Chapter 3

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"Scott likes your friend Nicole a lot actually! He never shuts up about her. The boy even dreams about her." Omar tells Gisela. She smiles. "I knew it! I seen him blush while talking to her the other day. She's just to blind to see it right now." He laughs. "Yeah. He's a virgin so some of his dreams catch me by surprise." Gisela shakes her head. "He's still a virgin?! So is Nicole!" He smirks and says, "I want to set them up. They would be cute together." She agrees. "I'm in! If it'll get my best friend laid eventually then let's do it!" She blushes, realizing the last bit of what she said. "So tell me beautiful, are you still a virgin?" He asks her. She says, "Nah dude. Tell me what you dream about." He looks her in the eyes. "You baby girl." She blushes deeply. "Tha..." Before she could finish her thanks he kisses her. She slowly kisses back and then her phone buzzes. "Oh shit! It's almost 9!" He says, "Fuuuck! I can't have Nicole mad or she won't agree to a double date. Lets go!" He grabs her hand and walks out, leaving a five dollar tip. Before dropping her off with two minutes to waste, he asks her, "Gisela, I know we don't know each other very well and only have been on one date, but will you be my girlfriend?" She nods and kisses his cheek before getting out the car. He drives home with a smile on his face. Gisela's phone rings not even a minute after she walks through the door. "Hey Nicole. I just walked in." She answers. I then say, "Welp shit dude. Spill the beans! What happened?!" Gisela says, "If you stop talking for a minute I'll tell you man.  He took me to a nice restaurant. While I was in the restroom he ordered me steak and a loaded baked potato. I was impressed bro." I say, "Continue dude! She laughs a little. Well we talked a little about ourselves then about his friend in school. Then we um sorta kissed and as he dropped me off, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes!" I yell, "YAAAY!" "KEEP IT DOWN NICOLE! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" My dad yells too. I then yell back, "BUT DAD G FINALLY HAS A BOYFRIEND!" Two minutes later, he's at my bedroom door. "What did you just say?!" He asks me. "I said Gisela, now has a boyfriend as of an hour ago." I tell him. He holds his hand out. "Let me talk to her." I hand him the phone and he tells her to invite him to dinner tomorrow night. G tells dad, "Yes sir. I'll text him right now." He tells her then, "I love you Gisela. Goodnight and sweet dreams." She tells him the same and he gives me back my phone, then tells me, "Good night darling. I love you princess." I smile and hug him before he leaves my room. Just as I get ready for bed I get a text from G saying that Omar agreed to dinner but he's bringing Scott with him. Also that Tomorrow is Hero and Villian Day and she can't wait to see my outfit! Xoxo. Etc. I text her back, "Girl same! Xoxo." I go to sleep and wake up to the same routine every morning. Isaiah doesn't bother me until I was headed to Trigonometry. He walks up to me with Louise by his side. Just as I think he's going to say it do something the bitch decides speaks up instead, "So Nicole. Do you have a date for prom yet?" I tell her no and she laughs. "Of course not. Look at you. You're hideous!" She smiles as Isaiah says, "You've got that right babe." I think to myself, Babe? Babe as in together babe? They're kidding me right. I shake my head at them then walk to my seat. I sit there picturing all the things they could both do to me, if they work together. I start to silently cry, so I put my head down. The teacher luckily let us have a free day, so I slept. Isaiah slightly pushes me smiling. "You know I'm just picking on you right? I meant it when I told you that day, I loved you. I only bully you because I'm scared of these feelings." I giggle and he kisses me then I wake up. "Oh shit!" I whisper yell, to myself. I tell G about the dream I had, at lunch and she laughs. "I don't think that's true or going to happen. What about the dream you had about Scott a few days ago?" I blush instantly causing her to smile. "Shut up G! It's nothing really." She bumps my shoulder. "You suuuuuure?!" I hide my face. "G noooo!" I tell her. She says, "Oh just admit it already! You know you like your other best friend. Remember that time I was sick and I got you sick too? He took care of you! He even missed school with you and y'all bonded with pizza and video games." I stop her. "Sooo! We're friends. That's what friends do!" She says, "You low-key want him to be more than a friend. By the way you're going on a double date with Omar, Scott and I. We're going to have a picnic at night but at a closed amusement park." I nod and she says, "Really?! That fast, you agree to it? But yet you only see him as a friend. Liiiiies!" After lunch, we're dismissed to go home. Gisela comes over so we can get ready for the dinner with the guys and dad. I tell her, "Girl you looked hot in your Batman outfit today." She says in response, "Boo, you slayed that Superman look though." She straightens her hair while I wear mine wavy/straight. We do a red lip and natural make up. I pick out a red strapless shirt and high waist shorts with my white lace up sandals. Gisela however, wears a black jumpsuit with red pumps. Dad is wearing all black. I assume to look scary or some shit. Just as G and I finish our looks, the door bell rings. Dad opens it to find Omar almost matching him. He was wearing a white shirt, black pants, white shoes with a black jacket. Then standing next to him was Scott wearing a white shirt, red skinnys with a white belt and white shoes. He welcomes them in, just as we're walking down the stairs. Omar smiles at G. "Hey beautiful." She says back, "Hey love. Dad this is my boyfriend Omar." They shake hands, while Scott is frozen with eyes glued on me. I blush and look down before looking back up and give him a small wave. He then blushes too and waves back. Omar escorts Gisela to the kitchen. Dad then takes the meat casserole out the oven, setting it on the table. After plates are made, we sit down. Girls across from guys except dad sits at the head of the table. While eating, about ten minutes in, Dad speaks up. "So tell me Omar was it? What are you intentions with my other daughter? How old are you and where are you from?" Gisela and I both look at him. "Daaad!" We say together. Omar smiles and tells us, "It's okay girls. Yessir, Omar it is. I'm from Puerto Rico. I'm eighteen and my intentions are pure. I like your daughter a lot sir. I could see me with her for a very long time." Dad smiles. "Glad to hear that and who are you son?" He asks Scott. "I'm Scott. I'm seventeen and Omar's younger brother. Same mom different dads." Dad says, "Ah, I see. Do you know my daughters?" Gisela smirks and says, "He knows Nicole!" Scott blushes and I elbow her in the side. Dad looks at me and asks, "Is that right Nic?" "Yes dad. Gisela is my best friend but so is Scott." I tell him. He then says, "Hmm. Why haven't I met him before now?" I sigh. "You were gone a lot on trips when we first met." "SO YOU'VE HAD HIM IN THE HOUSE WHILE I WAS AWAY?!" He shouts. I however, calmly respond with, "Yes daddy. We hung out a couple of times while you were away. I was sick." "So you were playing doctor?!" He asks me. That's does it. I get fed up and yell back at him, "I'M STILL A VIRGIN DAD!" He sighs in relief. Scott looks over at my father and says, "I'm still a virgin myself, sir." Dad busts out laughing. "At seventeen? I had been with five girls and one guy by that age." Omar spits his drink out a little bit. Oh my God. Scott then says, "Yes sir at seventeen. I'm saving myself for the right girl. I shall give her all of me." Dad excuses himself from his chair and pats him on the back. "I'm proud of you son. Hold onto that." He then leaves to his office. Omar holds Gisela around her waist as he kisses her. Scott on the other hand, hugs me and whispers in my ear, "You looked beautiful tonight and I love that we matched." Gisela sneaks a picture of us. Dad then walks back into the room. "Get out! Girls go to Nicole's room now! Gisela I'll call your mother. You're staying over."

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