Chapter 14

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*Gisela POV*

"She's having nightmares of them kidnapping her. I'm really worried about my sister. They can't have her! She's ours to keep! So what if we've only been best friends for two years. So what if we just found out we're sisters. So what if we've only been living with each other for a little over a week. So what! So what! SO WHAT!" I shout. "It's not enough time for me to have her taken away like this. There's got to be something we can do!" Daniel sighs and wraps his arms around me. "I know you're hurt and scared but we're all going to get through this. I'm here for you both and so is Scott. He loves that girl more than I thought he could love someone. Hell I believe he loves her her more than he loved his mother, while she was still alive. Him, Omar and I were best friends. I had a closer bond with her than he did, but they did have a bond. You know, sometimes it was a love or hate relationship that they shared. As you know, him and Omar live with Omar's dad, because Scott's dad ran off and left their mom when he was five. That's why he can relate so much to Nicole. I honestly believe they are meant to be. You know like soul mates?" I smile and tell him, "I think they are too as well as us. I love you Daniel and I'm glad you finally had the courage to talk to me about your feelings." He kisses me and says, "I feel the same way beautiful. I'm really lucky to have you in my life and be able to call you mine. You are the best girlfriend a guy could have. Thank you for being you." I blush and hide my face in his shirt. He chuckles. "You're absolutely adorable when you do this. I love you with all that I am. I'm going to go pick on Nicole, if that's alright with you?" He asks me. I say, "Of course it is. I know you mean no harm of my sister. Sometimes I wonder if you're her brother." He laughs. "Well babe, I already see her as a sister in law. Due to us being together and how serious I am about you. Scott is serious about her Gisela, like really serious. I caught him in Kay's Jewelry store in the mall. I'm sure he was looking at rings. I'm not sure if it was promise rings or engagement ones but he was definitely in there. I questioned him about it and he only blushed and walked off." I smile. "That's cute. Maybe it was engagement rings. To me it's never to soon to ask if you're sure That's what you want. Sometimes you just know. If he asks her, they'll have my full support. Dad loves Scott So, I'm sure he'll have his blessing as well. Maybe I can ask dad about it, but why were you in Kay's?" Daniel smiles and pulls out a black box with a charm bracelet in it. "For you my princess." He tells me, as he puts it on my arm. We then walk into the kitchen after sharing a kiss, where Scott, Nicole, Raylin and dad were. Mom went to work early this morning. Raylin squeals when she notices babe. "DANIEL! Will you watch Mulan with me?!" He nods and says, "Sure kiddo." She smiles up at him and runs to the family room. I give dad a hug and ask, "Do you think it's safe to go on a shopping trip? I want to look at dresses for graduation and I'm tired of being stuck in the house. I'm sure Nicole will be alright. We'll take Scott with us. Please dad!" I beg him. He nods. "I'm sure y'all will be okay to go look at dresses, but you three call me if anything shall happen or even seem suspicious. I mean it." "Yes daddy." Nicole says then grabs Scott's hand. I kiss Daniel goodbye and briefly explain what we're doing. We take my car and head to the smaller mall in town. No one really goes there, so we shall be okay. I feel it's the safest choice. Scott is to give us his opinion of the ones we try on. I come out in a white two piece lacey one first and he shakes his head, No. Several dresses later he finally says, "I think Daniel would like that one best for you." I smile and thank him. "No problem sis." He says back. I nearly cry. He called me sis! I can't believe it. Maybe he is actually thinking of proposing to Nicole. I go to sit beside him, since it's her turn. Scott and I both agree the first three weren't for her but the last dress she comes out in is perfect. We pay for the dresses and head to the shoe store for new heels. Nicole says, "I'm not sure but that guy to the left, by the center plant seems to be watching us. I seen him before we walked into the dress boutique." Scott glares at the guy earning a smirk from him. I look closer and gasp. "Um we have to go right now!" Nicole asks me why and I tell her to look at the guy a bit closer as we walk pass him. She bites her lip and says, "Call dad and call him now!" He answers on the first ring. "What is it Gisela?!" He asks. I whisper into the phone, "I'm not sure completely but there's a guy here, that has been watching us. He looks like the guy Nicole has been describing from her nightmares." He sighs then says, "Get home now! You two aren't going to the mall again unless I'm with you!" "But dad! Nicole hasn't found the shoes she wants for her dress, for our ceremony." He speaks up a little louder. "Get home now! I will personally go and get her some, but I need y'all home safely and unharmed." "Okay dad." I say before hanging up. I tell Scott and sis, we have to go and Nicole pouts. "But I haven't gotten my shoes and that guy is gone." I look around and sure enough he is no where in sight. I tell her, "That's even more reason for us to leave now. We don't know where he went and if he's got back up or is armed. He might be the guy that is after you and if he is, we need to get out of here." She shakes her head at me. "No G. It's the mall. He isn't going to cause a scene. If it is him, he will wait until I go to the restroom or am alone. In which I'm not right now, So we're good." She says. Scott hugs her and tells her I'm right and that we need to get home. I nod, agreeing. "Dad said to get home anyways. Something about he's got you covered on shoes, So lets go." She nods and walks off holding Scott's hand. I sneak a picture of them. I couldn't help it, they're cute. I know she's gotten pictures of Daniel and I. Because she had a collage of us four as her lock screen. One of the pics, were him and I having a staring contest and when I won, I stuck my tongue out at him. As we're walking back to my car, I get an uneasy feeling. In my windshield was a note. Nicole shakes her head getting into the car tearing up. Scott comforts her in the backseat while I decide to read it. It says:

You looked pretty today and cute with your little boyfriend and sister. I see you decided to not take your car. To bad good things have to come to an end. You will be with your rightful owner soon. Don't hold your breath.

What they actual fuck?! D?! Why is it signed with a D now and not a J?! I get in my car and gas on it, while Nicole explains the signed letter situation of what dad told her, but i'm still confused. As soon as we make it back, I run inside to dad. "This was left in my windshield when we were leaving." He crumbles it up and slams his fist down on the counter. "Damnit!" He says. I look at him puzzled and he shakes his head, telling me that they're both here. "Both?!" I ask. He sighs. "Yes daughter, Both. John is the main one after Nicole. David is just his assistant and messenger."

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