seventy two

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i had to do creative writing for my english class and it had to be about the life of character who wears a certain pair of shoes. there were a few options and i picked dachshund pumps (picture below) 

so yeah i just finished and i though why not post it here, so here it is

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so yeah i just finished and i though why not post it here, so here it is...

(the format's probably a little weird cause i copied it from google docs)

The Lady in the Purple Dachshund Pumps

Everything happened so fast for Clarinda Kadena. She had just graduated law school and at age 27 was living alone in the Big Apple, New York City. Clarinda's family didn't visit often, and she hated being alone, so she had adopted 15 dogs over the past 2 months since her transition to her large apartment. The dogs ranged from Great Danes to small Dachshunds. She didn't like to choose favorites but anyone could tell that her small Dachshund Phoebe was the dog she loved the most. Clarinda always carried the dog to work (her law firm was one of the few that allowed employees to bring small dogs) and was never seen wearing anything but the purple dachshund pumps she so clearly cherished. However, Clarinda wondered if today was just the wrong day to wear her precious shoes. Today was the day she discovered her life would always be in fast forward with no hopes of slowing down.

It was 9:00 am and Clarinda was already at work in her office reading papers and answering phone calls. Phoebe sat beside her on her purple doggie bed, sleeping through her owners constant talking and shuffling papers. Suddenly there was a knock on the office door. The man that stood outside was in a frantic mood, his hands shaking as he awaited the opening of the door. Clarida opened the door, surprised to have a visitor.

"You need to come with me now," said the man.

"Why?" she asked in her strong British accent while eyeing him suspiciously.

"Your dogs are in trouble," the mysterious man replied. He had never spoke to his neighbor Clarinda Kadena but had seen her out walking her dogs. No matter what he knew that he had to get the strange, short lady with long black hair wearing a mid length black skirt and a purple blouse to match her purple dachshund pumps to come outside and see the mayhem that was taking place.

"My dogs are at home?" Clarinda said but it sounded like more of a question rather than a statement. The man shook his head and grabbed her arm (which caused Phoebe to ferociously bark at the man) and dragged her over to the office window.


"At what?"

"Over there, by the bank!" The man pointed to a group of four legged hounds.

"Oh no! How could this have happened?" Clarinda yelled, quickly grabbing Phoebe and running out of the office. The man just stood there, watching her leave.

"You're welcome," he said to the now empty room.

Clarinda was racing through the streets, her purple dachshund pumps slowing her down. By this time, Clarinda was in tears. What's going to happen to my dogs? Clarinda thought. What if I can't catch them all? What about all the cars? She squeezed Phoebe closer to her. Once she reached her apartment she ran up the stairs, not bothering to take the elevator as it would only take longer. Clarinda frantically unlocked the door and set Phoebe down while gathering 14 leashes for the escapees.

Soon enough, Clarida found herself stationed in the middle of a busy intersection, trying to get her American Bulldog Ottis to come to her so she could safely strap him to a leash. However, a car was approaching fast, showing no sign of stopping or slowing down. Clarinda jumped in front of Ottis and began waving her arms, begging the car to stop. Some people noticed this and rushed to the odd lady's aid.

"That's quite strange," someone said from the side of the street.

"Well, what would you do if it was your pet?" answered someone else, clearly sympathizing with the scared dog owner in purple dachshund pumps. The women was a little strange, she'd admit, but very brave for saving her pet.

"Oh. I guess I would probably do the same thing. I can't imagine losing my pet," the stranger replied.

Everyone on the streets turned their attention to the short lady who was now gratefully thanking people as they made a wall around her dog. The car had slowed to a stop and Clarinda snapped on the leash as the wall of people made their way out of the road.

"Thank you so much everyone," Clarinda said. She was still clearly worried and some of the helpful people offered to help her in her search for the rest of her dogs. Clarinda thanked them multiple times and distributed the 13 leashes she had left. She gave the people her address and told them to wait outside her apartment if they caught one of her dogs. The group soon dispersed and Clarinda begin to make her way to her apartment.

When she arrived she was met with the same man that had warned her of her dogs' adventures. In the man's arms was Clarinda's Australian Shepard Cleo.

"Thank you so much Mr...."

"Lafratta, Adam Lafratta," he said, smiling.

Clarinda unlocked her apartment door to find all the rest of her 13 dogs inside. How?  She wondered, a surprised look on her face. Adam seemed to read her mind.

"Apparently both our apartments open with the same key," he said laughing. "Some people showed up with dogs stating that they were told to come to this location and await your arrival. I recognized them as your dogs so I unlocked the door and the people left the dogs inside, I hope that's okay..."

"Of course! Thank you. I don't know what I would've done if something happened to any of them."

Adam set Cleo inside and with a wave he went back into his own apartment next door. Clarinda smiled and went inside to greet her dogs. They all sniffed her purple dachshund pumps, inspecting where she'd been. Maybe my life is in fast forward, she thought, but that's okay.


so yeah that's it lol, pls leave comments

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