sixty seven

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the last time i updated this was july 31, 2017 and that was a long time ago wow (it's march 16,2018 now)

i've been really inactive and stuff but i guess i'll just give you a basic update of my life lol (in sections bc i love organization ahahah i'm so sorry you're reading this book)

so like i've been really dizzy the past 6 months (it actually started right when i stopped updating this book hahahah coincidence?) and i've been going to a lot of doctors and trying lots of things to try to make it better but nothing's working. i've also missed A LOT of school but i'm making everything up and i don't think i'll get held back for missed days. anyway, im still dizzy all the time along with other symptoms but we're trying to figure it out.

like i said i've missed a lot of school but i still have all A's cause i do my work and study. let me just rant for a sec- i hate when people don't do their homework and just come into class and ask me if they can copy mine and expect me to say yes. i always feel like i'm a mean person if i say no but it just annoys me so much that they do no work and still get credit for it. i always use excuses like "oh, i don't really know how to do it i just wrote random stuff" and they're like "well can i just see it so that i know what to do?" and iM LIKE NAH DO YOUR OWN WORK but ig it's fine cause they all fail the quizzes and tests and get Cs and Ds in the class. that's all the ranting i have for today on to the next life update

i'm not doing too good in this category. my dad just had ankle surgery so he can't drive and my grandma is not doing well at all )):

on a more cheery note, i've recently gotten obsessed with the how to train your dragon (HTTYD) franchise. i watched the netflix series race to the edge (RTTE) in October and kind of forgot about it until a new season came out and now i'm back into it. i'm currently watching defenders of berk which is like a mini series (and i'm rewatching RTTE lol). if you've never seen any of the httyd movies or tv shows, i suggest you watch them cause they're really good. there's some really good messages and really good ships (hiccstrid ftw) pls comment if you've watched any of them i'd like to have a discussion😂

i also was really into the flash from like end of October to beginning of January. i watched all the seasons on netflix and then paid for the new episodes on itunes so that i could catch up to watching it live. i still like it but it's not as good as it used to be.

as for tøp, they just need to come back. i just miss them so much, i can't wait for new music. i'm pretty inactive on my tøp instagram (@typerjoseph also) cause i don't have anything to post but when they come back i'll start posting again.

idk if i should put this in the fandom section but i changed my alec benjamin account (was alecbenjamin.ily) to a meme account. i don't really know why but i just kinda left the alec fandom whoops. but i like memes a lot and i've always wanted to have a meme account so feel free to follow me on there (@/whotouchamyspaghetti) i post some good memes.

i don't really know what else to write about but ig i'll try to update this book more often. it's kinda like a diary for me, i really like reading my first edition of this from when i was just starting 7th grade. i'm one of those people who likes to look back on what they did in that past. i think it's pretty cool.

anyway, that's it for now. i still read fanfics on this account almost every night so feel free to message me or anything!

-a 💜
(i just looked at the time and i'm laughing because whenever i'd update this book when i was younger, it was always past 1am and nowadays i barely stay up past 11:30pm and for once i'm up late updating this book and it's 1:28am. not weird at all😂)

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