twenty nine

14 3 4

i was tagged by rosie_lily_mione to do this challenge that she made where if you get tagged you have to choose 3 people that inspired any one (or more) of your books and why. then that person tags 3 more and it keeps going! so mine are for this book, all my other random books, and my actual books;

1) YeastBeast1247 inspired me to write these books bc i liked the idea of being able to write down random stuff

2) BewareTheBatDuck inspired me to keep writing this weird stuff in these books (thanks for commenting ily)

3) rueslegacy inspired me to write my hunger games book bc i loved hers so much

4) extra oops, rosie_lily_mione inspired me to continue writing my joshler tour book bc she liked it and gave it a shoutout (thanks again)

that's it!! now everyone who's tagged can tag 3 more people to keep it going!

random things about my life {book 3}Where stories live. Discover now