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Whatupp? I'm back woop woop ;))
Sorry there was no update yesterday, I was busy until pretty late with school work ugh. Schools the worst aha
Can you guys leave some comments on what you think? I'd appreciate ty ;)
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2 months

1. A relationship between friends
"She formed close friendships with women"
Synonyms: mutual, close friendship, attachment

If you asked me, I would gladly answer that the time I spent daydreaming in class wasn't too noticeable. You know, the times when my mind raced through the memories with Newt Which were now getting harder to replay. However according to my physics teacher, Mr Stocks, I was 'noticeably seeming to care for everything but school and the importance of it', as he'd quoted in the letter sent home to my parents followed by an example. Said example being the time when we were learning more about the solar system, for the five hundredth time...

"(Name)!" Mr Stocks called, staring blankly at my hunched figure sat in a chair at the back of the room covered by the shadow of the partially closed window. He'd just dismissed himself from labelling a model in front of the entire class to call my name aloud and so you can imagine, when I did come to realise, how mortifying it truly was.

All I heard, however, was Newt calling my name as we rode our bikes around the Hogwarts Castle in the holidays that we'd stayed back. His hair flying in the wind and framing his face perfectly whilst I followed behind him, paddling my small legs as quickly as I could.

"(Name)!" He repeated, this time a little louder. The entire class how by then taken it in themselves to glare at me, their expressions looking sympathetic for the telling of in which I was soon to receive. Some were smirking and amused at my distraction whilst others flicked their eyes away from me every so often to avoid causing me any frustration.

All I heard, however, was the sweet sound of Newts laugher as I stood on his toes the first time he'd ever taught me to dance. Rocking back and forth together as we swayed to a soft melody, forgetting about the stress of the upcoming exams completely. Being in his company did always seem to put me at an ease and peace.

"Miss (name)!" This time he sounded more sarcastic than before, evidently growing more impatient as he slowly made his way over to my desk. He noticed that I had no books or pens lying about my table, evidence of my 'effort', and sighed at his new discovery.

All I heard, however, was the slow paced breathing of Newt as he accidentally fell asleep by my side that time by the black lake. I thought about how I'd grown stiff and awkward in trying not to wake him as I got comfortable myself. I knew it'd be no use leaving him or waking him, therefore I joined him in a nap.

"(NAME)!" He'd now stood completely in front of me, throwing a heavy set of books down onto my desk and snapping me completely from my thoughts.

"Y-yes sir" I shyly spoke, feeling the gaze of the entire class dig deep into my skull. It was silent. Very silent. And I was almost confident that my face was painted the deepest shade of red that is humanly possible.

"Tell me... what did I just teach you?"

"U-urm well..." My eyes quickly scanned the chalk board in order for a simple and make do answer "the solar system"

"Well done. You managed to notice what I had written on a board. After that, just now... what did I tell you all about?" He was red faced and cross with my lack of attention to his lesson.

I shuffled nervously as I begged for some form of answer to present itself. I'd never wanted a pencil to just rise up and help me out as much as I had then. Yet thankfully, to my relief, I heard Lillia mumble under her breath...

Newt Scamander//And then you were gone♡Where stories live. Discover now