return he brought me a bunch of my favourite sweets, the time I confessed wanting to learn how to slow dance for a ball and so he taught me, the time I told him that I didn't want to take a hard exam so he sat it for me after drinking polyjuice potion. You get the point, there have been many times. So this one wouldn't be any different.

"Do you want me to come with you? You seem pretty nerv- I mean... I want to know you'll be ok and all" His face turned a bright shade of red when he realised how protective he was coming across as. I didn't mind though and actually found it rather cute, the thought making me blush a little.

"No, I should be okay. Besides you're not exactly supposed to be with me right now" I joined in on the whispering. I felt as though releasing any tiny noise would make the professor even more annoyed than he had come across moments ago, disregard-less of the fact that he was situated at the other end of the school.

Newt seemed tense and so I gave him a little reassuring hug and patted his back a few times. I grabbed his Hufflepuff scarf, which was hanging on a clothes rack, and tied it loosely around his neck. My fingers gently grazed his skin, making my entire body shiver. I then picked up his backpack and curled his freckled fingers with my own in a way in which made them wrap around the handle of it. Whilst I had been doing all of this, His Hazel eyes were fixated upon every swift movement i had made. I noticed his gaze but didn't feel uncomfortable as I'd grown used to it over the four years having known him. Yes, Newt had a tendency to watch and analyse my actions. The exact way he would when trying to gain the trust of a creature in Care for Magical Creatures. However I never understood why, having previously mentioned that I already completely trust him with my life so he really has no reason to keep trying. Perhaps it's just something that he finds comfort in...

"Now get out of here Scamander!" I smirked, pecking him on the cheek and gently nudging him toward the exit of the (house) common room.

"Until tomorrow Skittle!" He smiled back using my nickname and giving a slight wave as he always would when leaving my presence.

I watched his shadow disappear into the dark corridors of the castle as I stood nervously. I waited until the sound of his footsteps had distanced before preparing to find the headmaster. My preparation included throwing on my (favourite colour) dressing gown, brushing my (colour and length) hair and sliding on my comfortable slippers. I calculated that this took roughly five minutes, along with a slight delay from a few other things, and then I finally began to make my way.

The school seemed so foreign at night. Don't get me wrong, Newt and I were always roaming the corridors at bedtime and it wasn't the first time I'd ever seen it so lifeless and dark. But without the large sums of rushing students or Newt it felt completely blank. Like I'd been snatched away to a different universe where only I existed. My footsteps echoed the length of the corridors and my feet were highlighted by the shadows beaming through the large windows. I kept my eyes fixed on them until I made it to the tall door that was the headmasters office.

I took a rather large deep breath before knocking...

1 time
2 times
3 times

"Come in"

I have nothing else to say, really. So I'm gonna be stupid and let my predicted bar give you all a goodbye ;)
Here goes:
I am so proud of you and I hope you are happy with this day and life.

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now