♡It is True

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hey, I'm on 2% argh - so I guess this'll be brief heh
How are you all?
This is a longer one with important plot lines ayyee and a Les Mis reference - see if you can find it ;))
🥀It is true

7 months

1. A relationship between friends
"She formed close friendships with women"
Synonyms: mutual, close friendship, attachment

If it is humanly possible to feel as though you were about to walk knowingly into a trap in which will change your entire life and leave you with a constant feeling of emptiness, that was how I felt. And the most stupid part of it was that I was the reason it happened. I was the controller of my own fate. I set that trap for myself. And why? Because I was willing to do everything in my power to see Newt once more.

This was undoubtedly the hardest of each of my steps and it took me a month alone to gather the courage to fulfil it. And in that month, I spent the entirety postponing myself in order to spend my last few weeks with my family. Yes, that's right, the 'very big, tragic, life changing, 'oh no what have I done' kind of step' was the very step in which I was about to carry out.

The Obliviation of every single Muggle I had come into contact with, and my own parents.

My parents' mind was set; they didn't want their daughter associating with any magic whatsoever. And as much as I wish I could change what I had to do to them, I couldn't. I couldn't lead a life pretending and living behind a mask that hid my magic. Magic runs through my veins and living as a Muggle would destroy them... snap them in half. And so, trust me when I say, it had to be done.

I did it on a Friday. I was very busy that day and made sure that I erased all evidence of myself, not just the memory. After all, if my bedroom remained purple with walls covered in posters, they were bound to at least suspect something. Therefore, I removed everything that could trace back to me and placed it inside my case. I did the bed first. Then the wardrobe... and then everything else generally followed. By the time I was done, I felt triumphant in that my case hut looked the identical to what my room once did. 'Once' meaning that I had changed it to a bland room with nothing but a window with some plain curtains hanging down just as it looked when first bought. And if I didn't know any better, I'd say it looked as though it were a guest room.

After Finishing in my room, I made sure to erase myself from every existing photo in the household. It was weird to watch the photos with a million memories turn into one of complete nothingness. A photo of a little me blowing out my fourth birthday candles turned into one of an empty chair at an empty table. And the one of my father taking me on a bike ride changed into a photo of my father riding alone and weaving through the trees... that was it, I was gone. I didn't exist anymore.

I walked downstairs, feeling no emotion inside of me whatsoever. My face showed no expression as I clutched my case in one hand and my wand in another. I tiptoed into the doorway of the living room and stood for a few moments just watching my parents. My mother was intently reading a copy of "Be mine" whilst my father sipping on his warm tea, flinching when the liquid burnt his tongue. I whispered an 'I love you'... my way of showing that I had forgiven them for all of the hurt they had put me through. As much as suppressing my magic and forcing me away from the one person I lived for was truly unimaginably unbearable, they were my parents and I would always forgive them. That's what made the whole act a million times harder. In fact, I convinced myself that I'd have to count down to make it even a little bit easier, deep breaths marching the numbers...





I couldn't bare to watch their faces turn into complete blankness as their knowledge of their child was destroyed. And so I ran as quickly as I could manage. I passed streets without stopping, my lungs filling with cold air and pumping quickly as I lost my breath. My boots aggressively hit the cobbles of the ground as I progressively paced faster and faster. My wand was now hidden in my pocket whilst my case handle was tightly locked in my hand and I had ran so far that my eyes were cloudy from the impact and my breath leaving evident puffs of smoke around my mouth and into the atmosphere.

I eventually stopped at Lillia's house and leant against her wall, regaining my steadiness. I used these moments to analyse her house. The bricks of her home were covered with plants growing alongside the window ledges and all the way up to the rooftop. There were little rose buds spread evenly within each branch, creating a welcoming look. When my breathing eventually became more even and my eyes regained their average sight, I knocked quietly on her door. She swung it open after a long pause, a slight grin plastered onto her face.

"(Name)? What are you doing here? Finally decide to come over after all of your protesting?" She laughed a little as she pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Well... no, actually. I'm afraid I mustn't stay long" I spoke at merely a whisper. She was able to hear though, as she glared at me with confusion "can you do something for me?" I asked her, tears gathering in my eyes at her clueless expression

"Sure? What's ha-"

"Just turn around. Face the door again, as if you're walking back into your house ok? I'll tell you why In a moment ok?" She turned as I had asked, giving me the perfect opportunity to..





The thought of how I had just lost my dear friend and entire family replayed over and over in my mind. That was the first actual time that Newt had left it. One would never guess that so much was happening in my head from my given expression... still blank and full of nothingness. No, they'd never understand. Not the people in which I passed in the street and certainly not the bus driver who busied himself counting the change I had given him

"Ok... hop aboard. It's going to be a bumpy ride" he grinned jokingly as I thanked him and took a seat at the back of the bus.

Much to my relief, there was nobody else on the bus. Just me and solitary company. I was actually glad, because it made my next step easier. Therefore, with ease, I unfolded my museum letter in preparation to make something useful of it.

Take a note of all I'm about to mention, you'll find it has some significance. You see, there was never a school trip to the museum. But instead there was a pen and paper that I had used to create a fake one. It was crucial that I somehow got a copy of my parents signature and that was the only way in which I could think. So, I pulled the letter out and used a quick spell to change the words that I had originally written about a 'natural historical museum evening' and transform them into a 'Education at Hogwarts admission form', signed by my parents... in other words, a way I could get accepted back into Hogwarts without suspicion.

With that step complete, there were only two remaining. Both, in comparison to the previous ones, were quite simple.

Step one-
I stepped off of the bus and into an abandoned looking alleyway. Here I made sure nobody was watching and pulled out my wand. I disapparated from they alley, apparating at the entrance of the Hogwarts castle. I allowed myself to just stand there and take it all in. There were students that I recognised hurrying to classes, all looking older. It'd only been seven months but you'd be surprised how much people can change. When they'd eventually all cleared off and the grounds were empty, I began to walk inside the gates. I had missed this place, my home, with all of my heart. Which was why the second step would feel more rewarding than anything else.

Step two-
I made my way to Dumbledore's office, remembering how nervous I had felt when I had that night seven months ago. I knocked three times, each one getting louder, and waited until the door opened. Rightfully stated, it did. And I took that as my moment to enter, meeting face to face with my headmaster once more

"Good evening Professor Dumbledore, it's been a while"
Ok so I've made it to 1% and I feel like I have only seconds of life left so I guess I'll see you la *phone dies at this very moment of time gbye guys*

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now