seventy five

1 0 0

technically it's the next day bc it's 1:50am but whatever.

i was pretty productive today. i washed my car, did all my laundry, and even made an edit for @/httyhiccstrid ... but i didn't do any of my homework oof
(nO onE cAreS lol)

i've been watching a lot of harry potter edits lately and i wanna read another harmione (hopefully i spelled that right) fanfic. if you know any good ones PM them or comment on here pls

i watched "brain on fire" and let me tell you that is a crazy movie.
oH and i watched "life of pi" in my history class last week (we literally never do work in there) and the ending had me all messed up.

that's pretty much all i had to say ahahah bye✌🏼

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