Chapter 5

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*Nicole's POV*

I wake up feeling warm and safe. I then notice I'm curled up to Scott in only my bra and panties. I instantly blush and wake him up. He smiles at me. "Good morning beautiful." I say, "Hi. Did we um you know?" He blushes. "No. I didn't even touch you in any inappropriate way." Gisela and Omar however did have sex. He tossed me a condom just in case but I threw it away. "Why didn't you keep it?" I ask him. He bites his lip and says, "Because you weren't ready." "Me?" I question him. He nods. "Yes you Nic. I like you a lot and might even love you already. Will you give me a chance and let me be your boyfriend?" I place his hand on my boob over my heart, causing him to bite his lip harder. "Scott you're the only one it slows down and races for at the same time. You do something to me, that I can't begin to explain. I thought I liked someone else for awhile, but they only caused me pain. The more you and I talked and hung out, the more those feelings faded and the ones for you grew deeper. Because I like you too." He smiles. "May I kiss you now?" I nod as he cups my face and kisses me softly. We pull away to find a smiling Gisela and Omar taking pictures. G says, "Finally! My God it took you long enough!" We both blush and hang out for awhile longer before heading back into town. Dad had called and said he would be home soon to talk to Gisela and I about something important. I'm worried of what it could be. He takes these trips and comes back with a lot of money which results in me and G going on a shopping spree. I have never attended one but as far as I know, my mother has once. I spoke to her yesterday. She wants to hang out, just me and her but I'm not sure, if I'm going to. I told her I'd think about it, but it's more than likely going to be a No. I can't stand to see her face. She really disgusts me. Gisela thinks the same of her after I told her what happened. It's never easy for a five year old to see her mother walk away with another man and never come back for her. She didn't even stay in contact. She called on my sixteenth birthday, after eleven years, I didn't feel the need to call her mom and still don't. She is simply Blanche to me. As the boys drop G and I off, dad welcomes us in a big hug. We sit on one sofa as he sits across us on the other. "Girls before we talk, I need you to have an open mind. Can you do that for me?" He asks us. Gisela nods and I say, "Yes daddy we can. Can I tell you something first though? Promise not to flip out." He sighs. "That bad Nicole?" I nod and Gisela's eyes go wide. She turns to face me and asks me, "You sure you're ready?" I tell her, "Yes. I think so. Dad. I take a deep breath and continue to say, Dad, I've been bullied almost every other day this year by Isaiah and Louise, the school slut. She's slept with half the football team and a couple of the basket ball team as well. That is the real reason behind why I asked you if I could drop out half way through." He lets a tear fall. I look at Gisela and she looks at me worried before he says, "I'm going to kill that little bastard and bitch!" He lets another tear fall. Oh God, this isn't good at all. He's going to rage. He looks at me. "Is that where that big ass bruise on your back came from?!" I bite my lip and slowly nod. He stands up. "I'll be back." I start crying and run to my room. Gisela comes in and rubs my back. "You did the right thing. What ever happens to that fucker, he deserves." I choke on my tears. "B...but G. What if he...he really does kill him? I've never seen him cry except when mom hurt me. This isn't good at all." Just as I say that we hear the front door slam. I cry even harder. "What...what if he goes to prison?" A half an hour later, he comes back more calm. He knocks on my bedroom door asking, "Girls are you decent?" G answers for us both. "Yeah dad we are." He walks in and sits in my corner chair.  "I know you're wondering if I killed him. The answer is no, I did not. However he is on his way to the hospital. Before you say anything, know that I didn't do it. As I pulled up to his house, I seen him getting his ass kicked badly in his front yard." "By who?!" I cut him off. He smiles a little. "Your friend Scott." I cover my face to hide the blush that was coming about. G coughs and says, "Dad Scott is now her boyfriend." He smiles even bigger and says, "Good. I knew I liked that kid from the moment he told me he was still a virgin. I like him even more now. I approve." I uncover my face. "Really?! You mean it daddy?" I ask him. He nods then tells us, "Now girls, I have your late birthday surprises down stairs, however that serious talk needs to happen right now. Okay. So I want to know first, what you y'all think of living together?" We look at each other and both agree it would be easier and great. He says, "Good that settles it. Gisela, the room next to Nicole's is now yours. I'll have a truck sent to your house for yours, your sister and mother's things." G jumps up in excitement. "THEY'RE COMING TOO?!" She squeals. He nods. "Before you ask anymore questions, I've got some exposing myself, to do. You see Nicole's mother wasn't the only one who had infidelity in our marriage. That's why when she left it only affected Nicole, which hurt me truly. The reason why I would always look at you Gisela and walk off is because you remind me so much of your mother. I'm the one who named you." She says, "Wait what?!" He smiles and continues, "You and Raylin are my daughters as well as Nicole. You're sisters. After your mom told me she was pregnant a few months after Nicole was born, I bought her the house you grew up in. We were still two towns away til two years ago, and you met." Gisela asks, "And Raylin? How did that happen?" He chuckles. "Well one night I had to leave Nicole with a neighbor for a few days, to go on a business trip and your mom and I met up while you were at school to talk about you and Nicole meeting one day. One thing led to another and you know the rest." I ask him, "Well why didn't we meet then or before two years ago?" He sighs. "I was closer to business and wasn't ready to come back to this town. Not only that, she didn't tell me about Raylin until she turned eight. That's why we moved back." We look at him then each other then tackle him in a big hug, after squeezing each other to death. "See I told you, you were my little sister." I tell her. She says, "Yeah yeah. You were right. Scott was too though. He always suspected it and Omar has asked me if we weren't sure we were related. I always told him no that we were just really close but this is amazing! Wait a minute. Dad you said we have late birthday surprises. What are we still sitting here for?! Let's go see!" We walk downstairs to find nothing. "Dad is this a joke?" I ask him. He says, "Your gifts are black since you both love it so much." We look at him puzzled as he continues to say, "And besides that, they're to big for inside." We rush to the window to see a Black Charger and a Black Camaro in the driveway. We squeal and run to our new rides. Gisela gets in the charger shouting, "HOLY SHIT! THANKS DAD!" I on the other hand, am speechless. He gives us the keys and tells us to go for a test drive, and we do exactly that.

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