Chapter 16

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*Time skip. Night before graduation*

Tonight Gisela and I have a double date with Daniel and Scott. We''re in her room getting ready with the help of her mom. I've decided on a white and nude dress, while G decided on black. Mom straightens my hair while I curl G's. She of course is doing her makeup during that time. I'm nervous. I'm not sure why but I am. Scott had told me he has a surprise for me tonight, but I have no clue what it is. I think G knows something. She won't tell me anything though. I had asked her about it after getting dressed. All she did was shake her head; smiling at me. Mom interrupts my chain of thought and says, "Relax Nicole. Everything is going to be okay. Your sister will be there with you." I smile at her. "Thanks mom. You're right, I should relax a bit. It's just I'm not fond of surprises and I haven't gotten a note in almost a week. I'm sure they haven't given up. I just don't want anything bad to happen at dinner." She hugs me and says back, "It won't baby girl, it won't." I nod as I hug her back. The door bell rings and it's time to go. I link arms with G and head downstairs. There in the living room; talking with our dad was our boyfriends, in matching black tuxedos. They smile at us, in which we greatly return. After we give our parents a hug, we leave. They drive us to El Mexico, one of my favorites. We have small chit chat, while waiting for our food. I glance over at Daniel and G staring at each other as if they were the only ones in the room. Babe and I look at each other and exchange smiles. He then hands me a card that says:

You are everything I've ever wanted in a girlfriend or have prayed to God for. I thank him everyday for someone like you. You light up not just my life but my world as well and make it worth living. Baby you are truly a blessing. Would you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?

As a tear falls down my face, I look to my left and see Scott down on one knee holding a diamond ring. I cover my mouth slowly but surely nodding my head yes. He slides the ring on my finger then kisses me. Everyone around us starts clapping. "Thank you." I say blushing. Gisela gives me a side hug telling me, "Congratulations sis! I'm happy for you." I decide to then ask her, "You knew this whole time didn't you?" She nods. "Yes, I'm guilty of that. One day you were in your room asleep when Scott came over.  I overheard him asking dad for his blessing. Dad had told him, that he would be honored to have him as a son in law and gave him his full support. They didn't know I knew about it though. I snuck away before either of them noticed I was ever there." Daniel speaks up, "And of course, I knew about it. I drove him to the mall to buy the ring and to your house to ask for the blessing. Omar was to busy drinking with his dad." I nod. "Thank you so for coming into my life and giving it meaning. You are all very special to me and I wouldn't trade y'all for anything in the world. No matter what happens, I want you three to know, I love you all." Daniel and G say they love me too and babe just kisses me in response. After dinner, they take us dancing at a teen bar in town. While Scott and I was dancing, I bumped into Louise. She smiles at me and says, "Thank you Nicole." I ask for what and she tells me, "For the video, you sent me before prom. It really opened my eyes. I know, I'm known at school as a slut, but I've slowed down a lot. Isaiah really hurt me with Ashley. I thought she was my friend. You know, Chicks before dicks, but I guess it wasn't that way for her. I also knew he had a thing for you and was just using me, but I actually had love for him. I've literally been with only two guys since we broke up." I smile at her. "That's good. You're welcome. I did it to hurt you like you did me but at the same time, I was just looking out for you." I tell her, honest. "Thanks again Nicole and I'm sorry for everything, I ever said or done to you. I guess I just wanted his attention so bad, I lost my way." With that she goes back to dancing, with the guy she's with. After about two hours later, the guys take us home for the night. We decided to sit up in my room watching tv and talking about our date. I just can't believe I'm engaged and graduating tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading this far. 💙

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