♡To you

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Wait wait... hold up... this is the last part? Yes, I know. The titles are finished! Go ahead and read them, they make a sentence if I recall correctly😉
Anyways how are you all? Fallen off your dinosaurs yet as I've taken so long to update? Sorry about that... :(
🥀To You

1. The way in which two or more things are connected, or the state of being connected.
Synonyms: Connection, love, sweethearts, soulmate

"In time it'll get better, I know it will. And until then, until you feel you can tell me what happened, I will be beside you... always"

His words projected in my mind as I sat cross legged and propped against my padded bed head, completely dull faced. Why? You ask. Why are you still in utter sadness after your plan worked and you are finally back with the one person you dreamed to be? Well, you see, as much as my return brought me endless happiness, there seemed to be a shadow in which reminded me of how I'd lost everything.... About how I'd risked everything. And trust me when I say, that is a heavy guilt to hold upon your shoulders. And so it didn't seem a surprise to me that I had managed to struggle a whole two weeks blankly in fear that if I did tell of my experiences then I would, once more, loose everything... loose Newt. Surely he'd think me stupid for risking my entire family, right? And so I simply lived another silent moment ahead of an extremely concerned and unknowing looking Newt.

It had, as mentioned, stayed this way for two weeks. And although my silence clearly wasn't helping Newt, it brought me comfort. Silence could not judge me, nor remind me of what had happened before my return. In fact, it shielded me... kept me in pleasurable comfort. And I was willing to continue hiding behind the silence until I felt strong enough to tell Newt. Little did I know that this would be a further four days.

It was a Thursday, to be precise, just after Care for Magical Creatures. Newt was trying average conversation, something that felt harder with my quiet self, and I stopped walking and stood there. I just stopped blank. Right in the middle of the field. Newt turned to me, confused as ever, and asked what it was that was troubling me. I took deep breaths, now was the time to tell him.

One breath.

Tell him of the thousands of tears spent in solitary company.

Two breaths.

Tell him of the millions of cracks in my life having been so alone.

Three breaths.

Tell him of the unspoken "I love yous"

Four breaths.

"N-newt?" I breathed heavily, eyes clung to the grassy earth beneath my feet "I... I think I'm ready to tell you w-what really happened..."

His face lit up in a comforting manner, obviously relieved that his many unanswered questions would meet their response. Yet this seemed to change to one of confusion as he watched me manically rummage through my shoulder bag in hope to find my tatted red journal. Once triumphantly grabbing said journey, I used my unsteady hand to pass it into his.

"I kept this diary... From day one to now. I trust you to read it. And once you have, meet me in the bell tower, ok?"

He nodded, making his auburn curls fall over his eyes delicately. Using his long fingers he flicked through the many crisp pages whilst his heart raced in thought of the truth that was to be unraveled within each sentence. He hoped that it's contents held the happiness that he wished upon his best friend, yet knew from my silence that 'happiness' was a juxtaposition to what truly happened. His worried and frantic hazel eyes lifted from the journal in hope of finding his closest friend, yet he was greeted with the presence of loneliness. I had walked away, slightly scared of his response, and left his lone figure to do as I had previously asked.

And that he did.


All throughout the day Newt was fixated to the words in which I had written. With each turn of each page, and each beginning of each written day, he found himself captured in the experiences I had lived through. His eyes read at the fastest pace in which they had ever as his brain craved to be fed with more information. And when I say 'all throughout the day', I truly mean it. In between lessons he walked the corridor, head buried into the book as he bumped into passerby's, and he kept it secretly on his lap during lectures and out of the sight of his professors. All whilst I watched and admired him.

You see, we shared most lessons. Therefore his secretive beneath the desk reading was not so secretive to me but much rather obvious and, if I may add, scary. I was still waiting for him to finish the journal, absolutely terrified of his reaction. Would he think me awful for obliviating my own flesh and blood? Would he wedge a gap in our friendship having read my soppy heart spills? Each of these were questions that I held a balance of eagerness and nervousness to hear the answers of. And so I sat in my own little world, watching the male sat a few rows ahead of me as he continued to read. And as for the bell? Well... I've never ran from a classroom quicker.

As planned, I made it to the Bell tower at roughly 8.04pm. My heart honestly felt as though it could escape my chest and my hands grew the clammiest they've ever been as I sat with my feet draping down on the wall. My nerves brought me to a temporary unaware, therefore scaring the life from me as the figure of Newt approached behind me.

"Newton Artemis Fido Scamander, you scared me!" I jumped, whispering firmly.

"You... you did all of that for - for me?" He jumped straight to it, skipping his usual greeting.

"What do you mean?" I was avoiding the obvious, my eyes fixated onto the shadow infested ground.

"The obliviations and the... all of the hurt you suffered just to be here with an idiot such as myself?"

"Newt, please, don't call yourself an idiot!" My voice hushed to a whisper as I continued "besides, I wouldn't love an idiot would I?"

He paused, his face crimson. Slowly, he moved toward me, like he was scared I would back away. His hands were tilted upward in a non threatening manner as he continued to step closer.

"You- you love me?" He spoke the word love as though it was something he'd never thought he'd ever experience. Like it was sacred, precious almost. As though he'd been waiting for such an immense amount of time to hear such word escape ones lips. Or much to my oblivion, my lips.

"W.. well yes..." there was an excruciatingly long pause "Oh Merlin I've ruined everything... I'm sorry Newt, truly I am-"

I was cut from my quick and manic stress the second he took the plunge and brought his gentle lips onto mine. Almost naturally, I rummaged my hands gently through his locks and pulled on them lovingly as he placed his around my waist.

My mind went something along the lines of, I just had my first kiss. My first real kiss. But not just any kiss, one with Newton Scamander! Followed by a complete and utter HAVDJSHWYAUHQQNJJJ and a mental series of fangirling.

"I wondered how long it'd take you (name)" he smirked, his freckled forehead against mine. "But really... you did all of that for me?"

"I realised something... I would risk everyone or everything I love to be with you. Because what I feel for you is so much more than just love"

And with that he brought me into a tight and warm embrace, one that I had craved since my first day gone. One that was the first of the many million hugs that the two of us shared throughout our future together.
Damn it's finished aw, I've enjoyed publishing for you guys... I'll miss it aha :(
But ayye, I might - if I find the time - publish a Newt imagines book. What do you say, should I give it a go?
Thank you all for reading and surviving until the end, I love you all :)
Byeee guysss

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now