♡Hurt You

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Ello, I'm back✌🏼
How are you all?
Read below to see my failed attempts of introducing feels into the plot
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the introduction thingy magicy I mentioned leaving little hints for you all to find... so pay attention to the underlined and the italics - it's not too important but it's cool to know right?
Also - let's imagine Dumbledore is the head of Hogwarts during this time period, my creativity couldn't take me anywhere other than him - but he's probs the best professor to have breathed, right? So I'm forgiven?😂
🥀hurt you

1. A relationship between friends
"She formed close friendships with women"
Synonyms: mutual, close friendship, attachment

"Take a seat (name). Sorry for disturbing your..." He paused, as if he knew what had really happened. Or much rather, lack of what happened. "...sleeping"

I'd done something wrong. That was it. It must be. Or so I thought. I was so clueless as I pulled out a wooden chair and slowly lowered myself onto it. I nervously twiddled with my sweating finger tips and held my gaze on them. I picked the blue polish from my nails, flicking the scraps through the air and watching them as they floated and reached the ground, wishing that I too could just temporarily fly away from the current situation.

"It's quite alright, no harm done Professor Dumbledore" I spoke, still feeling the need to whisper slightly.

There was a pause. A long one. I watched the man ahead of me as he tried to gather the correct words. He looked like he was trying extremely hard to avoid breaking me, If possible. Whatever it was, I knew the news ahead of me wasn't the most pleasant of all. Two things gave that away:
1. He suddenly stopped looking at me in the eye. His own filled with an ache that he seemed so scared to pass on if looking into mine.
2. The silence that he was creating spoke volumes. Whenever I've seen him I have known him as the most approachable and kind person, never really having nothing to say. Even if talking to me, someone who never really enjoys human interaction, he'd always managed to find the right words or conversation starters. But now? It was reversed and more like I'd have to be the one to break the uncomfortable quietness that filled every corner of the large room, top to bottom.


He took a deep breath in an attempt to greet me with the news that was bound to change my life.

"I'm afraid your studies at Hogwarts must come to an end"

I froze. Everything seemed to slow down, like a car would when aggressively hitting the breaks. Or a film portraying a scene in slow motion. My eyes had now completely met those of an upset looking professor as I allowed my hands to effortlessly drop down onto my knees. My whole body felt like a new weight. One filled with pure sadness and confusion and the only way I could possibly adapt to the new weight was by allowing myself to flop, as did my hands.

"What do you mean coming to an end?"

My choice of the word 'end' made me think for a moment. Of Newt. The Hufflepuff that I had shared countless laughs with and who brought me endless amounts of happiness. I silently sobbed when knowing that that very happiness would erase if I'd have to leave my best friend. If I had come to the end with him.

"Oh I'm sorry, I've not been very clear have I?" His lips parted a little, causing a smile. I could clearly see that he was trying his hardest to brighten the mood. "The world has been chaotic recently. What with the Salem Witch Trials and all..."

His words were flying through one ear and out of the other, landing onto the ground with the blue nail polish. I didn't care to even process what he was saying. In fact, the only thing I did care to process was Newt and the memories we had shared throughout our Hogwarts journey.

The time when I was stressing over a ball in which I'd been invited to over the summer holidays. I was expected to go with my parents to a buffet in celebration of my fathers work in muggle politics. He was quite high up in the industry and so I knew I'd have to look and act nothing less that immaculate. I was sheepish at the time and was asking Newt, with the help of a million stutters, if he could teach me to slow dance. I didn't truly have a partner for the ball but knew my parents well enough to know they'd find a way to get me onto the dance floor nonetheless. After I'd finally gained the courage and asked him, He smiled and gently took my hands and placed them on his shoulders, before lowering his own to my waist. He told me to keep my eyes locked onto his feet and to copy his swift movement. I did, stepping onto his toes every so often and causing him to laugh. I eventually got the idea and the two of us danced perfectly to a light melody for hours. We only stopped when we realised the students would be returning from the feast we had skipped that evening.

"And your parents find it risky to have you practising what they consider to be 'threatening' witchcraft..."

The time when we were sat in a serious assembly, both overly bored. The professor was blabbing on about how much he'd been appreciating the dedication of the Quiddich teams. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor. He was slouched on the row to the right of me and kept sending me glances. When I'd noticed his glare, I sent a silly face over to him. He burst into giggles and the head of every student in the room turned to face him. The mumbling of the professor stopped completely, and I can imagine Newt's heart temporarily doing so too as he sheepishly hung his head. His face grew the brightest shade of red that had ever appeared onto his freckled cheeks. I joined in on his laughing when the students had turned their attention back to the assembly which had by then resumed, gaining a few weird looks myself. I didn't care though, that others didn't understand, and loved that it was something only me and him could.

"You know, if you get caught"

The time when I was honoured enough to watch his face turn from expressionless to overjoyed when a Bowtruckle was placed before the two of us in Care for Magical Creatures. We sat next to each other in this lesson ever since our very first class in it a year or so back, the teachers always thought we worked well together. Newt once briefly mentioned wanting to go into Magizoology and I even heard the teacher mumble under his breath the he thought I'd make a great companion as we both shared similar interests concerning all kinds of beasts. Newt had researched Bowtruckle's for months beforehand, reading me his notes and never failing to intrigue me. Yet he'd never seen a real one. His excitement got the best of him as he reached forward into the cage. I remember trying to pull his finger back, thinking the Bowtruckle may nip having not known who he was. He smiled at me then and told me that he was gaining the little creatures trust by placing a tiny bowl of treats inside of the cage. I was immediately stunned at how a simple click of a finger made a bowl appear, my smile never fading and only seeming to grow. To say it was magical would be an understatement.

"What I'm saying is, they wish to take you back home with them. You'll not be returning here, (name)."

The time when I was getting myself all worked up for an exam that I was positive I was going to fail. I was sat beside the (common room) fire place, not bothering to talk much to him as he talked on and on about how he wants to travel the world one day. Don't get me wrong, I loved listening to him, but I really wasn't in the mood. He suddenly froze in his tracks and knelt beside me, asking what's wrong. When I told him that I was fine he suggested that I was lying and that I was bothered by my upcoming exam. I still to this day don't understand how he figured that out. Anyway, he took my hand and led me to his dormitory where it was quiet. Together we then made a polyjuice potion and he promised to drink it and take the exam for me as it was of a topic that he was very talented at. I remember bursting in excitement and pulling him into a hug, thanking him over and over whilst performing a mini dance of happiness.

"I'm ever so sorry, (name)"

The time I realised that all of the stated would become nothing but memories that I would ponder over as I was parted with the only person that I truly and deeply cared for. The end.
What will you do next? Idk, I'm not you lmao. Maybe you're the kind of person who'll buy Dumbledore a banana and monkey to bribe him to letting you stay or you'll just cry in front of him... who knows?😂

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now