Chapter 1

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I wake up to the buzzing of my cellphone. Shit! It's 6:30! I overslept! Maybe dad had left for work already. Just as I think that, he shouts. "NICOLE GET READY NOW! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" I sigh and throw on white skinny jeans, a black tank top and a long sleeve black and red plaid shirt. I slide my red vans on and run downstairs. "Love you dad! Bye!" I rush to the bus stop and make it just in time. I sit in the back where the guy I like sits across
from me. "Hey ugly." He says. I smile over at him. He then asks me, "What the Fuck you smiling at? You piece of shit." I turn away from him trying not to cry. He gets mad. "Look at me when I'm talking to you bitch!" I ignore him knowing I probably shouldn't. He gets up and slams my head against the window. "I said look at me!" I say, "Fuck you, Isaiah." He slaps me across my face. 'That should teach you to watch that mouth of yours. I hold my face nodding. You may wonder why I like him though he bullies me. Well he wasn't always like this.

*Flashback to summer before school started back*

It was a sunny afternoon in June. We were hanging out in my back yard. My dad was on a business trip. Isaiah looks over at me and asks, 'What do you see?" I tell him, "I see a turtle. What do you see?" He says to me, "I see a heart." I shake my head not finding the heart shaped cloud. I ask him to show me and he places my hand on his heart. Just as I look over at him, he kisses me. He kissed me! Oh my god! He took my first kiss! I sit up looking at him. He gets a text from his mom saying to come home. He tells me, "I love you Nicole. See you later." I smile and tell him okay. Little did I know his dad had passed away. He was shot defending our country. Also it would be my first and last kiss. Isaiah never came back that day, nor did he answer any of my calls or texts. A month goes by and school starts back. I see him at his locker and walk up to him. "Hey, Isaiah." He says, "Go away, Nicole." I follow him asking why, only to be pushed down. "Leave me alone and I mean it." He tells me. Lost and confused, I'm not sure what I did. Sure he lost his dad, but I only had my dad. You see my mom left my dad when I was younger and she remarried. Her new husband didn't like nor want children so I was to live with my dad and wasn't welcomed at her new house. I felt unloved and grew up tough. My dad would leave me with the neighbors from time to time to go on trips that I couldn't attend. It made me feel as if I had no one. So when he started bullying me, it didn't phase me much. Although I would still think back to summer. Rumor has it he's hooked up with Louise, the school slut. She started hanging around him a lot as school started, so maybe it's true. As I come out of third period class, I walk into the cafeteria, only to be hit in the chest with a burrito. In front of me stood Isaiah and a laughing Louise. I run to the bathroom to clean myself up. Gisela, my best friend, more like younger sister to me walks in and helps me. "You know you should really tell your dad or someone about him doing this to you. I don't like it and the only reason I haven't done anything about it, is because I promised I wouldn't." She tells me. I sigh and hug her. "I will but not yet. I'm not ready G." Gisela hugs me back and we go to next class.

*End of flashback. Present Day*

"Nicole are you going to prom this year? You didn't last year and I was lonely!" Gisela asks me. I sigh. "What's the point G? I won't have a date and I'm not sure my dad would approve." She smiles. "What if I get him to say yes? Will you go then? Besides it's not like I'm going to have a date neither. We can go together!" I laugh at her and say, 'Yeah sure, if you can get dad to say yes, I'll go with you. Only if Omar doesn't ask you first." She blushes and hides her face. "He doesn't even know I exist." I then ask her, "Oh really? Well why is he staring at you then?" She uncovers her eyes and sees no one. "Nicole you're an asshole!" I smile. "You love me." She smiles and says, "I do love you, sis." Just as the last bell rings, Omar comes running out of class and bumps into Gisela. Knocking her books out of her hands. He helps her pick them up. "Hey, beautiful. Sorry about that." He tells her. She blushes slightly and stutters. "T...thanks Omar." He smiles. "You're Gisela aren't you?" She nods. He then says, "Nice to officially meet you." He grabs his Chemistry book and walks over to Scott whispering something while glancing back at G and I. Scott smiles til Omar says something else. He then blushes and Omar nudges him then walks off. Scott walks over to us. "Hey, girls." We say, "Hi" at the same time. He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. I ask him what's up and he says it's nothing. Just some things on his mind. I tell him, "Well you know you can always talk to me about it." He blushes but I don't catch it instead Gisela does. He gives me a hug bye and leaves.

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