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*Seven years later/ Scott's POV*

"Zendaya! You play nice with Hunter. Remember he's smaller than you." I say. "Yes daddy." She tells me. I watch them play in the back yard. I had a playground built. Nicole got real sick a couple years after we found out about her dad's will. He left everything to her and directions to find her sisters and take care of them. He had written the final copy ten years before he died. She wrote her own, leaving me her share with our daughter, when she first got sick. She ended up getting Liver Cancer and fought as long as she could. She managed to have surgery, but unfortunately it came back and won the next round. Zendaya was five when she lost her mother. It's been a rough two years without her but we're managing. Zendaya is like her in so many ways. She is incredibly shy around people she doesn't know. She's sweet and very smart for her age. The other day, she came to me and told me her name and address, then recited her alphabet. She knows all of her colors and can count to thirty without any help. I'm one proud father. Daniel walks over to me and says, "Hey man, it's been two years. Do you ever think about getting back out there and start dating again?" I shake my head. "No. I don't. Nicole was my everything. She took my heart with her. I may never love again and I'm honestly okay with that. I have you three and Omar in my life and my daughter to raise. That's enough for me right now." He nods and tells me, "Your mom would be proud of the man you have grown up to be. Nicole is probably smiling down on you. I'm sure she would want you to move on and try to be happy but if you can't, I understand. You really loved your wife and I bet if I had been in your shoes, I would do the same. You're a good man bro." "Thank You Daniel. That means a lot to me." I tell him. He smiles then meets Gisela at the car with a crying, Hunter. He's almost five and loves his older cousin. He calls her Day Day. When Nicole was still alive he would refer to her as Tia. He always wanted her. When he came over, he would always run and crawl up in her lap to watch cartoons. Nicole was going to have our second child, but they both lost the battle. I think of how everything was when my wife was still alive. Zendaya runs up to me. "Daddy, after I eat and take a bath, can you tell me another story about mommy?" She asks me. I nod. "Yes baby girl, I can. Let's go inside and eat." She skips in the house and sits at the table awaiting her bowl of spaghetti. "Daddy was my mamma pretty?" She asks me. I smile and tell her, "She was the prettiest girl, I've ever seen, then we had you." She giggles and asks if she can see a picture of her. I grab the picture of us at prom and show her. "Awwww! She looked so pretty! And I love her dress! Daddy, can I have a pretty dress like that?" She asks me and I shake my head. "Not until you're older darling." I explain to her. She pouts then runs off singing, "My mamma was pretty, My mamma was pretty, My mamma was the prettiest." I smile as I run her bath water. After she's done, I tuck her in bed, telling her a story about her mother and I, in our teen years. Just as she closes her eyes, I whisper, "Daddy's Little Girl."

Author's Note: Well that's the end of the story. Don't be shy to leave a comment letting me know what you thought. Thank all of you whom read my story :')

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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