eighty eight

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apparently 3 people read my last update so that's pretty cool, shoutout to you.

uhhh idrk what updates i have other than i got the leadership position i've been wanting the past 2 years and my mom and i are planning a trip to go see my boyfriend in texas ((: !!

i took my ap lang exam yesterday and got the stupid helen keller prompt so i laughed a lot and didn't really understand the excerpt but i think i did okay.

i have my ap spanish exam tomorrow which i'm very worried for and i don't think i'll pass bc they changed it and now it's so much harder. but oh well i'll try my best.

my apple music free trial thing just ended so i'm sad but i've been finding a lot of good music on spotify now so that's good. lmk if you'd like any music recommendations, i can make a chapter about it.

hmm what else is new...
well my best friend is super mad at me for traveling to see my boyfriend during this time of corona but idk i just really need to see him and i think it's better to travel now while it's calming down a little bit than to wait until it gets worse again.

i'll just spill more here cause why not and i want to be able to look back on this...
so i met my boyfriend on minecraft actually, but i told everyone we met through instagram because we later found out that he knows my best friend's best internet friend bc they live near each other and that was just an easier was to explain it i guess. anyways i might come clean about it and tell my mom cause i don't think she'll even care that much but i feel bad now for lying and that's such a weird way to meet. maybe minecraft is weirder but i have a lot of friends on there although i've drifted from them bc now i really only talk to him and play.  we've gotten really really close and i love it but it's so crazy to think about how many things had to happen for us to meet and i'm just so happy to have him and now finally get to spend some time with him after 3 months. also we're most likely meeting on our 4 month anniversary so that's super cool ((:

sorry if this is a lot to share! it's mainly for me to look back on but i hope you enjoy reading about my life lol

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